OT: Fall Equinox Jukebox

Mr. Potter

Well-known member
Oct 18, 2021

“The Lady in My Life” was one of the most difficult tracks to cut. We were used to doing a lot of takes in order to get a vocal as nearly perfect as possible, but Quincy wasn’t satisfied with my work on that song, even after literally dozens of takes. Finally he took me aside late one session and told me he wanted me to beg. That’s what he said. He wanted me to go back to the studio and literally beg for it. So I went back in and had them turn off the studio lights and close the curtain between the studio and the control room so I wouldn’t feel self-conscious. Q started the tape and I begged. The result is what you hear in the grooves." Jackson, Michael. Moonwalk: A Memoir (pp. 197-198). Crown.
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