I live in a Florida neighborhood with a bag of **** HOA. I've bee cited several times for conditions identical to my neighbors on either side. To wit, corner of the air conditioning compressor visible from the street, propane tank visible (pre-existing). But the battle was over my grandson's work pickup truck. It had the name of the HVAC company etc., on the doors. I immediately received a notice and we were about to look into plain magnetic covers while parked. However, I looked into the "rules" which were specific about it being OK if the vehicle was the sole means of transportation to and from work. So I mentioned it in a note to the managing company for the HOA. Too bad. But, a neighbor who had been a previous president of the HOA told me about the HOA during his tenure being challenged on this issue where the HOA lost in court and he gave me the details. I sent that information to the managing company and they withdrew. About one year later my grandson changed companies and guess what? Here they come. I wrote and asked if they really wanted to try this again. They did, stating that this truck was bigger. I merely responded with let's go. I'm fighting you in court. They withdrew the violation but other trivial violations keep coming. Every HOA that I've been associated with is run by folks that have never run anything