OT: Frustrated Millennials

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Smoked Toag

New member
Jul 15, 2021
Maybe Gen Z more than Millennials. Society is becoming feminized which isn't always a bad thing but there are consequences. Plus, lots of single moms have trouble turning boys into men. Women, especially educated women, are getting a lot choosier. High quality women are outbidding low-status women for small number of high quality men. Get a college degree, a good job and stay in shape and you'll have sex. Lots of lost boys in America aren't doing these things. Easy access to porn is a reason. Satisfaction in minutes for some, but that's a pretty empty life without meaning and purpose.
Don't necessarily agree about the college degree but your point is a good one. Whether or not you get a college degree is a minor issue and not worth arguing over, it's more about responsibility, finding a career that suits your talents, handling the finances and ultimately finding purpose. That gives confidence and attracts women.

Educated women can have a distorted reality too. See the rant Tomi Lahren went on, about trying to find 'good guys'. She doesn't even know herself what she wants. The reason she's frustrated is that she is looking in an elite group, and when she can't find perfection, she rants about men. Not everybody wants that career women, some want to have kids. You kind of pass your window when you get married at 40, you know?

Lahren is also pissed off that the successful elite men are opting for younger women. LOL I say, hope that career was worth it.


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2007
Progress: Nearly 40% of Gen Z, including 30% of young Christians, identify as LGBTQ (and maybe some other letters and symbols and numbers...I can't keep up with the latest horseshit from gender theory). College and the internet are awesome for young people looking for status, uniqueness and attention.


This is probably a real problem just because these guys aren't sure who they can ask out because they don't know who is heterosexual and who will scream at them about patriarchy.

Phones of made it harder for people to learn how to talk to each other on a one-to-one basis face-to-face. That's also part of the reason why people can't talk to each other and have a traditional debate without acting like ********.


New member
Feb 26, 2008
Yea I'm oblivious to reality cause I asked a question in that thread and you're now gonna run with it as a statement forever. Do tell us how an entire generation of men, many many millions, would somehow magically produce 22% less testosterone than all other males to ever walk the face of the earth in only twenty years? That'd take like thousands of years of evolution not twenty there Fauci. What'd they do test all these men for testosterone when they turned 18 for the entire history of humans or something? Seems legit


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
Progress: Nearly 40% of Gen Z, including 30% of young Christians, identify as LGBTQ (and maybe some other letters and symbols and numbers...I can't keep up with the latest horseshit from gender theory). College and the internet are awesome for young people looking for status, uniqueness and attention.



Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
Porn is a lot more dangerous than people realize. Folks need to stay away from that ****. It's not real life - at all, preys on men's insecurities, so it obviously becomes a cycle. Women want confidence, and porn strips it.

That's right, fellas. Send all your good stuff to IMissPlatinumPlus and he will make sure it's properly disposed of.


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2007
Not worried about combat. The worry is tech.

Russia is doing the same. Putin is taking measures to promote the nuclear family, get the birth rates up, and the youth are being trained early in combat skills. Has been for years.

There is a distinct difference is how Russia and China are doing things as compared with the West. As far as who the enemy is, that really doesn't matter for the US. The enemy lies within at the moment. We are just lucky that no one else can match us in strength (yet). We've been lucky that China has done a bunch of stuff to limit their population, and obviously Russia had been crippled for years and years until Putin took over.

I don't see their rises stopping anytime soon, as I also don't see our decline stopping anytime soon. Liberal policies will ensure we get weaker as a society here, as I don't see a red wave happening anytime soon either. Baby boomers will be gone in 20 years, and if a bunch of people who currently vote blue, do not wake up and vote the other way, well, you get what you get.

Space lasers, hypersonic missiles, nuclear, cyber. Things like that. Plus, if we were to have a combat war that required drafting youth, I'm also more concerned with an obese population than I am with the effeminate population. Put an able body in a life or death situation and fight or flight takes over. Fat people struggle with that for extended periods of time.

