My sad tale of banishment from the old board...I've been cancelled...

Oct 12, 2021
Doubt it. If anyone is worthy of being "canceled," it's this freak:

Louis CK kicks off his comeback tour at Madison Square Garden and jokes about 9/11, COVID and pedophiles - but does NOT mention his own masturbation sex scandal​

Well, at least he isn't stealing @BobPSU92 's material. That's decent of him.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
Doubt it. If anyone is worthy of being "canceled," it's this freak:

Louis CK kicks off his comeback tour at Madison Square Garden and jokes about 9/11, COVID and pedophiles - but does NOT mention his own masturbation sex scandal​

That's his standup. Standup doesn't work for me (I am deaf), never has. Jerry Seinfeld, I was never able to appreciate his standup when I watched it with closed captioning, and I really enjoyed his sitcom. It's the same with CK.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
Fun thread.

Jerry is a bad man. Very bad.



Well-known member
Oct 21, 2021
This is mindboggling. I toggle between the sports and politics boards over there...and totally by mistake posted a political thread on the sports board on Saturday evening.

For some reason it was not taken down for 24 hours...during which time there was a vigorous -- and funny -- back and forth...with lots of abuse heaped on me for making the mistake.

Finally the post got removed, and I received a "warning" from moderator Richard in the Rivals mail to the effect that I was NOT banned but was being "warned" because of the post in question.

First time ever in years of posting that I got a "warning" for a post...and the reason was nothing abusive or threatening but because I mistakenly put a political thread on a sports board.

OK, I get that, though I was surprised...because a "warning" in such circumstances seems excessive, given the stuff they allow there, the fact there was no objectionable content in the mistaken post, and the fact they let it stand for an entire day.

So I responded privately to the e-mail warning along these lines, and this is pretty close to the exact quote: "Understood. It was an honest mistake. I'll try not to let it happen again. But it was a funny thread. And I hate like hell to lose the 'likes'...;) "

A few hours later, I tried to get to the board only to learn that I was suddenly "banned." My apparent crime: a private joking e-mail with the new Rutgers lord of the board. Evidently he took it as disrespect to his royal personage. Then again, he's a Rutgers guy, and most of them have an inferiority complex...Rutgers Al excepted.

I mean, seriously, Tom ticked me off on occasion by deleting this or that post, but this is beyond belief.

Oh well, I hope you guys will have me over here. My handle was Jerry on the old board, and hopefully you'll recall that I was a generally respectful and intelligent poster...though not averse to mixing it up on occasion. But in the times we live in, that's not enough to prevent a person from being cancelled.
I'm surprised that anyone associated with Rutgers would be permitted to run a Penn State board, based on their slanderous abuse of Penn Staters during the Sandusky stuff.


Well-known member
Oct 7, 2021
I decided to take a closer look at dick. Degrees from middlesex community college and rutgres.



Well-known member
Oct 25, 2021
This is mindboggling. I toggle between the sports and politics boards over there...and totally by mistake posted a political thread on the sports board on Saturday evening.

For some reason it was not taken down for 24 hours...during which time there was a vigorous -- and funny -- back and forth...with lots of abuse heaped on me for making the mistake.

Finally the post got removed, and I received a "warning" from moderator Richard in the Rivals mail to the effect that I was NOT banned but was being "warned" because of the post in question.

First time ever in years of posting that I got a "warning" for a post...and the reason was nothing abusive or threatening but because I mistakenly put a political thread on a sports board.

OK, I get that, though I was surprised...because a "warning" in such circumstances seems excessive, given the stuff they allow there, the fact there was no objectionable content in the mistaken post, and the fact they let it stand for an entire day.

So I responded privately to the e-mail warning along these lines, and this is pretty close to the exact quote: "Understood. It was an honest mistake. I'll try not to let it happen again. But it was a funny thread. And I hate like hell to lose the 'likes'...;) "

A few hours later, I tried to get to the board only to learn that I was suddenly "banned." My apparent crime: a private joking e-mail with the new Rutgers lord of the board. Evidently he took it as disrespect to his royal personage. Then again, he's a Rutgers guy, and most of them have an inferiority complex...Rutgers Al excepted.

