1. You do realize there is evidence that even you could go look at. It's as clear as your text messages on your phone.Well I wouldn't do most of what you list with a few exceptions.
1. I could be indited if the right persons want to indite me. Being indited doesn't equate to being guilty. "If a district attorney wanted, a grand jury would indict a ham sandwich.”
2. Although I don't think I could overturn an election or know of anyone who has, I wouldn't see anything wrong with challenging the results of an election. That's been done many times by people with all kinds of political affiliations.
Depending on the definition of nationalist you use, I could either agree or disagree with Mr. Bonhoeffer.
2. Fomenting a violent attack on the capitol where 160 police officers were injured in an attempt to prevent an election result from being recorded is not "challenging" things now is it?
ETA: Bonhoeffer was referring to the kind that Hitler ushered in. The same guy that Trump quotes while using the same dehumanizing tactics. Referring to people as less than human is exactly how Hitler convinced a bunch of German nationalists that exterminating them was good for the country because the were "poisoning the blood" <- you can attribute that quote to both Hitler and Trump. Hiter was first, Trump just recently decided it was a good one.