This is the answer. I actually thought it was already a national park, as it should be. I assume it will have a better chance after the new museum they just announced is built. I just saw an article about it a few weeks ago. Supposed to open in 2028 and will be a huge deal for Mississippi.Vicksburg National Military Park should be a huge attraction but it’s underfunded, poorly maintained (just cutting the grass the last few years had been a challenge), and rarely upgraded. They could make the Cairo and the adjacent museum much better with a major renovation. The visitor’s center looks like it was built in the 50s. They should have added something near the Illinois monument years ago and actually have the original park office just down the hill. Fort Hill could also have something cool added to it (some sort of observatory with telescopes, etc.).
I think it would be great if they just fully funded what we have rather than adding another one elsewhere. It could be so much more than just a military focus. I know people who have lived within an hour or so of the park their entire lives and never been to it. It’s ridiculous that it doesn’t at least attract the people nearby. I’m guessing a large percent of the Mississippians on this board have never been to it either. Could you imagine living in Pennsylvania and never gone to Gettysburg?