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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
The left in its many forms demands a response. They demand attention. Actually, more than that, they demand submission. That's what the whole uproar the last few years has been about. They don't really like the responses they are getting.
'The left' doesnt demand submission. A small % of hyper-vocal and aggressive people on the left demand submission. Everyone else on the left just hopes people treat others how they want to be treated and are resigned to teaching their kids to try and be tolerant when confronted with ignorance.

I have been accused of being transphobic multiple times in the last 3 years. Its a really wild experience to step back and watch take place. A small vocal and angry % is what you refer to. They are active on social media because it is a platform that is inexpensive, immediate, and wide reaching. That amplifies their agenda beyond the actual numbers they have.

Rupert Jenkins

Well-known member
Nov 29, 2017
Does he have America first policies, or are they Trump first policies? I firmly believe that any benefits the country saw when Trump was in office was simply a byproduct of his Trump first policies. They just happened to help elsewhere too.

But seriously now, please answer this- who the 17 is the 'deep state'? Like really, who are these people? Yeah yeah you dont know and that is why they are deep state. BS. And why is this supposed deep state working only with Democrats? How have all the Republicans in the military, in Congress, in Judicial, and in the White House over the last 23 years not exposed this deep state? Thats insane.

As for Hunter Biden, I care as much about him as I do Jenna Bush or Chelsea Clinton. But I think knowingly lying(vs mistake/confusion) on a gun application should result in jail time. I think that, but I also think gun applications should be more strict so I doubt you will like me agreeing.
I think the deep state consists of the FBI agents, CIA agents and DOJ officials who lied on and approved a FISA when there was zero proof. Who hid and lied about Hunters laptop. I mean honestly, do you follow any news ? But yeah, Trump is Satan. He probly forced his daughter to shower with him or has nude pictures of his 11 year old niece.


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2012
*sigh* I guess maybe you're talking the actual "parade" itself or something - which is a glorified S&M show - so yes, maybe in that specific case they would rather be left alone to dance and 17 on the street in public.
I dunno… the last time I saw two people 17 on the street in public was in New Orleans about 20 years ago and it was a man and a woman and they seemed to be extremely heterosexual.
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Well-known member
Sep 9, 2012
Is this a bad time to say I've probably never eaten a BLT? I love bacon, hate lettuce, and like tomatoes only contextually.

I actually don't even like cold veggies on my burgers either. I'm a grilled onions/peppers and sauteed mushrooms kind of guy.

Also, here's my most controversial take: horseradish sauce>mayonnaise and it's not even close.
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Well-known member
Dec 11, 2007
Yeah, just because you vote for someone doesn't mean you agree with everything. That's really stupid logic, and Dems really use that to shame you about Trump/David Duke and stuff like that.

I simply vote for the most conservative candidate, in most elections. Even though I may lean liberal in many areas, I just figure by keeping conservatives in office in the general sense, we at least slow down the degradation and slow toilet bowl swirl. Because again, I look at the totality. Democrats want to do many smart things, but they also want to do too many stupid emotional things for me to get over. I figure the smart things will just come in time, by nature.
Things I think I know:

- There are different ways to skin a cat. Policy disagreements should be just that - disagreements. You state your case. You win or lose. We all move on. If it works, great. If it breaks, you fix it.

- You voting for conservative policies does not make you an "election denying / president by force" supporter any more than it makes me supporting more liberal policies a pedo communist. These divisive labels and knee jerk bogey man assumptions have to stop. Even friendships are being lost due to this nonsense - it's not just a strangers on the internet problem.

- Joe Biden is an old old man. I don't think he's a completely broken brain like many insinuate but appearances and energy do matter. The democrats need a better bench if he's the best they got at whatever his age is.

- Don is a broken sad person out to serve only himself and will do or say a thing it takes to get him a short term win or the attention he craves. At this point it's regressed so bad his positioning is to simply keep himself out of jail. Hell he might be more demented than Joe given the defenses he's airing publicly. There are several candidates that will implement very similar or the same policies he would that are important to conservatives. It's past time to ditch the circus act and go a different direction. Republicans have a personality addiction (or are simply captive to a strongman) if they think he's the best they've got.