I mean, seriously, Tom ticked me off on occasion by deleting this or that post, but this is beyond belief.

Oh well, I hope you guys will have me over here. My handle was Jerry on the old board, and hopefully you'll recall that I was a generally respectful and intelligent poster...though not averse to mixing it up on occasion. But in the times we live in, that's not enough to prevent a person from being cancelled.
Thoughts and prayers.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2021
How does that a

How does that happen? A Rutgers guy running a Penn State recruiting site.
LOL. Non-PSU grads teach at PSU, coach at PSU, recruit at PSU, and lead the administration of PSU. I'm sure a non-PSU grad can handle running a Rutgers and PSU recruiting info site at the same time.
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Oct 25, 2021
This is mindboggling. I toggle between the sports and politics boards over there...and totally by mistake posted a political thread on the sports board on Saturday evening.

For some reason it was not taken down for 24 hours...during which time there was a vigorous -- and funny -- back and forth...with lots of abuse heaped on me for making the mistake.

Finally the post got removed, and I received a "warning" from moderator Richard in the Rivals mail to the effect that I was NOT banned but was being "warned" because of the post in question.

First time ever in years of posting that I got a "warning" for a post...and the reason was nothing abusive or threatening but because I mistakenly put a political thread on a sports board.

OK, I get that, though I was surprised...because a "warning" in such circumstances seems excessive, given the stuff they allow there, the fact there was no objectionable content in the mistaken post, and the fact they let it stand for an entire day.

So I responded privately to the e-mail warning along these lines, and this is pretty close to the exact quote: "Understood. It was an honest mistake. I'll try not to let it happen again. But it was a funny thread. And I hate like hell to lose the 'likes'...;) "

A few hours later, I tried to get to the board only to learn that I was suddenly "banned." My apparent crime: a private joking e-mail with the new Rutgers lord of the board. Evidently he took it as disrespect to his royal personage. Then again, he's a Rutgers guy, and most of them have an inferiority complex...Rutgers Al excepted.

I mean, seriously, Tom ticked me off on occasion by deleting this or that post, but this is beyond belief.

Oh well, I hope you guys will have me over here. My handle was Jerry on the old board, and hopefully you'll recall that I was a generally respectful and intelligent poster...though not averse to mixing it up on occasion. But in the times we live in, that's not enough to prevent a person from being cancelled.
I hope these boards are not that important to you, for your sake.


New member
Oct 17, 2021
This is mindboggling. I toggle between the sports and politics boards over there...and totally by mistake posted a political thread on the sports board on Saturday evening.

For some reason it was not taken down for 24 hours...during which time there was a vigorous -- and funny -- back and forth...with lots of abuse heaped on me for making the mistake.

Finally the post got removed, and I received a "warning" from moderator Richard in the Rivals mail to the effect that I was NOT banned but was being "warned" because of the post in question.

First time ever in years of posting that I got a "warning" for a post...and the reason was nothing abusive or threatening but because I mistakenly put a political thread on a sports board.

OK, I get that, though I was surprised...because a "warning" in such circumstances seems excessive, given the stuff they allow there, the fact there was no objectionable content in the mistaken post, and the fact they let it stand for an entire day.

So I responded privately to the e-mail warning along these lines, and this is pretty close to the exact quote: "Understood. It was an honest mistake. I'll try not to let it happen again. But it was a funny thread. And I hate like hell to lose the 'likes'...;) "

A few hours later, I tried to get to the board only to learn that I was suddenly "banned." My apparent crime: a private joking e-mail with the new Rutgers lord of the board. Evidently he took it as disrespect to his royal personage. Then again, he's a Rutgers guy, and most of them have an inferiority complex...Rutgers Al excepted.

I mean, seriously, Tom ticked me off on occasion by deleting this or that post, but this is beyond belief.