How do you fix what ails us with policy though? I suppose there's a risk of a large, masculine, aggressive society developing that wants to physically and economically replace us. That might be China or Russia. But again, tech. War today is more tech + economic than pure strength. Things change over time. We've seen it in our own recent history as strength-based wars become less and less combative and more based on remote strikes.

I'm far less concerned with perceived problems with effeminate men than I am with a population that has declining numbers of people that can support themselves and increasing numbers of those who can't. Neither party has offered a real solution to that. The labor supply is going to get worse in this country (or firms move out) and the aging population is going to need even more support. The shorter term answer is going to be some combination of correcting immigration and getting people in here that want to work and contribute (legal immigration is way down/illegal is way up) + taking away financial incentives for poor people to keep popping out kids while still helping people that genuinely need the help. That's a sane step one. Step 2 can involve thinking about how to bring some kind of equilibrium to costs of living that have outpaced wages in the last 4 decades or so. In the meantime, smartly increase your taxable population base with a rational immigration plan and stop rewarding bad behavior.

Sadly, our lovely elected representatives have positioned themselves into a "open borders + make fed go brrrr" and "build the wall + 'use your bootstraps, poors'" approach. Nothing gets done when those are the two very opposite plans - maybe intentionally so???

Not going to argue the culture stuff you alluded to. That's all opinion based and should be driven by morality, families, churches, etc. My only preference as it relates to governments getting involved with that is to preserve rights and let all those other things take care of the culture stuff.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012

When we stopped discriminating against left handed people, our society wasn't messed up enough that right handed people felt social pressure to pretend they were left handed (except for baseball players but they're just weird).

Smoked Toag

New member
Jul 15, 2021
Yea I'm oblivious to reality cause I asked a question in that thread and you're now gonna run with it as a statement forever. Do tell us how an entire generation of men, many many millions, would somehow magically produce 22% less testosterone than all other males to ever walk the face of the earth in only twenty years? That'd take like thousands of years of evolution not twenty there Fauci. What'd they do test all these men for testosterone when they turned 18 for the entire history of humans or something? Seems legit
Simple Google search, man. Take your L and move on.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
I saw a study a couple of years back that said that a substantial percentage of teens/20 somethings get anxiety if they think they will have to place/receive an unplanned call and actually speak extemporaneously. So much so that they will rarely take an unexpected call and they will plan/script calls they have to make. It's hard to imagine. I was the little s**t with so little home training I'd answer the phone at other people's houses if it rang and I was near it!


Well-known member
Jun 27, 2009
I think we should strive for both.

Freedom and strength

We damn sure shouldn’t be teaching kids below 10 how to be trans but HERE WE ARE.


New member
Oct 11, 2012
Yup. Women often overestimate their value, even good looking ones. There are always younger, hotter things for men who primarily want young, hot women and the competition for the small number of elite men is fierce. Women don't like marrying down and some don't realize that they think men on an equal level are below them. (There's a youtube clip from the late Patrice O'Neal about women aging like bread instead of aging like wine.) Lahren still looks good but that politics all the time personality would get old. Also, there are women who don't realize that men are with them for sex. Men can stick around women they'd never marry just because they're having sex. Women need to know that.
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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2010
Something about free milk and a cow

Also, there are women who don't realize that men are with them for sex. Men can stick around women they'd never marry just because they're having sex. Women need to know that.
Don’t give me no lines


New member
Jan 13, 2021
Despite all the banter & ribbing of opinions here. Like men having less testosterone, this coincides with genetics and with proper nourishment growing up. Opinions vary, everyone is different.

The serious nature of this thread, which I believe most of us don’t experience. As I assume, like me, you got your degree & not in the lower economic class. Thank god, if you are lol RIP you.

Reality that I have seen is, a certain percentage of people in this current economy, are getting priced out. We are a country of haves and have nots and the wealth inequality is rearing its head. COVID made it even worse. For certain things, if you don’t have a good enough job, forget about it or go under water in debt. But this is how it works you say? No, not currently because regulations are out of check.

I could go on, everyone leaving their jobs and mostly doing it right. Getting a better one.

