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Darryl Steight

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
Is this a rant based on real life impacts to you or a twitter / internet gripe? Yes, the far left can go on and on about rainbows and pronouns but has your life truly been impacted in any other way than by being annoyed that you see the message from time to time? I find it pretty easy to ignore. Rainbows at target and or pronoun declarations in email signatures are largely performative, but they've never harmed me nor have I given more than passing thoughts to them - that's an easy choice for me. I've never really considered if transvestites like beer that I like or want to advertise it. It's has no impact to me. Let's find some real life problems and gripe about those instead. Like why can't my tax dollars go to making drugs more affordable and used less to finance the world's military police. That'd be one gripe for me.

Bottom line is we'd give the extreme sides a lot less fuel for their fire to troll and get a rise (lefties judging you on pronouns, righties trying to cancel everything "woke" that doesn't fit in to their worldview) if we'd just quit getting unnecessarily fired up at their nonsense - which is ultimately just speech. It's still free. Let them speak. We are also free to ignore. Maybe that's a better approach than trying to fight battles that can't be constitutionally won?
Real life. Rainbows at Target don't bother me either. Of course while I'm in there, if I see a 40 year old man in the bathroom with my 11 year old daughter, then Target will have a problem.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2012
Christianity has been under attack for millennia. So has Islam. So has Judaism. Predicting Christianity will be under attack is nearly as easy of a bet as predicting which direction the sun will rise.

I will address your Pope comment with a few thoughts.
- I dont know what the Pope endorses that you take issue with. Is it the nearly 3 year old endorsement of same sex civil unions or something else? I dont keep up with what any of the Popes declare, endorse, or condemn.
- Catholics believe in Papal supremacy and Papal infallibility. So any faith or moral based doctrine that the Pope issues while in capacity as Pope, is infallible. If the Pope says same sex civil unions are OK, then all Catholics need to get on board and open up their hearts and arms to the gays. Thats how it works. Thats how infallibility in the capacity as Pope works. There is no piecemeal to faith. There is no buffet style faith. You believe then you fully believe. To do less is to not believe.
- The guy endorsed civil unions. Specifically, marriage was not endorsed and was instead very much not approved. Like not at all. The Vatican quite clearly stated marriage is a sacrament and the Church does not approve of gay marriage. He said he supported civil unions to allow for inheritance rights and healthcare coverage. Seriously, this is what is so awful that you are claiming it is proof of Paul Harvey being some version of Nostradamus and is an example of Christianity being under attack? Mountain out of a molehill.

I have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to no push back on a radical Muslim talking about beheading Christians. That is such an over the top claim that I really dont know how to counter it.
Of course there is pushback when someone talks about beheading Christians. There is pushback when someone talks about eliminating Jews. There is pushback when someone talks about taking out a Muslim.
I cant think of an event that I am aware of where someone has spoken about violently killing another person/persons and pushback didnt follow. Regardless of race, identity, or religion- I have seen/heard/read pushback.
Perhaps you mean something other than pushback when you say pushback? Perhaps the pushback is not what you want to see and you want different pushback? I am unsure because your initial comment is just so far out there and disconnected from reality that I cant confidently guess what you mean.

At this point, I honestly see you as some desperate wife who pays a bad version of Ms Cleo to see into your future. She says 'I see someone who misses you' and you say 'mom?' and she they declares that yes it is your mom and she misses you greatly. You walk away convinced the Ms Cleo knockoff is a 17ing prophet when all that happened was you saw what you wanted to see.
Paul Harvey spoke 50 years ago about things that were happening around him. He then updated it 30 years later and again spoke about things that were happening around him. You see that and apply it to what is happening now as if that was prophetic.
Do people read your long rhetorical posts?

Get a life.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Well isn't that convenient Bro
I don't really think of it as convenient or not.
It's just reality- parties change views and positions.

The parties of today are fundamentally different from the parties of 10 or 25 years ago. So when you look back 60 years, of course they aren't close to the same then either.

Hang on here, do you think Mississippi State football from the mid60s is the same as Mississippi State football today?
...or has it changed because leadership has changed, participants have changed, technology has changed, etc etc?
Apply that to our discussion.