- Hunter Biden deserves jail time for felony gun possession regardless of who daddy is.

Darryl Steight

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
I dunno… the last time I saw two people 17 on the street in public was in New Orleans about 20 years ago and it was a man and a woman and they seemed to be extremely heterosexual.

Right, I don't want my kids seeing that either. And I damn sure don't expect the city of New Orleans to put up billboards advertising the "family friendly" event taking place on Tchoupitoulas.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
You must not have Twitter.

There are literally thousands of examples, but carry on.
Did you seriously not read the rest of that post? I state that social media is largely where the small % of vocal fundamentalists exist because it is inexpensive and wide reaching. Their reach out paces their numbers as a result.

Then you respond with letting me know they are all over Twitter.
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Well-known member
Dec 11, 2007
*sigh* I guess maybe you're talking the actual "parade" itself or something - which is a glorified S&M show - so yes, maybe in that specific case they would rather be left alone to dance and 17 on the street in public. But other than that one possible scenario where they want to be left alone (which I question), the left absolutely does not want to live quietly in peace alongside everyone else. You have to know this.

The left in its many forms demands a response. They demand attention. Actually, more than that, they demand submission. That's what the whole uproar the last few years has been about. They don't really like the responses they are getting.
Is this a rant based on real life impacts to you or a twitter / internet gripe? Yes, the far left can go on and on about rainbows and pronouns but has your life truly been impacted in any other way than by being annoyed that you see the message from time to time? I find it pretty easy to ignore. Rainbows at target and or pronoun declarations in email signatures are largely performative, but they've never harmed me nor have I given more than passing thoughts to them - that's an easy choice for me. I've never really considered if transvestites like beer that I like or want to advertise it. It's has no impact to me. Let's find some real life problems and gripe about those instead. Like why can't my tax dollars go to making drugs more affordable and used less to finance the world's military police. That'd be one gripe for me.

Bottom line is we'd give the extreme sides a lot less fuel for their fire to troll and get a rise (lefties judging you on pronouns, righties trying to cancel everything "woke" that doesn't fit in to their worldview) if we'd just quit getting unnecessarily fired up at their nonsense - which is ultimately just speech. It's still free. Let them speak. We are also free to ignore. Maybe that's a better approach than trying to fight battles that can't be constitutionally won?
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Darryl Steight

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
Did you seriously not read the rest of that post? I state that social media is largely where the small % of vocal fundamentalists exist because it is inexpensive and wide reaching. Their reach out paces their numbers as a result.

Then you respond with letting me know they are all over Twitter.
Sorry, I tried to keep it short and only mentioned Twitter in my post, but (obviously) there are many more examples of the left demanding attention and submission by the rest of society. I had a list going but thought better of extending this any further.

The point of my post was that I see it all over, being forced into every segment of society. You obviously don't see what I see, and think it's only a few crazies in the corner of twitter. That seems impossible to me, but agree to disagree I guess.


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2022
My hot sports opinion and I'm not trying to claim it's a fact is that America was far more United and stronger when there was a common thread of belief in God, Country and Family.

There is no denying the attack on God in this country post WW2. Some of it was low hanging fruit with the abuse the Catholic Church and other congregations hid as well as cheesy TV evangelist and hypocritical pastors of mega churches....I get it. Point is that whether you believe in a power looking down on us or not trying to abide by the 10 commandments is living a pretty good life as a human....period. That is no longer generally accepted and it's sad.

The traditional nuclear family has also been under attack and called outdated in various different ways by different groups over the years. Yes, we all know crappy people or kids that grew up in a traditional or nuclear family but my HSO is that's the exception not the norm. There are also wonderful single family moms or dads that do an amazing job providing and raising their children but let's be honest it's very hard. I wish every day I was a better father and I have an amazing wife to help but I still feel more like a failure sometimes than I do a success so God bless those that can do this on their own!

