OT: How do you truly beat these inflation/sky-rocketing costs?

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OG Goat Holder

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
I have lots of older clients in the same boat. They bought a 4-bed house in 1997 for 225k. Now they are empty nesters and their house is worth 600k. The problem is a 2 bedroom new(er) construction in the same area cost around 600k.
Seems extreme.


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2005
I could see that. I just don't view it the same because I look at it in terms of payoff amount.
That’s one way to look at it but she’s at a place where she wanted to downsize to get a lower payment to free up some money to help with other bills (my mother in law lives with her and is not in good health.).


Active member
Jan 23, 2007
There has been loose credit and a fearlessness of debt in this country for a long time. Millions upon millions living beyond their means and basically spending more than they could afford and accumulating debt they will never be able to pay back(some call it living high on the hog). Maybe there will be a day of reckoning....maybe not but it's helped drive inflation and looks like a house of cards to me.
My neighbor makes less than me and his wife makes less than my wife. we have one son and they have 2 small children. They just bought their house and It was listed for almost 100K more than we paid for ours for the same size house and they have a smaller yard. They drive 2023 and 2022 vehicles and ours are both paid off. I don't understand how they can do it.
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Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
I’m not a Trump fan by any means. I personally think that he is a despicable human being but I think history has shown that his fiscal policies were deemed favorable by the market. I’ve been a saver since soon after I entered the workforce and while I’m no expert I probably know my way around the stock market better than the average person. I made 2-3 times as much money during Trumps four years than I did 8 years of Bush and 8 years of Obama combined and now Biden has robbed me of about 50% of my Trump gains. I wish Trump would have stayed out of this election and I won’t vote for him in the primary but I’m afraid he will get my vote in November because I can’t vote for Demento.
Interesting take. His fiscal policy was based on tax cuts spurring business investment. They didn't. They failed by their own theory of success. Now, it did spur stock buybacks and stock gains. So, kudos?
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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
My neighbor makes less than me and his wife makes less than my wife. we have one son and they have 2 small children. They just bought their house and It was listed for almost 100K more than we paid for ours for the same size house and they have a smaller yard. They drive 2023 and 2022 vehicles and ours are both paid off. I don't understand how they can do it.

Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
The balance is simple. Stop/slow down foreign aid when your own economy is stumbling. I know that's an oversimplification, but the mere creation of this thread is enough of an indicator for me.
The problem there is we don't give foreign aid as charity. It's bribes, to achieve desired ends. Those desired ends still exist when our economy turns south.
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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2007
I'm really worried about what is going to happen in the next few years. Socialism is coming for us. Sure, we'll fight against it now, but the first time social security checks bounce, people will crawl through a mile of broken glass to vote for the first person who promises to bring them back.

Some tough choices are going to have to be made, and we don't have the will to make them.
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OG Goat Holder

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
Interesting take. His fiscal policy was based on tax cuts spurring business investment. They didn't. They failed by their own theory of success. Now, it did spur stock buybacks and stock gains. So, kudos?
Geez now ya'll done got Boom Boom involved.

Trump nor Biden nor Kamala nor your rich uncle Elroy is going to do a damned thing to fix this stuff. To me, it's outside factors and a lot of it is bad behavior by the populace, which also means it's not going to change. So, you just have to survive.

Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
I agree, the Democrats desperately want Trump to be the GOP nominee. They are doing everything they possibly can to ensure it, and the Trump wing of the party is falling for it hook, line, and sinker. The Democrats want this election to be about Tump and ONLY Trump.
Only Republicans say this. Because they want to sidestep the obvious problems in their own Party. Dems want Trump nowhere near power, period. We will gladly risk a loss in 2024 to ensure that.


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2016
Part of the problem too is cyclical. I am a partner in a small service business. Costs go up across the board, give employees raises because their costs are up, therefore, we have to raise prices annually. It's that way in any business. If you expect a raise, expect costs to rise. They may not be proportionate, however.


