OT: 3rd Annual SC Cannabis Supporters Capitol Rally!

DJ Gamecock

New member
Feb 12, 2022
Hey they didn`t make Reefer Madness for no reason!

The USC Chapter of NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws), an official USC student organization, had a free showing of the movie "Reefer Madness" in the Russell House Ballroom before our benefit concert featuring a couple SC bands. Keith Stroup, a lawyer & head of NORML National gave a great speech and answered questions for us. Very inspiring! I believe it was back in 1978. We helped SC pass a weak medical bill in 1980. We were the 3rd state to pass it back then. Other states improved their bills. 45 years later & SC has done NADA! Not ONE patient was ever helped by that 1980 MMJ bill because it was WAY too restrictive. SC does NOT want another overly-restrictive medical bill again!
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DJ Gamecock

New member
Feb 12, 2022
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Third Annual South Carolina Cannabis Supporters Capitol Rally

(COLUMBIA) Advocates for the reform of South Carolina's woefully outdated cannabis
laws will come together again on the South Carolina Statehouse steps in Columbia, SC
for the 3rd Annual South Carolina Cannabis Supporters Capitol Rally on January 31st.

Organized by the South Carolina Cannabis Coalition, the 2025 rally will run for 420
minutes (7 hours!) to bring awareness to the many medical benefits of cannabis and
show support for both the decriminalization & legalization of cannabis in our state.

Featured speakers at this event will be South Carolina's youngest State Senator
(by nearly 5 years) Deon Tedder, who plans to refile his Senate Bill 892 (S892),
which would not allow the smell of marijuana alone to be used as probable cause for
a law enforcement officer to search someone's vehicle after they are pulled over.
South Carolina House of Representatives member JA Moore will discuss reform as well.

DJ Gamecock plans to start up the cannabis-themed 420 music at EXACTLY 9 AM EST!
(Permit start time) While setting up our tent & audio gear supplied by DJ Josh,
(representing NORML - the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws)
we will do a cool demonstration of the Altec-Lansing ROCKBOX XL Bluetooth Speaker.

DJ Gamecock's "420 Minute 420 Playlist of 420 Music" (now released worldwide on
Spotify) begins at EXACTLY 10 AM EST. The first 420 music track this year will be
"Homegrown" by the singer, songwriter and guitarist Neil Young off his 1978 album
"American Stars and Bars". This is important because all of the best state medical
cannabis programs let patients grow up to 12 cannabis plants. SC patients MUST be
allowed to grow a few plants at home to ease their pain and help heal their body!

Attendees are encouraged to bring their own portable Bluetooth speakers to this
420 event. WHY? Spotify, the globally popular music app, has a new JAM Feature to
let you jam with our 420 playlist to play on both DJ Josh's powerful audio system
and your portable Bluetooth speaker at the SAME TIME! The more speakers people
bring, the louder the music gets! DJ Gamecock said "This will be our first time to
use Spotify's new Jam feature too. It'll be fun to see how adding more Bluetooth
speakers from attendees works out." We may give out a prize to the loudest speaker.

At High Noon, we will begin introducing our speakers. With exceptions for only
South Carolina State Senator Deon Tedder and SC House of Representatives member JA
Moore, we asked all the other speakers to please keep their speech within 5 minutes.

At EXACTLY 4:20 PM, we'll all march around the inner sidewalk of the South Carolina
Statehouse (with all our portable Bluetooth speakers playing our 420 playlist) to
protest the ill-advised (illegal?) raids and unwise arrests at SC vape stores and
smoke shops for selling cannabis products made Federally LEGAL by the 2018 U.S. Farm
Bill. Some states passed laws to ban Delta 8 THC or Delta 10 THC found in cannabis.
Outdated SC laws specifically ban ONLY cannabis containing Delta 9 THC above 0.3%.

At Approximately 4:40 PM, we'll attempt to gather everyone together for a big group
photo on the North Capitol steps. At approximately 4:50 PM or just before the rally
ends, we will ask everyone there to hold up protest signs like "HONK FOR LEGAL WEED
IN SC!" to show to cars in the 5 O'clock traffic jam in front of the SC Statehouse.