Lastly, we have Country and this may be the most disappointing of all. Maybe because I was such a Patriot growing up so proud to be an American and I've even started to lose that loving feeling....and I hate it! The left seems to want to rewrite history and tell us how terrible our country is and how it was not founded on freedom. They want to put us in groups with this intersectionality talk which by definition is literally divisive. The right wants to talk about the deep State, conspiracies and stolen elections which degrade the faith in the very institutions that create the fabric of this once proud and great nation.

We all need to get our heads out of our arse and find commonality and do it quickly. A Nation with the level of diversity that we have must have some thread of theme or unity to unite behind and stay strong. A divided Nation is a weak Nation. A weak Nation has no long term future.

Sorry so long.
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Well-known member
Nov 12, 2007
Things I think I know:

- There are different ways to skin a cat. Policy disagreements should be just that - disagreements. You state your case. You win or lose. We all move on. If it works, great. If it breaks, you fix it.

- You voting for conservative policies does not make you an "election denying / president by force" supporter any more than it makes me supporting more liberal policies a pedo communist. These divisive labels and knee jerk bogey man assumptions have to stop. Even friendships are being lost due to this nonsense - it's not just a strangers on the internet problem.

- Joe Biden is an old old man. I don't think he's a completely broken brain like many insinuate but appearances and energy do matter. The democrats need a better bench if he's the best they got at whatever his age is.

- Don is a broken sad person out to serve only himself and will do or say a thing it takes to get him a short term win or the attention he craves. At this point it's regressed so bad his positioning is to simply keep himself out of jail. Hell he might be more demented than Joe given the defenses he's airing publicly. There are several candidates that will implement very similar or the same policies he would that are important to conservatives. It's past time to ditch the circus act and go a different direction. Republicans have a personality addiction (or are simply captive to a strongman) if they think he's the best they've got.

- Hunter Biden deserves jail time for felony gun possession regardless of who daddy is.
I have to say your second take on this whole thing is dead on. I have lost some friendships just because I don't support Biden and they left with a blind loyalty that they think I should have. I don't like trump at all, but I don't like Biden.

And if you don't like tomato and bacon, I think you must be an alien in human form, hiding amongst us.

Deep State? Political Conspiracies? It all makes for entertaining reading.

I hate to tell you they aren't after you... they already have you and they have for some time now.
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
My hot sports opinion and I'm not trying to claim it's a fact is that America was far more United and stronger when there was a common thread of belief in God, Country and Family.
What idyllic period of time are you referring to?
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Well-known member
Apr 26, 2022
What idyllic period of time are you referring to?

I wouldn't say it was one specific time and I think you know that which is why you asked. It's really just the slow fade.

Run numbers if you want and let us know how idyllic today is or what's actually improved in this Country. Divorce rates? Average literature level? Church attendance? Military recruiting? Suicide? School shootings? High school math scores?


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2007
And if you don't like tomato and bacon, I think you must be an alien in human form, hiding amongst us.

Deep State? Political Conspiracies? It all makes for entertaining reading.

I hate to tell you they aren't after you... they already have you and they have for some time
homer simpson wow GIF


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2022
Here's the thing I can't figure out. I usually prefer chewy bacon one hundo except on a BLT. Gotta have crispy bacon on a BLT.

Also, Rangers were robbed tonight on a play at the plate that ended up being the winning run. Call went for Chicago after NY reviewed it.....hmmmm****
MLB Punishment for being the only team that didn't host a pride night. God Bless Texas.


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2022
'The left' doesnt demand submission. A small % of hyper-vocal and aggressive people on the left demand submission. Everyone else on the left just hopes people treat others how they want to be treated and are resigned to teaching their kids to try and be tolerant when confronted with ignorance.