Well-known member
May 29, 2007
My neighbor makes less than me and his wife makes less than my wife. we have one son and they have 2 small children. They just bought their house and It was listed for almost 100K more than we paid for ours for the same size house and they have a smaller yard. They drive 2023 and 2022 vehicles and ours are both paid off. I don't understand how they can do it.
This is what I mean when I say fearlessness of debt. Now it could that at least one of them has some wealthy parents and they think they can "run out the clock" until the old folks kick the bucket.

Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
The problem is taxpayers pay for the aid but the "desired ends" are rarely for the benefit of the taxpayers.
Yeah, it's mostly to subsidize corporate profits. Just like tax cuts. The irony is the same people that hate the former, love the latter. Same end!

Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
Geez now ya'll done got Boom Boom involved.

Trump nor Biden nor Kamala nor your rich uncle Elroy is going to do a damned thing to fix this stuff. To me, it's outside factors and a lot of it is bad behavior by the populace, which also means it's not going to change. So, you just have to survive.
From the beach no less!

But yes, the general path is nearly set in stone. Corporate profits first, whatever is left over to the plebes. Culture was BS to distract them. The 2 Party system will never leave this path, they have no reason to.

The Peeper

Well-known member
Feb 26, 2008
mid 2024 it will improve thank God for election years

That's what the retirement/money manager for our company seems to think. He said no way Uncle Joe lets the inflation stay where it is and risk that being a re-election hurdle. Yet, Uncle Joe was on the UAW picket lines today telling them how great they are and to hang in there. IF they get anywhere near a 40% raise and a 32 hr work week like they want we'll go back to super high auto prices which will have all kinds of trickle down
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Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
I'm not talking political BS here. I kept thinking prices would return to reasonability about 3 years after the COVID shutdowns, but they haven't yet. Gas is up, groceries are up, restaurants are STUPID high, construction prices through the roof, housing way up, on and on and on. Stock market not keeping pace. How do you save?

I keep a tight lid on my budget and I usually try to say things aren't as bad as they seem, but they are. My next vehicle will definitely be a hybrid. I have nearly cut restaurants out. Buy clothes at co-signment stores. Cut out a lot of expensive activities.

This crap gets a little discouraging at times, I'll be honest. Somehow I want to blame it on the baby boomers. Most people just continue to pay the prices, so they just keep going up. I can't make myself do it.
Most people don't chart out their finances early in their careers. If you do, stuff like this is just an annoyance.

I think this started with doctors and lawyers who lived their early lives in debt, because they expected to make much more income soon enough. That attitude spread to other workers who do not share that income path. Those people spend too much, and there's the problem.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
I don’t think HELOC’s are that bad of an idea as long as you don’t use it unnecessarily but that’s not the norm.
i got my first HELOC before my oldest went to State. It was a hedge against unknown cashflow needs and at the time I had way too much equity in my home
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OG Goat Holder

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
Most people don't chart out their finances early in their careers. If you do, stuff like this is just an annoyance.

I think this started with doctors and lawyers who lived their early lives in debt, because they expected to make much more income soon enough. That attitude spread to other workers who do not share that income path. Those people spend too much, and there's the problem.
Agreed on that. I generally made pretty good choices, with a few dumb ones. But it certainly appears now that I simply do not make enough money to keep up with things. And things seem badly overpriced as well, which is more frustrating. Even if I made more money, I don't want to pay for these things.

OG Goat Holder

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
i got my first HELOC before my oldest went to State. It was a hedge against unknown cashflow needs and at the time I had way too much equity in my home
How is having too much equity a bad thing?

I understand the cash flow thing. I would normally say, "hey why not just save some cash", but, as evidenced by this thread, I'm finding that harder and harder to do.

I guess the answer is more income. I'm seriously looking into a second job at the moment.


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2007
Only Republicans say this. Because they want to sidestep the obvious problems in their own Party. Dems want Trump nowhere near power, period. We will gladly risk a loss in 2024 to ensure that.
If you put fourth a candidate that wasn't Biden or Harris, they would win a landslide.

Having hardheaded politicians sure runs on both sides of the isle.

Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
Agreed on that. I generally made pretty good choices, with a few dumb ones. But it certainly appears now that I simply do not make enough money to keep up with things. And things seem badly overpriced as well, which is more frustrating. Even if I made more money, I don't want to pay for these things.
I've been living the FIRE life for several years now. It really does open your eyes to just how much us typical Americans waste on things we don't need or could get cheaper. I haven't really noticed these price increases, outside of meat, cars, and a desired new home. I recently got a new car that I finally could get at MSRP, when they wanted $8 over it 6 months ago. So that appears to be getting back towards normal. My current list of overpriced crap is most whiskey, washers and dryers, homes, cable (absolutely don't miss it), and restaurants ($100 last night for family when I would have preferred take out pizza for $25). Yet most of the country pays top dollar for these things on the reg,among many others.

Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
If you put fourth a candidate that wasn't Biden or Harris, they would win a landslide.

Having hardheaded politicians sure runs on both sides of the isle.
Maybe. But I'm not so sure. All those so called swing voters and "not Republicans" would find a reason to not vote for any Dem like they always do. Especially the Olds if it's someone young. AAs like Biden for some reason. Many other ways Biden threaded the needle that other Dems probably couldn't.

Perd Hapley

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
People see inflation at 7% last year and 3.7% this year and buy what the current party is telling them about "bringing inflation down."

Inflation is not down. It's a compound statistic. It's 3.7% higher than the highs of last year. And real inflation is much higher than the 3.7 we're seeing reported.
Outside of COVID and Great Recession, year over year inflation has hovered between 2% and 4% for the vast majority of the past 3 decades. So yes, getting back under 4% is somewhat of a return to normalcy even though there are still various global factors that are keeping it from going lower. Bottom line is that it won’t get back under 3% without substantial job losses and/or a recession.

The Fed’s 2% target is thus not so achievable, so it seems they are hellbent on inducing such a recession themselves with current interest rates. The odd thing is that it seems particularly aimed at housing. But instead of making the problem with affordable housing better, they are actually making it worse. Just about every seller in the housing market wouldn’t be one if they didn’t also become a buyer, and they are digging their heels in on not selling more and more as rates continue to climb.


Well-known member
May 29, 2007
Maybe. But I'm not so sure. All those so called swing voters and "not Republicans" would find a reason to not vote for any Dem like they always do. Especially the Olds if it's someone young. AAs like Biden for some reason. Many other ways Biden threaded the needle that other Dems probably couldn't.
Trump got elected because the Dems had a bad candidate in Hilary and Trump was an unknown without a lot of baggage at the time. Biden got elected because as Trump became known and turned off millions with his idiocy (namely his twitter account and big mouth) and lack of self control while Biden played "rope a dope" from his basement and let Trump self destruct. If these two old fools are the candidates God only knows what will be the deciding factor


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2017
Most people don't chart out their finances early in their careers. If you do, stuff like this is just an annoyance.

I think this started with doctors and lawyers who lived their early lives in debt, because they expected to make much more income soon enough. That attitude spread to other workers who do not share that income path. Those people spend too much, and there's the problem.
I had someone recently at work who talked a lot and didn’t have much good advice. I was complaining about truck prices and she said go ahead and buy it. Just spend that money because you’ll get a raise anyways. That is apparently a common thought process for some in America.


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2007
Trump got elected because the Dems had a bad candidate in Hilary and Trump was an unknown without a lot of baggage at the time. Biden got elected because as Trump became known and turned off millions with his idiocy (namely his twitter account and big mouth) and lack of self control while Biden played "rope a dope" from his basement and let Trump self destruct. If these two old fools are the candidates God only knows what will be the deciding factor
A lot of folks have forgotten this. Trump got elected not because he was a great politician. He was running against the Antichrist for many people. I remember being just as surprised as the reporters on CNN. That is back when you could sit and listen to them. It was back before they became THE 24-seven Anti-Trump all-day, all-the-time crusader.
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Maroon Eagle

Well-known member
May 24, 2006
I’ve mentioned in passing for quite a few months that I was keeping my eyes and ears open for opportunities outside PERS since I was eligible for state retirement.

That’s changed. I accepted a position outside of and retired from PERS this summer.