NORML of SC also did this once at the busy intersection of King & Calhoun Streets in
downtown Charleston and it made the local TV news. (NOTE: If any TV crew wants to
capture video of cannabis supporters with signs making cars in traffic honk like
crazy, we will help you get that shot for your newscast SAFELY! Just let us know.)

South Carolina is still one of only 9 states that have NOT decriminalized cannabis
or legalized it for medical purposes. Let's work together to help fix that! Nobody
in SC should be arrested for simple possession of marijuana. It's now LEGAL in NC*!
On Friday 1/31/25, we hope to have THE Largest Pro-Cannabis SC Crowd EVER assembled!

ALL advocates are invited! Be at the Capitol on Friday January 31st and be a part
of HISTORY! Help out by spreading the word about this event! Please go visit our
Facebook Event page to say you are either GOING or INTERESTED! (Thanks in advance!)

Be part of the movement, meet like-minded individuals and enjoy an exciting day with
cannabis-themed 420 music, guest speakers and informative sessions. Don't miss us
on the (North) Capitol steps of the South Carolina Statehouse to celebrate growing
support for cannabis in South Carolina! So, be there or Be SQUARE! Will be WILD!

* = Recreational cannabis is legally for sale to adults 21+ in Cherokee, NC on the
Eastern Cherokee Indian Reservation. The State of NC decriminalized weed in 1977.

NOTE: SC Capitol Police will be patrolling in Golf Carts, so this is *NOT* an event
to light up anything Legal OR Illegal! SCCC does NOT want anyone getting arrested!


South Carolina is now wasting over $100 MILLION annually (ACLU data) enforcing old
outdated SC cannabis laws originally based on Jim Crow racism. Instead, SC could be
saving that money and begin earning windfall legal cannabis excise taxes estimated
at over $100 MILLION annually. Do the math. That's over $1 BILLION saved & earned
in only 5 years to finally fix South Carolina's Worst in USA public schools & roads.

To date, 24 legal cannabis states have collected over $20 BILLION in LEGAL cannabis
taxes. And that total does not include any state revenue from medical cannabis or
extra taxes gained by the thousands of new high-paying jobs created after any state
ends cannabis prohibition. Approved patients shouldn't pay taxes on their medicine.

Few people know this, but South Carolina passed a very weak medical marijuana bill
called the "South Carolina Controlled Substances Therapeutic Research Act of 1980"
(S350). It was signed into law by Democratic Governor Richard W. Riley on February
28, 1980. It was so restrictive, not ONE patient was ever helped by it! Patients
in South Carolina DON'T want a new overly-restrictive bill to replace the 1980 bill.

After 10 years of trying unsuccessfully to pass another (outdated) very restrictive
SC medical cannabis bill, SC would be wise to consider what state leaders in Kansas
recently said. They agreed it would be easier (& smarter) to skip starting a state
medical cannabis program and just legalize cannabis for adults age 21 & up instead
to earn taxes and help patients sooner. People there just drive to a legal state.

SC law enforcement should concentrate on VIOLENT crime with victims, not waste time
and taxpayer funds raiding SC stores based on a non-binding, unsupported OPINION by
South Carolina's prohibitionist State Attorney General Alan Wilson. Wilson is well
known for saying "Marijuana is the most dangerous drug in America" in the middle of
an ongoing deadly opioid (& Fentanyl) overdose crisis killing 100,000 people in the
USA annually. Cannabis was a primary ingredient in numerous medicines before being
banned by the Federal government in 1937. Nobody has died from overdosing on weed.

Unlike some states, SC law does NOT mention Delta 8 THC, Delta 10 THC or any other
cannabinoids found in cannabis. Wilson left it up to each of the 46 County Sheriffs
to decide whether or not to enforce his lame opinion as if it was a Binding RULING!

While other legal and medical cannabis states allow patients to freely share their
cannabis medicine, the latest SC Medical bill still has excessively harsh penalties.
In addition to violators losing their right to be an approved SC medical patient for
LIFE, SC Senator Tom Davis' bill also calls for excessive 5-Year FELONY &/or $5,000
Fine for "Diversion" (sharing, intentional or not). Why put ANY non-violent and
otherwise law-abiding SC residents in jail for something now legal to a majority of
Americans? The cost to house a SC prisoner has now risen to over $40,000 annually!

