OT - SixPack Hot Takes


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
It’s a slow time of the year, so how about some good ol’ hot takes?

I’ll start

Entertainment - Most Coen Bros movies completely suck. Yes, including No Country for Old Men and O Brother

Music - Van Halen, really not that great. At all

Sports - Emmett Smith may be the most overrated player in the history of the game. An above average RB behind one of the greatest OLs of all time

Food/Drink - People that eat oysters, WTF is wrong with you?
I didn't know one person could be this wrong. I ain't even mad I'm impressed.

The Cooterpoot

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
Entertainment- 17 Hollywood

Music- Local bands that have some of their own music are the best

Sports- Softball is way better than baseball

Drink- Rye whiskey is better than wheated

Food- Corndog 7's cheese on a stick is legit. The bean and cheese burrito at Taco Casa is a killer
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Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
Politics - I'm really sick of politics dominating our world but I have to predict we'll have a real press conference from President Biden before we make a major bowl game.
Ok, I'll try to come up with a political one:

The GOP will splinter in the next 2 years, and rather than take advantage of it, the Dems will offer centrist dipshittery of unseen proportions, and we will wind up right back where we are by 2030.


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2006
If you don’t like the Big Lebowski, I don’t like you. It was the test for my g/f (now wife of 16 years). It consistently applies across all sexes (how many are there now). If you don’t “get it,” then you aren’t intelligent enough to be my friend and/or your sense of humor is not a sense of humor at all.
The Big Lebowski is the reason that I stuck “most” in there. It’s a classic

I will not budge on No Country though. That movie is absolute trash


Well-known member
Jun 4, 2007
Sadly, I don’t think it will take 25 years and we won’t be the only ones. With the way it’s going, College football as we know it and love it will be over in 10 to 15 years max. We had a good run, but it’s about done.
Yeah, I may be generous with 25 years. I think there will be real talk of separating in 10 years, but nostalgia will save us for one more 10 year period. Colorado is making a play to be included in the big boy group. Someone like Kansas State is accepting their fate and making plays to be the best of what's left. I'm afraid that we are seeing the end of our years as a major college football program.
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Well-known member
Nov 30, 2006
I always thought I liked you, but it turns out you are a millennial huh? Nobody who is old enough to appreciate Fargo, The Big Lebowski, the Hot for Teacher video, and Emmitt running behind the early 90's & early 00's lines would ever blaspheme in such a way. And oysters put hair on your chest and lead in your pecker.

Entertainment- All video games are for dweebs or children under 14

Music - The Beatles

Sports - The entire sport of soccer

Food - Conecuh sausage
We’ll always have our 3 Bs, Pops. BBQ, bourbon, and bogeys out on the golf course
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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
Entertainment - I'm coming in HOT with this one: Traveling is overrated. Create a life you love, take a little vacation along. It's interesting to see how other people live but really it's none of my business. 75% of travel is repackaged vapid consumerism designed to keep up with the Joneses in which the ROI is in no way positive. Going to Gulf Shores/Destin/etc is too damn expensive with too damned many people.

Music - U2 is over-rated, I change the channel every single time. The Beastie Boys are properly rated. Opera as background music is underrated; love having it on while I cook or something.

Sports - Rickey Henderson would be my all-time starting left fielder. Yes, over Stan Musial, Barry Bonds, AND Ted Williams. Also, the 2003/04 Bulldog basketball team would beat the 96 Final Four team.

Food/Drink - Pizza is overrated. French Fries are properly rated. Jersey Mikes is underrated.

Politics: Tucker Carlson runs for gop nomination and doesn't do poorly. Biden wins rather easily in 2024.


Well-known member
May 1, 2006
Entertainment - I'm coming in HOT with this one: Traveling is overrated. Create a life you love, take a little vacation along. It's interesting to see how other people live but really it's none of my business. 75% of travel is repackaged vapid consumerism designed to keep up with the Joneses in which the ROI is in no way positive. Going to Gulf Shores/Destin/etc is too damn expensive with too damned many people.
When I think "traveling," I think of going somewhere different or unique. Europe, Costa Rica, Japan, etc... Shoot, even NYC or LA or Chicago could count as traveling for me, just because they're so different than Mississippi. And I think that sort of traveling is good because it exposes us to different cultures, other foods, and just new things in general.