Then you got those that don’t, then you ask where the workers? Hell, a lot passed away from covid.

It is all a mess, this country needs a labor party. It doesn’t by any means need to win a major election but it needs to put pressure on monetary issues without going into pure democratic socialism.


New member
Feb 26, 2008
There's 4 billion men currently on the planet Boss and that doesn't include all the ones who've died since forever. You want me to Google search a study of 4k of them to figure out it isn't conclusive to a population of 4 billion? Don't need to.


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2007
Oh yes

From covid was about 75+, right? Is that having a big impact on our labor force?

Many folks near retirement decided to do so bc their 401k looked nice and didn't want to deal with either getting sick in the work place or adapt to Covid changes. Good and bad to this, but it happened.


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2007
I think that one isn't isolated to younger people

I saw a study a couple of years back that said that a substantial percentage of teens/20 somethings get anxiety if they think they will have to place/receive an unplanned call and actually speak extemporaneously. So much so that they will rarely take an unexpected call and they will plan/script calls they have to make. It's hard to imagine. I was the little s**t with so little home training I'd answer the phone at other people's houses if it rang and I was near it!

I could talk your ear off all day in person, but the phone is miserable for me. I guess it's the lack of visual feedback but I'd rather be inconvenienced than have to talk on the damn phone. Except at work. A job is a job and calling is often better than emails/messenger. Personal life? You're getting screened unless you're my mother.


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2005
I know many people who went ahead and retired. They could have worked another 10 years but decided life was too short.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2005
They are having sex. It's just with thier hand and being in front of a computer.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2004
Meanwhile Chinese don’t allow effeminates displayed in any media - only the strong masculine type. Limit access to social media/ games to 1 hr/day and the only viral videos are a science math and sporting successes.

The US: we have people like the glfr
Besides that dude from bloodsport, I don’t really think of Chinese men as overly masculine. Jet Li was one of the most popular action stars ever, but I don’t really think he exudes masculinity and I’m sure he could beat the **** out of me.


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2010
Good for them

Many folks near retirement decided to do so bc their 401k looked nice and didn't want to deal with either getting sick in the work place or adapt to Covid changes. Good and bad to this, but it happened.
As well as to Desoto’s post. Retire while you’ve got life left, even if it means you have a little less cash when you do so.


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2018
I don’t know, there were a lot of nerds around when I was at Mississippi College for a year and at MSU for 3.5 back in the early 2000’s. I’m pretty sure they’d never even sniffed a snatch. The percentages may be similar to back then.

Smoked Toag

New member
Jul 15, 2021
Besides that dude from bloodsport, I don’t really think of Chinese men as overly masculine. Jet Li was one of the most popular action stars ever, but I don’t really think he exudes masculinity and I’m sure he could beat the **** out of me.

Chong Li bruh


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Meanwhile Chinese don’t allow effeminates displayed in any media - only the strong masculine type. Limit access to social media/ games to 1 hr/day and the only viral videos are a science math and sporting successes.

The US: we have people like the glfr

Haha, holy ****. Yeah, let's try to be more like China. Great point.**
I love this place. The absolute inconsistency of some and arbitrary positions taken is a joy. The upvotes to such comments are awesome too.
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May 29, 2011
I think a large part of the problem is in messaging in this country. Something I’ve realized in hindsight about 10 years after I should have. I was chasing immediate “happiness” which basically was spinning my wheels. Instead of realizing I’d actually find happiness by putting down roots. My parents and grandparents way of doing things wasn’t so dumb after all
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Well-known member
Nov 30, 2006
Here’s a theory substantiated by absolutely nothing other than personal experience and conversation, but I think there’s a growing sentiment amongst both men and women that while they may enjoy each other’s company on occasion, they no longer “need” each other.

Men cook, know how to take care of a house, and as has already been mentioned several times… have access to porn, tinder, etc in a matter of seconds. Not to mention that the move to more flexible work weeks and job locations is giving them the ability to take care of things around the house unlike ever before.

