I don’t feel like I have enough of the story to form an opinion quite yet, but I’ll admit that I’m not completely against Kiffin based on what I’ve seen so far. Reading between the lines, it sure sounds like this player completely ghosted the team, didn’t even bother to answer multiple requests to at least have a conversation with Kiffin, and he’s been “coached” to just play the mental health card when he finally decided that it was time to come crawling back.
Now, I’m not saying that the kid wasn’t dealing with legit stress and/or mental health issues, but there’s a right way and a wrong way to handle those things, and it sounds like there were clear reasons that Kiffin was pissed.
I tend to feel like you do, however, having seen people go through mental breaks, I've learned that I can't expect someone in the middle of a mental crisis to handle it in the "right" way. What you refer to as "ghosted" may have simply been a symptom of a mental health break.
When I was in engineering school, working on my masters in a group of three for a class project, one of my project team members went AWOL. After a few days, my professor called me and the other team member into his office and told us that the missing guy was at home and had experienced a "nervous breakdown", and may, or may not return. This project was 50% of our grade. The 3rd guy was out until about two weeks left in the semester, returned, learned what we had done on the project, contributed to the final presentation and stood with us as we presented our project.
I feel like the way the Engineering school handled that was impressive, particularly given that this was almost 30 years ago. I am thankful that I don't understand what it feels like to deal with mental illness, but I'm always aware that people dealing with mental illness may not have the ability in the moment to behave "right" or "rational".
Again, no idea what the story (beyond the brief article) is on this particular incident, but at a minimum Lane has to learn to sound better on the topic; worst case, the football program needs to take wholistic health as seriously as they take physical health. Unfortunately, as we see with progress, it often takes a higher profile player who really impacts the bottom line, to get enough attention for change to occur.