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2022
There was some pretty compelling legislation that didn't occur until 1965, keeping an entire subset of our country having much opportunity to participate in the American Dream. I could cite a number of changes that America has undergone over our history that has slowly made it more likely that we might live up to the marketing brochure, but your idyllic is somebody's hell. I'm sure you are aware that the "good ole days" is pretty subjective, but the MAGA folks tend to just ignore the definition of great, or they really think it was great when minorities were more oppressed. I'm not sure I want to know which it is...

Not sure how or why race was brought into this but I can't say I'm surprised.


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2022
I don't really think of it as convenient or not.
It's just reality- parties change views and positions.

The parties of today are fundamentally different from the parties of 10 or 25 years ago. So when you look back 60 years, of course they aren't close to the same then either.

Hang on here, do you think Mississippi State football from the mid60s is the same as Mississippi State football today?
...or has it changed because leadership has changed, participants have changed, technology has changed, etc etc?
Apply that to our discussion.

Good thing your boy Biden changed his position right?

Didn't he pall around with one of the biggest racist Democrats ever? Funny how his past is forgiven by all the useful idiots doing what their told to do in order to keep their saviors in power. It goes both ways.

Personally I think DJT is a ego maniac and a tool. I have the critical thinking skills (thank you MSU) to separate his cult of personality from conservative policies which I prefer to progressive policies almost every time.

Useful idiots on either side blindly follow the Cult of Personality....it's really sad and pathetic. It will only increase as general education levels decrease. It will be our downfall.

Rupert Jenkins

Well-known member
Nov 29, 2017
Dial back the gullibility setting a bit, bud. No need to turn it up to 11.
I will tell you what gullible is. When a guy that's been in a govt job for 40 years making less than $200,000 a year has 3 mansions and blames all the countries problems on the guy that just got elected 6 years ago. I wonder why he didn't fix things in his first 20 years ? Can you say moron ??


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2007
I can say I've never ended a friendship over politics, but there's a couple people I put on ignore on FB just because I got tired of their idiocy.

I have noticed that many modern conservatives don't seem to realize when they are being offensive and rude with their politics. I don't react negatively to friends expressing support of conservative politics, but I do when they are extremely rude and insulting about it, and they usually don't realize they are doing it.
All I said was, it's a shame that the United States elections suck. We can modernize everything except voting and make all this election ******** disappear. I was not leaning in one direction or the other; just tired of hearing all the ******** from everyone because the election drama was dragging on both sides. We all saw how that ended up.

So, because I said, something might be wrong with the presidential election, I was immediately labeled a MAGA and not a person. I hate that word.

If that was rude, I don't think it was because I said the election should be easy to verify.


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
I will tell you what gullible is. When a guy that's been in a govt job for 40 years making less than $200,000 a year has 3 mansions and blames all the countries problems on the guy that just got elected 6 years ago. I wonder why he didn't fix things in his first 20 years ? Can you say moron ??
All I said was, it's a shame that the United States elections suck. We can modernize everything except voting and make all this election ******** disappear. I was not leaning in one direction or the other; just tired of hearing all the ******** from everyone because the election drama was dragging on both sides. We all saw how that ended up.

So, because I said, something might be wrong with the presidential election, I was immediately labeled a MAGA and not a person. I hate that word.

If that was rude, I don't think it was because I said the election should be easy to verify.
So what specifically is wrong? If it is so obvious, surely we can identify it right? A court of law surely would get to the bottom of it?

Or is this a matter of faith?


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2022
Sigh. They didn't hide them. They labeled them legal services and not opposition research. I don't really care, and I doubt you do either, or else you'd have some complaints about GOP campaign fund irregularities. Do you?

The FBI implemented new rules to prevent the unsupported smearing of a political candidate like they did to Hillary.

Jeez. It's one thing to argue these things in 2016. But here in 2023 we now know that the FBI was actively investigating TRUMP but kept it quiet, while Hillary was cleared but the media wouldn't let it go. Arguing Hillary was the one who the FBI was in the tank for is just rude, insulting, aggressive denial of reality.
That's the biggest pile of schit I've seen in s while.
Sigh. They didn't hide them. They labeled them legal services and not opposition research. I don't really care, and I doubt you do either, or else you'd have some complaints about GOP campaign fund irregularities. Do you?

The FBI implemented new rules to prevent the unsupported smearing of a political candidate like they did to Hillary.

