Since I rarely give sincere advice, so here's a curveball...
1. toss your ego out the door. this is the hardest part. most people can't do it. I struggle at times. Focusing on my kids helps me recenter when I get urges to look at new vehicles, custom fishing rods, saltwater fishing reels, event tickets, expensive meals, etc). I always ask myself "is this going to help either of my kids 5 years from now?"
2. with your ego out the door, understand and accept you are not as smart as you think and it's TOTALLY ok to take advice from people who you perceive as not as smart as you. I suffered from this. My ego prevented me from taking good advice from good people because "I was too smart for that".
3. to cap off your loss of ego, take Financial Peace University (yes, I know. Dave Ramsey is a moron and church isn't cool, but whatever. The principles are sound and work for the majority of people.) Don't to the online version. Do the in-person version. I begrudgingly trudged through it because my wife wanted to and I'm glad I did. It was worth it.
For me, it wasn't about a budget. It was about discipline and priorities. If you don't have discipline, you can't stick to a budget. It's impossible.