I have been accused of being transphobic multiple times in the last 3 years. Its a really wild experience to step back and watch take place. A small vocal and angry % is what you refer to. They are active on social media because it is a platform that is inexpensive, immediate, and wide reaching. That amplifies their agenda beyond the actual numbers they have.
If you don't believe the 2020 election was honest you're an election denier. If you don't think cow flatulence kills polar bears you're a climate denier. If you wanna secure border you're a racist. Don't like porn in schools? You're a homophobe. Submit or else. The Left is like The Borg on Next Generation. Just check all those Covid mandates too.
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Well-known member
May 1, 2006
I wouldn't say it was one specific time and I think you know that which is why you asked. It's really just the slow fade.

Run numbers if you want and let us know how idyllic today is or what's actually improved in this Country. Divorce rates? Average literature level? Church attendance? Military recruiting? Suicide? School shootings? High school math scores?
Divorce rates have been going down for 50 years. Divorce rates rose in the 70s because laws changed and made it easier to get a divorce. Before that law change, there were a lot more unhappy marriages and a lot of husbands who died under mysterious circumstances.

Divorce in America has been falling fast in recent years, and it just hit a record low in 2019. For every 1,000 marriages in the last year, only 14.9 ended in divorce, according to the newly released American Community Survey data from the Census Bureau. This is the lowest rate we have seen in 50 years. It is even slightly lower than 1970, when 15 marriages ended in divorce per 1,000 marriages.


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
If you don't believe the 2020 election was honest you're an election denier. If you don't think cow flatulence kills polar bears you're a climate denier. If you wanna secure border you're a racist. Don't like porn in schools? You're a homophobe. Submit or else. The Left is like The Borg on Next Generation. Just check all those Covid mandates too.

Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
Yeah, just because you vote for someone doesn't mean you agree with everything. That's really stupid logic, and Dems really use that to shame you about Trump/David Duke and stuff like that.

I simply vote for the most conservative candidate, in most elections. Even though I may lean liberal in many areas, I just figure by keeping conservatives in office in the general sense, we at least slow down the degradation and slow toilet bowl swirl. Because again, I look at the totality. Democrats want to do many smart things, but they also want to do too many stupid emotional things for me to get over. I figure the smart things will just come in time, by nature.
Yes, but there's a difference between voting for Trump in 2016, and being a Trump backer right now. No amount of goalpost moving can change that supporting him now is supporting something far different from conservative politics.

Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
I think the deep state consists of the FBI agents, CIA agents and DOJ officials who lied on and approved a FISA when there was zero proof. Who hid and lied about Hunters laptop. I mean honestly, do you follow any news ? But yeah, Trump is Satan. He probly forced his daughter to shower with him or has nude pictures of his 11 year old niece.
Dial back the gullibility setting a bit, bud. No need to turn it up to 11.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
Did you seriously not read the rest of that post? I state that social media is largely where the small % of vocal fundamentalists exist because it is inexpensive and wide reaching. Their reach out paces their numbers as a result.

Then you respond with letting me know they are all over Twitter.
Not sure if you've noticed but those types are all over social media!****

Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
I have lost some friendships just because I don't support Biden and they left with a blind loyalty that they think I should have. I don't like trump at all, but I don't like Biden.
I can say I've never ended a friendship over politics, but there's a couple people I put on ignore on FB just because I got tired of their idiocy.

I have noticed that many modern conservatives don't seem to realize when they are being offensive and rude with their politics. I don't react negatively to friends expressing support of conservative politics, but I do when they are extremely rude and insulting about it, and they usually don't realize they are doing it.


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2022
Dial back the gullibility setting a bit, bud. No need to turn it up to 11.
Why did Hillary's Campaign & The DNC hafta pay heavy fines for hiding payments made for the Steele Dossier? Why did the FBI implement new rules and protocols in order to make sure this BS never happens again?

Darryl Steight

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
This is actually a good guess.

I'd also throw in the summer and fall of 2000.
Not that I was alive, but the 50's always seemed pretty cool. Leave it to Beaver at home and hanging out at the drive in with the Fonz after school...? Aaaaaaay!


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
I wouldn't say it was one specific time and I think you know that which is why you asked. It's really just the slow fade.