Jeez. It's one thing to argue these things in 2016. But here in 2023 we now know that the FBI was actively investigating TRUMP but kept it quiet, while Hillary was cleared but the media wouldn't let it go. Arguing Hillary was the one who the FBI was in the tank for is just rude, insulting, aggressive denial of reality.
The 4 minute mark shows you're either dishonest or ill-informed.


Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
All I said was, it's a shame that the United States elections suck. We can modernize everything except voting and make all this election ******** disappear. I was not leaning in one direction or the other; just tired of hearing all the ******** from everyone because the election drama was dragging on both sides. We all saw how that ended up.

So, because I said, something might be wrong with the presidential election, I was immediately labeled a MAGA and not a person. I hate that word.

If that was rude, I don't think it was because I said the election should be easy to verify.
I don't think that was outrageously rude, but I do think there's some context there that you're missing that would irritate those not missing it.

Kinda line a Bama fan complaining about holding. I have friends and family that are Bama fans, and I don't disparage them (much) for it. And I am no hater of complaining about refs. But to hear a Bama fan complain of holding is just so irritating that at best I will choose not to be around that person.

Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
That's the biggest pile of schit I've seen in s while.

The 4 minute mark shows you're either dishonest or ill-informed.

Nothing from Jim Jordan would ever show anyone is dishonest or ill-informed. You might as well quote the National Enquirer.

What part of what I wrote is wrong? You have nothing to say of GOP campaign finance? It's all Dems?
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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2022
Nothing from Jim Jordan would ever show anyone is dishonest or ill-informed. You might as well quote the National Enquirer.

What part of what I wrote is wrong? You have nothing to say of GOP campaign finance? It's all Dems?
Jim Jordan was quoting FBI's Lead Council words from a letter to Durham saying the Trump BS wouldn't have happened had the new policies been in place. Do you have problems understanding some things?


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2007
I don't think that was outrageously rude, but I do think there's some context there that you're missing that would irritate those not missing it.

Kinda line a Bama fan complaining about holding. I have friends and family that are Bama fans, and I don't disparage them (much) for it. And I am no hater of complaining about refs. But to hear a Bama fan complain of holding is just so irritating that at best I will choose not to be around that person.
I should've stayed out of it. I'm glad you guys can coach me on a conversation that you were not a pert of.

I should've known better. I'm back out again.

time will crawl GIF

Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
Jim Jordan was quoting FBI's Lead Council words from a letter to Durham saying the Trump BS wouldn't have happened had the new policies been in place. Do you have problems understanding some things?
And how do I know unrepentant serial liar Gym Jordan was quoting him correctly?

Clearly, you do, if you think the FBI put policies in place to not investigate espionage.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Good thing your boy Biden changed his position right?

Didn't he pall around with one of the biggest racist Democrats ever? Funny how his past is forgiven by all the useful idiots doing what their told to do in order to keep their saviors in power. It goes both ways.

Personally I think DJT is a ego maniac and a tool. I have the critical thinking skills (thank you MSU) to separate his cult of personality from conservative policies which I prefer to progressive policies almost every time.

Useful idiots on either side blindly follow the Cult of Personality....it's really sad and pathetic. It will only increase as general education levels decrease. It will be our downfall.
Um...why is Biden is my boy?
I don't want Biden to run the country. I didn't want it in '08, didnt want it in '19, still don't want it in '23, and won't want it in '24.
But yeah sure- he is my boy. Brilliant claim by you.***

Again, your attempted point about which party tried to stop civil right legislation sucked. It is intellectually dishonest and it is simply a lazy attempt to try and play 'gotcha'.
Party initiatives and voter views have changed many times over since 60 years ago.
This is like Ole Miss fans pointing to mythical championships from decades ago as if that has any bearing or relevance now.
Just take the L and don't use that failed point moving forward because it should continue to be called out as exactly what it is- meaningless and dishonest.


Well-known member
May 29, 2013
This is a mischaracterization. No one on the left is trying to cancel people for not participating in Pride events. If you don't like a Pride event, by all means, stay home or go somewhere else. If anything, I think people on the left would be much happier if people who didn't like Pride events stayed very far away when they're happening.
I only go to Mississippi Pride events, which is why I haven’t left the house in over twenty years

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