I don't have anything deep or biblical to add, but it strikes me that many folks here and elsewhere are maybe missing what to me is the most obvious reason for the decline in people who identify as religious.
It's the internet, stupid.
For the vast majority of the history of humanity, access to information beyond the bare basics was extremely limited and even controlled. Even with the advent of more organized educational systems, they were often heavily influenced by biblical teachings.
If you had logical questions about the veracity of what's in the Bible, as basically everyone does at some point, there weren't many options for getting an intelligent outside perspective on your doubts.
The internet has opened the history of all human thought on every subject imaginable up to millions of previously isolated individuals and groups around the globe. They realize they are far from alone in their doubts and are often validated and comforted with new knowledge and new ways to think about life and what may or may not come after.
I know this isn't much of an answer to the original question, but there it is.
It's the internet, stupid.
For the vast majority of the history of humanity, access to information beyond the bare basics was extremely limited and even controlled. Even with the advent of more organized educational systems, they were often heavily influenced by biblical teachings.
If you had logical questions about the veracity of what's in the Bible, as basically everyone does at some point, there weren't many options for getting an intelligent outside perspective on your doubts.
The internet has opened the history of all human thought on every subject imaginable up to millions of previously isolated individuals and groups around the globe. They realize they are far from alone in their doubts and are often validated and comforted with new knowledge and new ways to think about life and what may or may not come after.
I know this isn't much of an answer to the original question, but there it is.