I do not think of going to the Florida panhandle as "traveling" if only because it seems like it's all the same sort of people I see on an everyday basis - just with sand involved.

Hugh's Burner Phone

Well-known member
Aug 3, 2017
Food: Just call boneless wings what they are...chicken nuggets.

Music: Amy Lee has one of the best voices, male or female, I've ever heard.

Entertainment: very little on tv or at the movies is worth watching any more. I don't remember the last time I turned on the tv myself to watch something other than MSU sports.


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
Entertainment - Pro wrestling is on the cusp of having another boom akin to the late 90’s with WWF/WCW. WWE is surging in popularity and AEW has sold 60,000 tickets this week for an August show at Wembley Stadium in London.

Not a music guy at all so no opinion there.

Sports - the NFL is the only truly compelling American sports league right now, at the professional or collegiate level. And that will continue to be the case given this generation of superstar QB’s still in their 20’s, specifically in the AFC. I am already pumped for the 2023 season.

Politics - We will not have another Republican President for a long time. And I say that as a lifelong conservative. That party is so dysfunctional right now that they can’t even capitalize on the Left being incredibly weak themselves. The GOP’s inability to pick halfway decent candidates right now is astonishing. No way Biden should have gotten elected once and it will probably happen twice because the Right keeps cutting off its nose to spite its face.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Entertainment - Almost no movie from before 1975 is worth watching. That was true in the 90s and is still true today. The cinematography and/or acting is almost always slow and basic.

Music - Pop country sucks.

Sports - Bama will slide back towards Bama '03 once Saban retires.

Food/Drink - Chicken wings were acceptable back when they cost nothing due to them being valued at what they are- something which barely contains any meat and way too much work. Once it became popular to drown them in absurdly spicy sauces and charge 5x more, the shark was jumped even if bros cant bring themselves to admit it.

Society- Way too many people dont understand what a hot take is. Instead, they just list things they dislike, even if that is a commonly held view. and therefore not a hot take.


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
When I think "traveling," I think of going somewhere different or unique. Europe, Costa Rica, Japan, etc... Shoot, even NYC or LA or Chicago could count as traveling for me, just because they're so different than Mississippi. And I think that sort of traveling is good because it exposes us to different cultures, other foods, and just new things in general.

I do not think of going to the Florida panhandle as "traveling" if only because it seems like it's all the same sort of people I see on an everyday basis - just with sand involved.
Yep, most folks agree with you, its a scorchin' hot take. I guess my life is dope, I dunno. Spending several thousand bucks to pack up and partially move, sleep on some other (usually) crappy bed; juice just isn't worth the squeeze more often than not. Plus the airport just isn't a pleasant experience now in a way that wasn't the case 10 years or so ago, much less 20+.
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Entertainment - I'm coming in HOT with this one: Traveling is overrated. Create a life you love, take a little vacation along. It's interesting to see how other people live but really it's none of my business. 75% of travel is repackaged vapid consumerism designed to keep up with the Joneses in which the ROI is in no way positive. Going to Gulf Shores/Destin/etc is too damn expensive with too damned many people.
I can see many examples where this would apply.
Counter though, we drove down to Gulf Shores 8 years ago and it is still one of our more memorable family trips. We actually stayed in Ft Morgan on the western point, rather than in Gulf Shores.
- rented a big house on the ocean, so walk out the back door and you are on the beach.
- went with sister's family of 5 and brother in law's sister plus husband, so lots of people- 6 adults and 5 kids which creates a lot of memories.
- car ac broke within 1 hour of driving and the remainig 15 were a funny hell, in retrospect. We still laugh.
- Stopped at MSU for the night and kids got to see the campus.
- Beach was really quiet and family friendly. No condos/tall buildings, no disruptive parties, etc.