Rhode Island Dork

Active member
Nov 21, 2024
Dude, we are learning (some reluctantly) about an Amazing NATURAL Cure for numerous serious diseases - especially CANCER! "I you make the case"? Sounds like you've been drinking. NO! It's a PLANT created by GOD! It's been a medicine for THOUSANDS of years! Go educate yourself!
This guy here loves to smoke dope!

DJ Gamecock

New member
Feb 12, 2022
No devil’s lettuce for me. Thank you.

That is the beauty of using cannabis legalization to finally fix our public schools and roads. If you don't partake, you get to enjoy all the benefits without paying one dime in extra taxes! What's not to like about that? Right now, SC citizens are putting up with the USA's WORST public roads and schools, just so we can keep wasting $100M annually enforcing outdated weed laws (originally based on Jim Crow 1.0 Racism)? Jailing people (at over $40K annual cost each to taxpayers?) for something now LEGAL to a majority of Americans? Why keep jailing cannabis users instead of SC fixing roads and schools? Other states have proven how well legalization works to improve roads and schools. Most SC leaders will ignore that.

North Carolina passed Decriminalization for simple possession of small amounts way back in 1977. SC is still jailing people for having one joint! :(

DJ Gamecock

New member
Feb 12, 2022
This guy here loves to smoke dope!

Prohibitionists think legalization is all about people just getting high. WRONG!

What I do LOVE doing is Saving LIVES! We get contacted by very ill patients plus friends and family of seriously ill patients (usually Stage 4 Cancer) regularly. We do NOT supply them with anything, but we can steer them in the right direction. I was thanked by a woman who had Cervical Cancer with a Tumor the Size of a COKE CAN down there! Docs could do nothing. She used Rick Simpson Oil (& Turkey Tail Mushrooms - an ancient Japanese remedy) and her tumor is now GONE and she is Cancer-Free! I kid you not. Our bodies NEED cannabinoids! If your body doesn't make enough on its own, that promotes DISEASES! Cannabis supplies those much-needed cannabinoids to people whose bodies don't make enough.

In a way, it's about that simple.

Dabo's Weenie

Nov 30, 2024
Anyone who believes our state legislature would "...finally fix our public schools and roads..." with another tax is, well, high.

They've raised and added so many taxes (including the one on stupidity called the lottery) for these and we continue to hear how we don't have enough money for either.

We don't have a revenue problem, we have a corruption problem... on so many levels.


Joined Mar 4, 2007
Feb 19, 2022
Not a politician! As for the race card, maybe you aren't aware of "Staggering Racial Disparities" going in SC regarding cannabis? Are you OK with blacks being arrested 10X more than white folks when usage is about the same? If so, you sound like a white guy who is unconcerned with racism.

2 SC Counties in TOP 10 Nationwide for cannabis arrests

As for fixing SC roads and schools, voters did not pass ANY voluntary extra taxes to fix SC roads! Why not let legal cannabis fix our roads without costing taxpayers a Dime? Same with schools!

24 Legal states have now earned $20 BILLION in LEGAL taxes! The previous year. the total was only $15B. (ACLU says SC wastes $100M Annually enforcing woefully outdated SC laws.)

$20 BILLION Pie, growing exponentially, but SC gets ZERO!
I’m sure that has nothing to do with blacks being arrested more for everything else and marijuana charges are a secondary offense.

DJ Gamecock

New member
Feb 12, 2022
Anyone who believes our state legislature would "...finally fix our public schools and roads..." with another tax is, well, high.

They've raised and added so many taxes (including the one on stupidity called the lottery) for these and we continue to hear how we don't have enough money for either.

We don't have a revenue problem, we have a corruption problem... on so many levels.

Dude, not high, I'm just well-educated on this topic. The SCCC is not suggesting something that has never been done before. 24 states do it too!
Yes, we have a corruption problem in this state. But, you're wrong thinking cannabis taxes can't improve our Worst in USA public schools & roads!

There's no other windfall tax out there that can make such a difference. Legal online wagering, as allowed by 38 states including NC, doesn't bring in the same amount of money either. Personally, I don't like hearing gambling ads for people in NC while listening to my Gamecock sports in SC.

Now, to be clear, legal cannabis taxes wouldn't pay for building any NEW roads in SC! It would cover pothole repair & improving existing roads.
Same thing with schools. Legal cannabis taxes would cover physical improvements to schools and help pay for materials that parents pay for now.
It would not build new schools.