Oh well, I hope you guys will have me over here. My handle was Jerry on the old board, and hopefully you'll recall that I was a generally respectful and intelligent poster...though not averse to mixing it up on occasion. But in the times we live in, that's not enough to prevent a person from being cancelled.
This is now you:
  1. a man who has been castrated, especially (in the past) one employed to guard the women's living areas at an oriental court.
    • an ineffectual person.
      "a nation of political eunuchs"


New member
Oct 12, 2021
Look, I have no reason to doubt your version of events, but the first thing you you should have done was edit the subject line to say “Mods please delete.” To not have done that was disrespectful to the other posters. It’s not enough to have fessed up to your mistake downthread. Not editing the subject line kept the thread going; that’s how it works.

This is what bugs me: we got a spate of new posters here when one of the mods on the old board got caught condoning some “Ped State” posts on the Rutgers board. You’re here not because of this, but because you have no other place to go. You could have simply said that you’re here now, let’s rumble, but that was too simple for you. You’re making this big hue and cry about how unfair and silly Ryan has been by banning you, but you have nothing to say about another mod winking and giggling at the “Ped State” stuff. That leaves me cold.

Welcome. Hope you enjoy your time here on the McAndrew Board.

Jim, the mods didn't need my invitation to delete. The subject line was obviously political and could have been deleted at any time by those with authority to do so, which I don't have.

As it was, I copped to my mistake, offered an apology, and did not engage any further on the political angle. If that's not enough, too bad. The "other posters" did a pretty good "disrespecting" themselves.

Re the Rutgers board...simple...I don't go there and didn't see the posts in question. I mean, seriously, why would anyone go to the freakin' Rutgers board?

As for having no place to go, I've got 26 grandkids now. That gives me plenty of places to go. This stuff is a meaningless sideshow.
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Well-known member
Oct 7, 2021
Re the Rutgers board...simple...I don't go there and didn't see the posts in question. I mean, seriously, why would anyone go to the freakin' Rutgers board?
The same reason you go to the Test Board. To fight with others that have different opinions than you.
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Meat Lab

Well-known member
Oct 25, 2021
Jim, the mods didn't need my invitation to delete. The subject line was obviously political and could have been deleted at any time by those with authority to do so, which I don't have.

As it was, I copped to my mistake, offered an apology, and did not engage any further on the political angle. If that's not enough, too bad. The "other posters" did a pretty good "disrespecting" themselves.

Re the Rutgers board...simple...I don't go there and didn't see the posts in question. I mean, seriously, why would anyone go to the freakin' Rutgers board?

As for having no place to go, I've got 26 grandkids now. That gives me plenty of places to go. This stuff is a meaningless sideshow.

Jerry, Jerry, Jerry. Per your own words……

"Understood. It was an honest mistake. I'll try not to let it happen again. But it was a funny thread. And I hate like hell to lose the 'likes'...;) "

If you were serious about being contrite, you would have stopped after “I”ll try not to let it happen again”.

Seriously, you need to take the back roads and stay off the highway when traveling to Scranton.

massimoManca II

Active member
Oct 12, 2021
The only *******, clever or otherwise, in this equation is the one who cancelled me NOT for a post -- read the freakin' OP, lamebrain -- but for a lighthearted and totally harmless private-message response, as described in the OP, to the private-message "warning" that he sent me.

I posted the story here: A) to vent; and B) to let people know as a pubic service that the new head mod over there has revealed himself to be a jerkwad.

Re the post in question, yes, I know it had no business being put on that board. Duh. There was never any question about that. It was posted there by mistake...even as a few weeks ago I mistakenly posted a football item on the politics board. There was nothing malicious about it in either case.

Now to those whose response is to sneer, there may be some things in the universe I care less about than your opinion...give me a minute...tick-tock, tick-tock...well no, after intense reflection it turns out there is nothing in the universe I care less about than your opinion.

Anyway, boys, Christmas is coming. The world continues to turn. And sadly there will be many more and worse injustices done in it this week than poor Jerry's message-board cancellation, which, as bkmnittany noted above, may be a blessing in disguise. Funny how many blessings come that way.
were it really a “mistake” (yeah, sure) , one would merely delete the post...

alas, you need the titillation

willing to wager you’re one of those eyeroll-inducing serial meme-sharers on FB (or Parler 🤣😂) .... studies indicate that those guys always think they’re a real hoot and are likely to own a tie with piano keys


New member
Oct 12, 2021
Go over to the test board sometime. You will find posters that live on the site. 14-15 hours a day....seriously they are deranged. It's like the test board is the most important part of their lives, truly sick.

