OT: Have you heard of the new college football game coming out?


Active member
Oct 22, 2022
It's going to be free to play and on all the consoles and pc.

Yes I have heard about it. It looks good, however I am anxiously awaiting the release of EA Sports CFB series in 2024 cause it got pushed back a year.....

Here's the thing though - The 2023 EA Sports edition was supposed to be released on top of the Madden engine and that is an absolute travesty to me. I am *STILL* playing NCAA 2014 on the Xbox and the physics engine (not Madden) is simply stunning. I still see things that happen in game that would happen in real life. Example of most recent 'sight' > I'm inside the 5 yard line getting ready to score and I call a running play. The RB goes off the right side and gets absolutely destroyed head on and the ball pops out and up..... right into the hands of a WR that was blocking and the WR essentially walks in with a TD. It was bizarre. It was 1 in a million. But watching the replay you go "yep, that could totally happen by all known laws of physics" ...

It wasn't some random scripted 'animation' like that Madden garbage. Hopefully by EA announcing a year delay to get the finer details right, they'll scrap building the new game on top of the Madden engine because frankly, it sucks. Love NCAA line, hate Madden. Hate it. If it is indeed going to be built on top of the Madden Engine, I won't be participating. CFB has a feel all to its own and the physics of the game should reflect that. I believe NCAA 14' was built on top of the Infinity 2 engine IIRC. Either way, I'm extremely excited about these new CFB releases and I'm 50 yrs old and started out in the 70's with 'pong' ......