I doubt that you've heard this. In Colorado, they have earned so much highway improvement funds from weed taxes over the years, you don't see any potholes anywhere, even if you go looking for them! How much have they earned? Their total (including partial 2024 data) is $2,441,045,232.

Cannabis Tax Revenue in States that Regulate Cannabis for Adult Use

DJ Gamecock

New member
Feb 12, 2022
And so do the people that smoke it. Most have horrible personal hygiene.

You just have a bad attitude about cannabis period. lol Yeah, that old drunk guy I recently saw who pissed all the floor and himself sitting in a Spynx gas station had good hygiene. Cops took him to the drunk tank. Booze can/will do that to you. It's actually 114 times more dangerous than weed! Cannabis sure doesn't cause anybody to get that out of it!

Why do you think you get headaches after drinking too much? You killed millions of brain cells! Cannabis doesn't do that, it protects brain cells!
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DJ Gamecock

New member
Feb 12, 2022
I’m sure that has nothing to do with blacks being arrested more for everything else

Not sure that's true. Maybe it is, but I've heard statements by black men complaining that white men commit more serious crimes than they do.

and marijuana charges are a secondary offense.

Secondary? Hardly. Growing 1 cannabis plant in your SC backyard to help ease your pain (something now legal to a majority of Americans), is a FIVE YEAR PRISON FELONY &/or can be accompanied by a fine of up to a $5,000.00 FINE too! SC taxpayers pick up $40K annual cost for prisoners.

Decriminalization, not to be confused with Legalization (They are NOT synonyms!), would help prevent people caught with 1 ounce or less weed from going to jail. North Carolina passed Decrim in 1977. Georgia has had over a dozen cities decide to stop arresting people for possession too.

SC has done NOTHING since passing a 1980 medical bill that was so restrictive not ONE single patient was ever helped! Nobody knows about it, although everybody reading this thread now knows about it. ;) Updating that old 1980 bill may be wiser than wiping it out with another lame, overly restrictive bill. Anybody here want to submit to a SLED background check just to get the one medicine that finally gives you some relief?

There's something called "Reefer Racism" going on in SC. What if you were black and it affected you unfairly? You would want to see reform too!


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2022
This reminds me of the Asheville Bare the Breast rally. You are going to have a bunch of people running around with peirceing everywhere, holes in their ears, tattoos on their face and pants down around their asses trying to get something passed. Just like Bare the Breast in Asheville has a bunch of ugly fat old women running around top less. Not gonna help your cause lol.
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Well-known member
Mar 25, 2022
Legalizing weed might be one the stupidest and detrimental decisions ever! Today’s weed is literally a potent opioid level mind ****. This ain’t your dad’s weed from the 70’s. And it stinks, you smell it everywhere, and it’s just trashy af.
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DJ Gamecock

New member
Feb 12, 2022
This reminds me of the Asheville Bare the Breast rally. You are going to have a bunch of people running around with peirceing everywhere, holes in their ears, tattoos on their face and pants down around their asses trying to get something passed. Just like Bare the Breast in Asheville has a bunch of ugly fat old women running around top less. Not gonna help your cause lol.

Sorry, don't see much correlation there at all. lol We want to support our elected representatives who want to reform our woefully outdated laws.

Reform advocates have to be more visible to raise awareness on this issue. If you came out to hear all the speeches, you'd probably be impressed.

DJ Gamecock

New member
Feb 12, 2022
Your avatar does not help your cause.

You're right. But, it probably doesn't hurt it much either. Some of my friends from WUSC-FM kidded me I actually looked like that going to USC.

That silly image goes way back with me. When a fan got a tattoo of that put on her body, I was pretty much stuck with it for the rest of my life. ;)

DJ Gamecock

New member
Feb 12, 2022
Legalizing weed might be one the stupidest and detrimental decisions ever!

I totally disagree!

The State of SC allowing SLED & our obviously biased State Attorney General to spread LIES so we continue to WASTE $100 MILLION ANNUALLY to enforce old, outdated laws originally based on Jim Crow 1.0 racism is WAY more stupid! It's like our state WANTS having terrible public roads and schools so we can keep busting people for something that is no longer a crime to a MAJORITY of Americans. That doesn't make any sense!