Between reading posts and writing responses, I probably spent on average 90 minutes a day there. But two days into my cancellation, I honestly don't miss either board. I sure as hell am not going to gin myself up another handle to get around the ban.

On the Test Board, I found the most interesting exchanges and occasional differences of opinion on politics, religion and culture to be with people on "my side."

The stuff with people on the other end of the spectrum had long since gotten tiresome, circular, and repetitive...yet was also reflective of the current reality of our country where we've given up attempts at reason or persuasion and have instead taken to pasting labels on each other even as those in positions of authority now simply cancel viewpoints with which they disagree.

But there were some intelligent and good people there, and I wish them all well...whatever their politics. If I had known that I was going to be summarily and suddenly cancelled, I would have first written a farewell speech for the ages... ;)
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Well-known member
Oct 25, 2021
Between reading posts and writing responses, I probably spent on average 90 minutes a day there. But two days into my cancellation, I honestly don't miss either board. I sure as hell am not going to gin myself up another handle to get around the ban.

On the Test Board, I found the most interesting exchanges and occasional differences of opinion on politics, religion and culture to be with people on "my side."

The stuff with people on the other end of the spectrum had long since gotten tiresome, circular, and repetitive...yet was also reflective of the current reality of our country where we've given up attempts at reason or persuasion and have instead taken to pasting labels on each other even as those in positions of authority now simply cancel viewpoints with which they disagree.

But there were some intelligent and good people there, and I wish them all well...whatever their politics. If I had known that I was going to be summarily and suddenly cancelled, I would have first written a farewell speech for the ages... ;)
Only an hour and a half a day arguing? You have another chance, write a farewell speech to this board.


Well-known member
Oct 21, 2021
LOL. Non-PSU grads teach at PSU, coach at PSU, recruit at PSU, and lead the administration of PSU. I'm sure a non-PSU grad can handle running a Rutgers and PSU recruiting info site at the same time.
You missed my point totally. You must have a short memory. Rutgers people were brutal towards Penn Staters during the Sandusky stuff.
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BW Lion

Well-known member
Oct 14, 2021
Between reading posts and writing responses, I probably spent on average 90 minutes a day there. But two days into my cancellation, I honestly don't miss either board. I sure as hell am not going to gin myself up another handle to get around the ban.

On the Test Board, I found the most interesting exchanges and occasional differences of opinion on politics, religion and culture to be with people on "my side."

The stuff with people on the other end of the spectrum had long since gotten tiresome, circular, and repetitive...yet was also reflective of the current reality of our country where we've given up attempts at reason or persuasion and have instead taken to pasting labels on each other even as those in positions of authority now simply cancel viewpoints with which they disagree.

But there were some intelligent and good people there, and I wish them all well...whatever their politics. If I had known that I was going to be summarily and suddenly cancelled, I would have first written a farewell speech for the ages... ;)
Sweet Black Jeebzus!! Get over yourself already.

There are probably used tampons with more masculinity than what you’re exhibiting in this thread.


Well-known member
Oct 7, 2021
Between reading posts and writing responses, I probably spent on average 90 minutes a day there. But two days into my cancellation, I honestly don't miss either board. I sure as hell am not going to gin myself up another handle to get around the ban.

On the Test Board, I found the most interesting exchanges and occasional differences of opinion on politics, religion and culture to be with people on "my side."

The stuff with people on the other end of the spectrum had long since gotten tiresome, circular, and repetitive...yet was also reflective of the current reality of our country where we've given up attempts at reason or persuasion and have instead taken to pasting labels on each other even as those in positions of authority now simply cancel viewpoints with which they disagree.

But there were some intelligent and good people there, and I wish them all well...whatever their politics. If I had known that I was going to be summarily and suddenly cancelled, I would have first written a farewell speech for the ages... ;)
Pro tip:

Start another Yahoo Mail or Gmail account make a new account and log back in with a different user name back on the test board site. It's time to go home.

Salma Hayek Please GIF
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