Marcus Lattimore the poet

Jeremiah Bullfrog

New member
Feb 1, 2022
Is this the same guy who played football here? FWIW, I've always thought spoken word stuff was idiotic.

How else would poetry be read? I mean I hear a voice in my head when I read anything but this is the voice of the author so all the subtleties are included and there is no guess work.
Plays are read aloud on stage or in front of camera. Are those idiotic as well?
It’s called life…’s tough…..wear a helmet.

I’m a beloved football star, people love me and look out for me, I am famous and school is paid for. Rough stuff.

I bet he never paid for a meal while here. He had a nasty injury that could have happened anywhere at any time. That part makes me sad for him.

Any issues he has probably go deeper than his time here. If he hated football he could have quit at any moment
Just because he played football here is isn't entitled to have feelings about it or to convey his own personal experiences about it.

After years of conditioning by parents, coaches, peers, etc that he is a football player first and foremst, how was he supposed to have any other identity at 19 years old, 20 years old, etc.

This thread shows exactly why he left Columbia.
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Joined Nov 30, 1998
Jan 23, 2022
Victimhood sells though.
I would say it attracts. It attracts people who don't want to assume responsibility for their own lives. It's the lazy way out. Which makes this even more surprising coming from someone that worked as hard as he did for things he really wanted.
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Well-known member
Mar 25, 2022
Lattimore is my favorite Gamecock. He left it on the battlefield for my entertainment and I’m grateful. He can do what he wants.


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2022
Oh, I believe he's expressing his true feelings. But feelings can be flawed.
If you look at life primarily by your emotional reaction to events, your outlook will be flawed. There must be a rational aspect called reasoning that the mind is capable of, that primarily molds one's outlook. Otherwise, you might just go around blaming groups of people for real or imagined actions and not take personal responsibility.

Maybe he did not divorce himself from the expectations of others soon enough. Regardless, I will still pull for him to figure life out and be a success in whatever he does that is constructive.
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Well-known member
Jul 13, 2022
I don't know if anyone is forced to play football. Pressured, maybe. It's really no different any other skill set in life that is considered valuable. Not unique to football. Football just happens to pay a heck of a lot more if you can make a career out of it. Not sure how being recognized for having a skill is so terrible.

I think Jadeveon really didn't love football. He just happened to the best player on the field in high school and often in college. His lack of passion kind of came to the surface in the NFL.

But it's not like athletic kids are rounded up and sent to football camps and forced to play football. As best I know, at any level, players are free to quit whenever they want.
In hindsight, I am now glad I was not a fast enough runner to have been a good football player. It is just not worth the damage it can do to a person's body. It is the older men who live vicariously through younger men's physical struggles that might need help with analysis. Maybe I fit in that group.

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