Allowing men to compete as women isn't progressivism, it's denial of reality. I and, I think, most others who consider themselves progressive think men in women's sports is insanity.
The problem here is the real world is complicated, not simple.
Here's a relevant passage I found while looking for the scientific definition of male re xxy and such cases:
"Boy babies may be born that are truly males but under the impact of the feminizing hormone appear superficially to be females and are often raised as such. As a rule, even when older, they have more or less
sterile, undescended
testes; an imperfect penis; well-developed breasts; an unbroken voice; and no beard. One in a thousand may be like this and on occasion may have won in women’s Olympic competitions. In other cases, those somewhat less severely affected, during adolescence when the hidden
testes begin to secrete their own male
hormones in abundance, the falsely female characteristics become suppressed, and the voice, beard, breasts, and sexual interest take on the pattern of the male. What were thought to be girls in their youth change into the men they were meant to be upon reaching maturity."