Women have earning power like never before, there’s less pressure on having kids immediately after school, and they also have access to the same things mentioned above.

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t think the idea of marriage or a nuclear family is completely dying, but it’s certainly evolving. This thought that a man and woman must get married at 22-24, have kids by 25, and then spend 60 years together is changing. From that, I think there’s a trickle down effect to dating and even sex. There’s just less pressure to hit milestones than before.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Also, there are women who don't realize that men are with them for sex. Men can stick around women they'd never marry just because they're having sex. Women need to know that.

Pretty sure that women in general are aware they have the potential to be valued as an object for sex. Your observation isnt exactly groundbreaking.


New member
Jan 9, 2020
I think you are all wrong. I believe it is computer gaming

They are so hooked they get off work and go home to play. They don't have time for dating and they can live an alternate life.

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New member
Oct 11, 2012
We have a large supply of low status men with limited marriage prospects. About a third aren't working and and men under age 35 are more likely to live with their parents, or parent, than with a romantic partner. There really is a major crisis among men and if these outcomes were faced by women, we'd have a national outcry and calls for federal programs to address it. Women in general are doing fine in America. Men, not so much.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
They are so hooked they get off work and go home to play. They don't have time for dating and they can live an alternate life.

I do wonder what constitutes a 'gamer'. Is it number of hours per day or week? Is it type of games played(solo vs MMPOG), device the game is played on?

We dont have a gaming console at home. My kids play minecraft with their friends on their phones once or twice a week. They also play some sort of animal quest game where you hunt and ****. Oh, and one plays some dumb games via texting like billiards and checkers with her friends. Are they gamers? If so, thats quite the stretch in my mind, but maybe they are.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
From covid was about 75+, right? Is that having a big impact on our labor force?

We already had a pretty tight labor market, so the "small" number of deaths in the working population and the early retirements plus some young workers just opting out of the workforce had a major impact. And in a lot of the areas we are having the most trouble (truck drivers, skilled and semi-skilled labor in construction and plants) were already facing known "labor shortages", or really just a combination of constant messaging that jobs were low status and somehow less than white collar work and there weren't enough wage increases to convince people to go into "low status" careers.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
I think a large part of the problem is in messaging in this country. Something I’ve realized in hindsight about 10 years after I should have. I was chasing immediate “happiness” which basically was spinning my wheels. Instead of realizing I’d actually find happiness by putting down roots. My parents and grandparents way of doing things wasn’t so dumb after all

People on the whole are really bad at knowing what will make them happy and satisfied and spend a lot of time chasing what they think will make them happy without understanding (or even spending time trying to understand or figure out) what will make them satisfied/content in the long run.

Mobile Bay

Well-known member
Jul 26, 2020
Nah. Online dating has been going on for ages.

Back when I was an undergrad at State 30+ years ago, I know folks who got married who met through interacting on MUDs, online BBSes, etc.

That MUD run out of the physics building? Lordy what a **** show that was.

Smoked Toag

New member
Jul 15, 2021
Women have earning power like never before, there’s less pressure on having kids immediately after school, and they also have access to the same things mentioned above.
All they need is an onlyfans account. Remember when we used to say that no matter what type woman it was in the bar, there was some guy that would go home with her? Now it's about how many thousand men will pay her online.

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t think the idea of marriage or a nuclear family is completely dying, but it’s certainly evolving. This thought that a man and woman must get married at 22-24, have kids by 25, and then spend 60 years together is changing. From that, I think there’s a trickle down effect to dating and even sex. There’s just less pressure to hit milestones than before.
It'll never die. There is an innate human longing for companionship, and all these anti-marriage people will never be able to get beyond that, no matter how hard they try.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Here’s a theory substantiated by absolutely nothing other than personal experience and conversation, but I think there’s a growing sentiment amongst both men and women that while they may enjoy each other’s company on occasion, they no longer “need” each other.

Men cook, know how to take care of a house, and as has already been mentioned several times… have access to porn, tinder, etc in a matter of seconds. Not to mention that the move to more flexible work weeks and job locations is giving them the ability to take care of things around the house unlike ever before.

