For the record, I am on the side of doing things differently. I think we do need to take a different approach than most of the other teams around us given our obvious limitations. Does this mean we embrace limitations? Of course not. It just means we have to be realistic about who and where we are in the current landscape of college football. It also does not mean we do not keep trying to reduce or eliminate the limitations. I have said I hate the pay for play of the NIL, but my feelings do not matter. That is the current landscape. The way to get better fast is to open up your wallets.
Have to do both. Right now, we have no plan except just donate more. Keenum has no plan (for athletics), Salmon has no plan, Lebby has no plan. Well, I take that back - we have a plan, it's just simple. Keenum wants to mimic Ole Miss, Salmon wants us to donate more, and Lebby wants to muh showtime. That's not a good enough plan.
Keenum really doesn't need to make the plan for athletics, but we need to have an AD with a strategic focus, and Keenum needs to be on the same page as him. We need a blueprint for football, especially for NIL, because we can't ignore it. We can just hire the best coaches possible in baseball and basketball (hopefully with some sort of minor strategic plan there too), and roll. Can't do it in football.
We need to narrow things down to the type of coaches we want, year in and year out. A specific, defined football mission statement, therefore, the decisions we make are easy. We need to prioritize position groups with NIL, etc. And one thing that goes against what many think.....I actually think we need to lead with defense.