Run numbers if you want and let us know how idyllic today is or what's actually improved in this Country. Divorce rates? Average literature level? Church attendance? Military recruiting? Suicide? School shootings? High school math scores?
There was some pretty compelling legislation that didn't occur until 1965, keeping an entire subset of our country having much opportunity to participate in the American Dream. I could cite a number of changes that America has undergone over our history that has slowly made it more likely that we might live up to the marketing brochure, but your idyllic is somebody's hell. I'm sure you are aware that the "good ole days" is pretty subjective, but the MAGA folks tend to just ignore the definition of great, or they really think it was great when minorities were more oppressed. I'm not sure I want to know which it is...
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Well-known member
Apr 26, 2022
Divorce rates have been going down for 50 years. Divorce rates rose in the 70s because laws changed and made it easier to get a divorce. Before that law change, there were a lot more unhappy marriages and a lot of husbands who died under mysterious circumstances.
Divorce rates have been going down for 50 years. Divorce rates rose in the 70s because laws changed and made it easier to get a divorce. Before that law change, there were a lot more unhappy marriages and a lot of husbands who died under mysterious circumstances.

Thanks for correcting that FQDawg. I totally brain farted on that as I was talking about single parents in my op I meant to say kids born out of marriage not divorce rate.

It is interesting and positive I think to see the divorce rate declining. I think kids are getting married at an older age so maybe they've worked out some things by that time I don't know.
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Well-known member
Apr 26, 2022
There was some pretty compelling legislation that didn't occur until 1965, keeping an entire subset of our country having much opportunity to participate in the American Dream. I could cite a number of changes that America has undergone over our history that has slowly made it more likely that we might live up to the marketing brochure, but your idyllic is somebody's hell. I'm sure you are aware that the "good ole days" is pretty subjective, but the MAGA folks tend to just ignore the definition of great, or they really think it was great when minorities were more oppressed. I'm not sure I want to know which it is...

And just what party tried to stop that legislation?

Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
Why did Hillary's Campaign & The DNC hafta pay heavy fines for hiding payments made for the Steele Dossier? Why did the FBI implement new rules and protocols in order to make sure this BS never happens again?
Sigh. They didn't hide them. They labeled them legal services and not opposition research. I don't really care, and I doubt you do either, or else you'd have some complaints about GOP campaign fund irregularities. Do you?

The FBI implemented new rules to prevent the unsupported smearing of a political candidate like they did to Hillary.

Jeez. It's one thing to argue these things in 2016. But here in 2023 we now know that the FBI was actively investigating TRUMP but kept it quiet, while Hillary was cleared but the media wouldn't let it go. Arguing Hillary was the one who the FBI was in the tank for is just rude, insulting, aggressive denial of reality.
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
If you don't believe the 2020 election was honest you're an election denier. If you don't think cow flatulence kills polar bears you're a climate denier. If you wanna secure border you're a racist. Don't like porn in schools? You're a homophobe. Submit or else. The Left is like The Borg on Next Generation. Just check all those Covid mandates too.
2020 election- yeah, anyone who still claims there was feaud is just a denier. Republican election officials certified state votes. People who voted for Trump certified the election.
What's super ironic is people who were elected in '20 then claiming there was election fraud. Like...what?

Your cow darting comment is dumb and not worth discussing.

I have yet to ever hear someone be called a racist just because they want to have a secure border. I am sure it's happened, but crazies exist in a country with 330MM people so just because some claim it doesn't mean they need to be listened to.
If what you claim is happening is actually happening, I would look to see what else the border security person has said on the matter of immigration. My guess is its more than just 'I want a secure border'.

Your claim that you are homophobic if you don't like porn in schools is dumb. It's just stupid. It is once again purposely miscpnstruing the issue. As such, it isn't worth discussing.

And you end with covid. Good lord.
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Well-known member
Apr 26, 2022

I hear party views and values have changed a touch.
It's this crap that makes it not fun to just talk. Like really, do you seriously think your post is a good point?

Well isn't that convenient Bro
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