Today’s weed is literally a potent opioid level mind ****. This ain’t your dad’s weed from the 70’s.

That's actually a lame BS argument! If it's more potent, you simply have to use less to get the same desired effect. It's not like booze where if you use too much, you turn into a violent raving maniac who wants to start a fight, get revenge for some dumb reason or even shoot someone.

There's a joke on the big difference between the two. Five drunk guys together will start a fight. Five stoned guys together will start a band. lol

And it stinks, you smell it everywhere, and it’s just trashy af.

And profits from the sales of the weed you smell everywhere is going into the pockets of gangs and drug dealers. Does that make any sense?

Why NOT have those profits going to help FIX our lousy roads and public schools like 24 other states have done? 39 states now allow residents to have access to heal their aches, pains and diseases. Why can't we have that same FREEDOM? SC needs that windfall revenue rather urgently!

DJ Gamecock

New member
Feb 12, 2022
Genetic manipulation of weed will continue to strengthen its potency to extremely dangerous levels. Tell your kids only trashballs smoke it

That's a prohibitionist talking point, but it doesn't hold much water. Cannabis is an extremely SAFE substance compared to cigs, booze and pills! All of those 3 will kill you. Booze actually is a poison we decide to ingest. To die by smoking weed, research says you'd have to smoke 1,500 POUNDS in only 15 Minutes to have a 50% chance of death (from not getting enough air).

We are still in the infancy of cannabinoid research. There are many new cannabis CURES for many different diseases that will be discovered. The DEA blocking research has caused delays. Many believe God put that plant on this earth to help us heal our diseases. Reefer Madness ruined it.

Because cannabis is still wrongly listed as a Schedule 1 substance of the Controlled Substances Act (because it has numerous medical benefits), the ability to research it is highly restricted. The DEA wants all cannabis research done using lousy weed supplied by the Federal farm at Ole Miss.

Why can't people realize that, eventually, cannabis will be legal nationwide? Assuming that's true (It is!), we should start preparing for that now!

DJ Gamecock

New member
Feb 12, 2022
SC State Attorney General Alan Wilson made a BIG mistake! He authorized numerous ILLEGAL raids on SC vape stores and smoke shops over LEGAL cannabis products below the Legal limit of 0.3% Delta 9 THC based on his Non-Binding OPINION! He didn't have the facts to issue a binding ruling.

Look what has happened recently in Tennessee! The State & a TN town have to pay (with taxpayer funds?) $735,000 to a business they raided.

Tennessee hemp businesses win $735k settlement over illegal seizures

In Dorchester County, SLED Chief Mark Keel authorized destruction of $1+ MILLION in hemp crops without the required consent of any SC judge.

Will SC taxpayers have to use taxpayer funds to settle lawsuits in SC? If SC was already a LEGAL state, these problems would not have happened.

DJ Gamecock

New member
Feb 12, 2022
It's been almost 10 years since an overzealous SC cop shot and killed a teenager on a date eating ice cream in a Seneca, SC Hardees parking lot.

WHY? He had a few grams of weed. SLED tried to hide evidence of what happened by preventing this video from ever seeing the light of day.

Watch the video to witness it and judge for yourself what happened. It was a BIG national story and ABC News was first to show this nationwide.

Dashcam Video Shows Deadly Police Shooting of Teen (in Seneca SC)

Believe it or not, afterwards, cops told his date she would have to say he had a gun on him or they would charge her with the weed they found!

When she refused to agree to cover for the cops, they did charge her! But don't take my word for it. Listen to both her & her lawyer explain it.

The woman who was with Zach Hammond the night he was shot by police is speaking out

The really bad part is SLED cleared this officer of ANY/ALL wrongdoing, even after he killed a kid in cold blood instead of shooting out his tires.

Obviously, if SC had decriminalized cannabis then (as we need to now), this event would've been avoided entirely. Does this change your mind?
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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2022
Dude, we are learning (some reluctantly) about an Amazing NATURAL Cure for numerous serious diseases - especially CANCER! "I you make the case"? Sounds like you've been drinking. NO! It's a PLANT created by GOD! It's been a medicine for THOUSANDS of years! Go educate yourself!
And this is who you invite to a rally where you want the laws changed in a state ran by Republicans. Lolol!