The pay when including my retirement benefits is better than what I had earned previously.

I feel renewed. I’d said that there were times I felt trapped before I qualified for retirement. Being retirement eligible was freeing.

I like my new environment a lot so I want to do what I can to keep my new cow-orkers ($1) happy because I see what inflation and prices are looking like too.
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Perd Hapley

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
There’s a conundrum for housing.
I’ll give an example in my sister in law. They have more house than they need now and would like to downsize but downsizing does no good because the price of houses in Desoto county have steadily risen and then you lay on top of that the interest rate on a mortgage and you’re back to square one or in some cases worse off.
That’s correct. Very few people could afford to even buy their own home from themselves right now, if it required getting a new mortgage.

I have 18 years left on a 20 year mortgage. If I refinanced to a 30 year on the current balance, my payment would go UP about $250 per month with the best available rate. Add 12 years of payments, and yet still have a higher monthly payment. Its bonkers.
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Well-known member
Dec 11, 2007
That’s correct. Very few people could afford to even buy their own home from themselves right now, if it required getting a new mortgage.

I have 18 years left on a 20 year mortgage. If I refinanced to a 30 year on the current balance, my payment would go UP about $250 per month with the best available rate. Add 12 years of payments and still have a higher payment. Its bonkers.
I got lucky and refinanced at rock bottom. You'd have to drag me out of this house and mortgage. If there's anything I want added or changed, I'm saving and making it happen with cash or sweat equity. I assume most folks mid career with an home/kids are in the same boat. Works for me. Fortunate to be in that situation.

Perd Hapley

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
I got lucky and refinanced at rock bottom. You'd have to drag me out of this house and mortgage. If there's anything I want added or changed, I'm saving and making it happen with cash or sweat equity. I assume most folks mid career with an home/kids are in the same boat. Works for me. Fortunate to be in that situation.
Similar situation here. The housing market craziness with rock bottom rates followed shortly by the highest rates in a quarter century has put the entire country in the same golden handcuffs that California homeowners found themselves in in the 70’s and 80’s. Buy a home and watch its value and surrounding values increase at a rate well beyond the rate of increase in your annual income. Before you know it, you are either stuck exactly where you are, or have to move hundreds or thousands of miles away to trade up or even just make a lateral move.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2004
Geez now ya'll done got Boom Boom involved.

Trump nor Biden nor Kamala nor your rich uncle Elroy is going to do a damned thing to fix this stuff. To me, it's outside factors and a lot of it is bad behavior by the populace, which also means it's not going to change. So, you just have to survive.
Thank You!!!!! Carter’s consumerism speech was panned 45 years ago, but it holds true today. The American populace is so hung Ho on fixing things, but when you tell them it’s up to them to fix it, they ain’t hearing it. It was true for toilet paper shortages, for manufacturing and buying American goods, and running up debt to buy crap we probably don’t need to buy. I can’t claim no guilt either, aside from the TP I’ve had issues doing both of the other two


Oct 25, 2015
With a family of 4, you have enough room leftover for office space, a game/play room, and a guest room in a 1350 sf house? I don't guess you would post a copy of your house plans would you?
Yeah, I'm in the process of building a house. No way you fit all that in 1,350 sq ft. Hell, my rental is 1,400 sq ft and it sucks.
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Well-known member
May 29, 2013
In a global economy, you simply cannot be strictly nationalistic and expect it to be best for your country. I don't know what the balance is, but keep in mind that we had a large contingent of nationalists who were completely opposed to us entering WWII. Had we not, there'd be a lot more German being spoken in the world today. A lot of our political issues are due to myopathy on the part of a public who demands that things get better, for them, NOW and a political machine that is dedicated to providing that public with the impression that they actually care and are going to do just that.
The balance is real politik


Well-known member
May 29, 2013
My neighbor makes less than me and his wife makes less than my wife. we have one son and they have 2 small children. They just bought their house and It was listed for almost 100K more than we paid for ours for the same size house and they have a smaller yard. They drive 2023 and 2022 vehicles and ours are both paid off. I don't understand how they can do it.
Are their names Walter and Skyler White?
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