That was damn fun.

But thats also coming from the midwest so it is something different.
Meanwhile, we go into Chicago 2-3x per year and my kids think nothing of it at this point, while someone from Jackson may find it memorable.


Well-known member
May 1, 2006
Yep, most folks agree with you, its a scorchin' hot take. I guess my life is dope, I dunno. Spending several thousand bucks to pack up and partially move, sleep on some other (usually) crappy bed; juice just isn't worth the squeeze more often than not. Plus the airport just isn't a pleasant experience now in a way that wasn't the case 10 years or so ago, much less 20+.
I'll admit I was much more into "Travel" when I was younger and single or even when it was just my wife and me. Now that we have kids, you aren't kidding about "partially move" when going anywhere and it's definitely less enjoyable. Some of the stuff we just "have to bring" for our kids when my wife packs for even a weekend trip to the grandparents is mind bottling.
Dec 9, 2022
A fork usually stirs better than a spoon.

I like Lennon's music better than the Beatles'.

U2 sucks and Bono isn't cool.

Chevelle is underrated.

Watching the news is a waste of time as well as the issues they report on. You can do very little about most of them and they impact your mindset negatively.

Hank Williams Jr. sucks. Give me Vern Gosdin and John Conlee any day.

Garth Brooks is a sell-out and gets an undeserved free pass for his Chris Gaines effort.

I will take a Honda over a BMW, Mercedes, Jaguar or any other emblem car any day.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2008
Watching the news is a waste of time as well as the issues they report on. You can do very little about most of them and they impact your mindset negatively.
You could say the same thing about politics for probably more than 90% of the population. Why even care and get so upset over it when you're powerless to do anything? There's literally no vote I've cast in my life that made a difference in anything.
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Willow Grove Dawg

Well-known member
Nov 3, 2016
It’s a slow time of the year, so how about some good ol’ hot takes?

I’ll start

Entertainment - Most Coen Bros movies completely suck. Yes, including No Country for Old Men and O Brother

Music - Van Halen, really not that great. At all

Sports - Emmett Smith may be the most overrated player in the history of the game. An above average RB behind one of the greatest OLs of all time

Food/Drink - People that eat oysters, WTF is wrong with you?
Movies - The Star Wars & Lord of the Rings movies do not even interest me. The Godfather saga was the best group of movies ever made - all of them were awesome
Food - Why in the hell would anyone choose to eat sushi? Ketchup & Mayo are just damned nasty
Music - The Rolling Stones just never were that good
The metropolitan areas of California are decent to visit ONCE, but why would anyone live there if their job did not demand it.
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Grove Sh.tter

Sep 30, 2022
Entertainment- Tarantino overrated. Fincher is so much better

Music- Every song played at Dudy Noble field is bad and kills the atmosphere

Sports- Michael Jordan is a bald, degenerate gambler who got his dad killed. He is also miles behind LeBron and Kareem on the all time list

Food- Two Brothers has fallen off dramatically since they moved to the new restaurant
"Who got his dad killed?" Bro, you need to chill on that ****. Also, he took several years off in his prime and is still #3 scoring ever.


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2007
Ok, I'll try to come up with a political one:

The GOP will splinter in the next 2 years, and rather than take advantage of it, the Dems will offer centrist dipshittery of unseen proportions, and we will wind up right back where we are by 2030.
I could see that happening. I voted Republican just a bit more than I have Democrat, but I don't like Trump... And there are no ideas that I can support from the Left. I don't have the energy to get into a pissing match, but I don't care for either side.

I wouldn't count on the Democratic party being so jolly with each other. It has its splintering trying to start, especially with Biden running for reelection and the Extreme Left trying to run everything through our "President."