Women have earning power like never before, there’s less pressure on having kids immediately after school, and they also have access to the same things mentioned above.

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t think the idea of marriage or a nuclear family is completely dying, but it’s certainly evolving. This thought that a man and woman must get married at 22-24, have kids by 25, and then spend 60 years together is changing. From that, I think there’s a trickle down effect to dating and even sex. There’s just less pressure to hit milestones than before.

I see that dynamic but interpret it a little differently. It's not that they don't "need" each other, it's that the alternative to the traditional route has improved and made them less willing to pay the "cost" of the traditional route until they get really tired of the bachelor/bachelorette life. I can name quite a few women that 17ed around when they were desirable and then suddenly realized they were up against the clock and "settled" (at least in their mind; I think they are making the tradeoffs they should have made ten or fifteen years before) or they don't settle and end up with an "appropriate status" male after he has already had and raised kids and they just don't have children of their own (or even step children that consider them anything more than their dad's girlfriend). Even the guys that play the field into their 40's still seem to end up wanting a stable relationship in their 50's, even if they also want sidepieces.

I think this dynamic is a much worse deal for most women and even most men, although it's most crushing for low status men who don't get the fruits of playing the field and also don't have women of similar status willing to settle down with them unless and until they are desperate.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Don't necessarily agree about the college degree but your point is a good one. Whether or not you get a college degree is a minor issue and not worth arguing over, it's more about responsibility, finding a career that suits your talents, handling the finances and ultimately finding purpose. That gives confidence and attracts women.

Educated women can have a distorted reality too. See the rant Tomi Lahren went on, about trying to find 'good guys'. She doesn't even know herself what she wants. The reason she's frustrated is that she is looking in an elite group, and when she can't find perfection, she rants about men. Not everybody wants that career women, some want to have kids. You kind of pass your window when you get married at 40, you know?

Lahren is also pissed off that the successful elite men are opting for younger women. LOL I say, hope that career was worth it.

SHe's an idiot. She's good looking enough and successful enough that she would have a legitimate shot with >99% of eligible men from a few years younger than her and up. It's pretty much a certainty she is bitching because the .01% of men that are some combination of rich and/or attractive enough to keep multiple side pieces going at once aren't willing to settle down with just her. It's like limiting your options for employees to nothing but ex-cons in prison for embezzlement and then complaining that you can't find honest workers.
Aug 22, 2012
So many crusty old dudes in this topic talking about how much manlier they are than kids today.

The real answer is you crashed the economy in 2007/2008 in the dumbest way possible (greed fueled rampant speculation) just as we were coming out of undergrad, which hamstrung the **** out of us financially and professionally, and then you continuously implement policy that makes us poorer than any generation since the great depression. Unfortunately for your narrative, we're also the highest educated generation of all time, so we recognize what you are doing and we're not happy about it, but we're acting responsibly as we can through it and not starting the families that we cannot afford. Enjoy not having a service industry working class in twenty years because we aren't having kids. If you thought "no one wants to work anymore!" just wait a few years.

Feel free to continue taking no blame and blaming "kids today" like the generations before yours blamed you. Simple answers that absolve you of all responsibility must be really comforting, but I couldn't do the same because I live in the real world.


New member
Jan 9, 2020
I'm talking about role playing games (RPG)

I do wonder what constitutes a 'gamer'. Is it number of hours per day or week? Is it type of games played(solo vs MMPOG), device the game is played on?

We dont have a gaming console at home. My kids play minecraft with their friends on their phones once or twice a week. They also play some sort of animal quest game where you hunt and ****. Oh, and one plays some dumb games via texting like billiards and checkers with her friends. Are they gamers? If so, thats quite the stretch in my mind, but maybe they are.

I've got ex-students that have graduated from college that are really into RPGs. I know 40 something folks that are unmarried and not dating because their gaming time is too precious to give up. With my small sample size I can only imagine how many there really are out there.
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