First off, as I said, no builders are doing 1200sf homes anymore in the South. That crap stopped way back in the 80’s. Buyers don’t want them because they have minimal appreciation, and its far more economical for a builder to do an 1800 or 2000sf house, because the build costs don’t rise proportionally with the square footage, and a lot of those savings get passed on to the buyer. More profit in the build. If you were allowed to build a 1200 sf house on a 0.1 acre lot, it might be different because then builders could just cram them in. But even places as poorly run as Jackson, you have minimum lot size requirements for single family new construction.
Regardless, I’m pretty curious how you came to the number of $175,500 as the amount it would cost you to get permits, clear the lot, grade the lot, run plumbing to the lot, run electrical / telecommunications to the lot, build the roads that run to the lot, build irrigation / drainage / sewage systems for the lot, pay property taxes payed on the land and everything on it by the builder, and so forth. 1 / 200th of the cost for everything above is getting passed on directly to the homebuyer, and as
@PooPopsBaldHead said, that’s going to be in the tens of thousands of dollars. So what you’re saying is that you can build a 1300 sf house from foundation up for only $110k - $120k. And if that’s your position in today’s times, you’re full of it.
And just one more thing - 1800sf @ $300k is $167 per square foot. Your 1300sf @ $240k is $185 per square foot. So, your house that you think is all the prospective buyer “needs” is actually a much worse deal for said buyer.
It’s still in the city limits of a major city in close proximity to 2 interstates, Madison / Ridgland and other suburbs, etc. They don’t just give that kind of land away. And the land cost really isn’t much anyway.
You need to remove the phrase “in that area” from your statement to ever be able to get this. If the land was completely free for the builder, the houses are still going to be $290k each. That is, quite simply, what it costs to build a home and make a modest profit while doing it. If the land was was completely free and the builder was doing it for free, its still going to be a $250k-$260k home just for them to get out what they put in.
You want to question the decision to develop a subdivision in that area, totally get it. I agree. But once that decision is made, the price is what it has to be for it to be worth doing for the developer. You cannot buy ANY new construction ANYwhere in 2023 for less than $300k. It just ain’t happening.