I can't watch the news or most forms of media with all the political grandstanding between both parties. It's ******* ridiculous.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2021
"Who got his dad killed?" Bro, you need to chill on that ****. Also, he took several years off in his prime and is still #3 scoring ever.
A gambling problem and subsequent suspension will do that to you. Also he is nowhere close to being the scorer Lebron or Kareem are

Maroon Eagle

Well-known member
May 24, 2006
Entertainment - I'm coming in HOT with this one: Traveling is overrated. Create a life you love, take a little vacation along. It's interesting to see how other people live but really it's none of my business. 75% of travel is repackaged vapid consumerism designed to keep up with the Joneses in which the ROI is in no way positive. Going to Gulf Shores/Destin/etc is too damn expensive with too damned many people.

Traveling isn’t overrated.

People’s ideas of what traveling is are wrong.

Gulf Shores is a mini-getaway. It isn’t traveling.


Active member
Dec 9, 2008
Food/Drink - I *really* want to take part in a Robert St. John tour of Italy or Spain. I've never been to Italy-- but have been to Spain. I'd go back just to eat.
My parents went with him this year. They cannot stop talking about it and him months later. He hosts the people that go with him to additional parties in Mississippi throughout the year as well. Really great dude and restaurateur. Huge advocate for a state. People dont realize what we have in RSJ
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Well-known member
Sep 2, 2006
Growing faster than most sports including baseball. I'm not wrong.
Do you go for the dugout cheerleading or the actual game? I've been to one and it was unwatchable. It was like a going to a cheerleading competition where when your voice needed a break, you went and picked up a softball bat. The dugouts were literally louder than the crowd.


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2022
Entertainment - I've never liked Star Trek. Star Wars is a different matter.
My take is far more nuanced. I didn't like any of the broadcast Star Trek TV shows, or the related movies, except the original show that was on TV when I was too young to realize how hokey it was. However, the new shows on Paramount+, and the re-boot movies by JJ Abrams are very good.

Star Wars is the opposite. The Original Star Wars movie remains one of the greatest cinematic experiences of my life. The original trilogy is still pretty good. Everything that has come after that is shite, with the exception of The Mandalorian series.

Music: U2 is hands down the most over rated crap in the history of music. They do have a couple songs I like, but listening to more than one of their songs at a time is absolute torture

The 1970's produced some the greatest, as well as some of the most astonishingly bad, music in RnR history.

Sports: Somewhere along the line I figured out that they play new seasons of every sport every single year. It removed some of the importance of watching sports from my life.

I still love football for some reason, but I get bored quickly watching most other sports. About 6 years after I graduated, I quit following college baseball, although I do tune in for the post season when State is doing well.

Soccer: America's Sport of the Future since 1972.


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2012
Politics - We will not have another Republican President for a long time. And I say that as a lifelong conservative. That party is so dysfunctional right now that they can’t even capitalize on the Left being incredibly weak themselves. The GOP’s inability to pick halfway decent candidates right now is astonishing. No way Biden should have gotten elected once and it will probably happen twice because the Right keeps cutting off its nose to spite its face.
Concur! There may be another R president or two, but long term the trend is more toward socialism. As Baby Boomers/older Gen X die off in greater numbers, this trend will grow exponentially.

I've never voted for a D, but don't consider myself a R. One thing i admimre about the Ds is they now how to wield power. Outside of Trump, Rs want to "reach across the isle" and "govern from the middle" when in charge, whereas Ds ram what they want down your throat.
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Maroon Eagle

Well-known member
May 24, 2006
Concur! There may be another R president or two, but long term the trend is more toward socialism. As Baby Boomers/older Gen X die off in greater numbers, this trend will grow exponentially.

I've never voted for a D, but don't consider myself a R. One thing i admimre about the Ds is they now how to wield power. Outside of Trump, Rs want to "reach across the isle" and "govern from the middle" when in charge, whereas Ds ram what they want down your throat.
Republicans seriously need to communicate how they want to govern and that’s something the party hasn’t done since Bush 43 was President.

Saying that they would simply roll back Democratic policies isn’t constructive policy— it’s schizophrenic government. That act is getting old.

If America was a Batman villain, we’d be Two Face…

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