OT: Trump is announcing his VP pick today. Who will it be?

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Well-known member
May 29, 2007
I would say that if he picks a black man, he would lose a lot of his base, but honestly his base has no choices beyond Trump at this point, so it might work for him. Zero chance of him picking Scott in my opinion, but in case nobody noticed, I'm not that close to Trump...
We've heard your take on the Republican ticket now do the Dem ticket .


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2007
I would highly discount that before this weekend. Some reports are that he's seeing the light a bit after nearly dying. I brush those off as PR, but who knows. The convention will tell the tale. I think if they even try with the lesser, earlier speakers, they get booed. And I doubt Trump can give his rambling speeches in any way other than how he does. I think if he tries to be peaceful, he'll just step all over himself and look worse.
Have they cancelled Mark Robinson's speech yet? If not, I think we can write off an expectation of kinder more unifying GOP messaging.

And for you overly sensitive folks keeping score, yes the libs have to tone it down too. Good way to do that is party leaders toning it down themselves and then reign in the usual suspect **** talkers. No more bullseye comments. No more hog tying Joe. No more blowing up cars and voting machines in ads. No more rationalizing riots. Get your folks in line.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
I would say that if he picks a black man, he would lose a lot of his base, but honestly his base has no choices beyond Trump at this point, so it might work for him. Zero chance of him picking Scott in my opinion, but in case nobody noticed, I'm not that close to Trump...
Another reasoned take by Horshack. You're spot on that his base of approximately 30% of the country would be bothered by a black vice president. You're really got your finger on the pulse of reality there. That's exactly the type of america that everybody sees, not just deranged people that have completely lost touch with reality. But aren't you forgetting that he can let his base know through their secret channels that he will have him assassinated after inauguration, just like he had that bystander assassinated to help give credibility to the fake assassination attempt of himself that he orchestrated? That seems like the obvious play here, just like the fake assassination attempt that you so astutely sniffed out despite all the propaganda coming from all those right wing outlets in the mainstream media.


Well-known member
May 29, 2007
What the...? You serious Clark? Surely I missed the sarcasterisks. This ain't the 1960s Democrat party you're talking about.
The truth is Haley would cause a much bigger "stir" in the Trump base than Scott but they would still vote for the ticket and Haley would mean many more new voters than Scott.
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Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
That would be a bad choice. The outside-the-box choice would be Ron DeSantis. DeSantis was a horrible campaigner, but passed his agenda as Governor.
I can't imagine DeSantis wants to play second fiddle and I'm not sure that Vice President for Trump is a better platform for president in next four years than a continued successful stint as governor of Florida. Of course I actually though DeSantis would be competitive in this primary, so my judgment is probably not to be trusted on that second part.
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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
We've heard your take on the Republican ticket now do the Dem ticket .
I don't like the choices, but I'm not troubled by them. Things that are true:

1) Biden is old and showing his age; so is Trump

2) Harris is not inspiring or particularly scary

3) Neither Biden or Harris are liked by the progressive end of the party and that's a good thing, because Biden, as we know, has a long political track record. I do realize that not many people are into facts these days, but he is mostly known as a moderate deal maker, which is why progressives hate him as a candidate. You could look at his actual voting record for decades and see this clearly.

4) Harris is not dissimilar to Biden in having a record of being moderate. I think that is what hurts their ticket, they are very similar other than race/gender/age.

5) I sincerely believe that Trump, and what he has built behind him is a threat to our union.

6) I sincerely think that the Democratic party is a threat to bring policies that I don't agree with, but because of their moderate records, Biden/Harris are the least of that threat.

7) I will take a policy threat over a threat to democracy on the hopes that at some point, the parties field more viable candidates and we purge this nationalistic movement that has far right crazies with an outsized voice in our nation (and really this is a theme around the world)

8) I sincerely believe that Trump has broken the republican party beyond repair.

9) I sincerely hope that if Trump wins, it is not as bad as I think it will be. I fear that it will be worse.

10) You asked.


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2007
I'm going with Doug. He seems just sort of neutral and inoffensive for most people. Marco seems like a demographically smart choice but the conspiracy crazies (and there's a lot of them) fear that he's team RINO and would green light a senate conviction on the next impeachment or 25th him. Yes I'm serious.


Well-known member
Oct 29, 2012
I can't imagine DeSantis wants to play second fiddle and I'm not sure that Vice President for Trump is a better platform for president in next four years than a continued successful stint as governor of Florida. Of course I actually though DeSantis would be competitive in this primary, so my judgment is probably not to be trusted on that second part.

I don't have my finger on any political pulses, but that was my thought as well. I also thought, and wanted, DeSantis to win the primary. I was a surprised he did so poorly.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
Another reasoned take by Horshack. You're spot on that his base of approximately 30% of the country would be bothered by a black vice president. You're really got your finger on the pulse of reality there. That's exactly the type of america that everybody sees, not just deranged people that have completely lost touch with reality. But aren't you forgetting that he can let his base know through their secret channels that he will have him assassinated after inauguration, just like he had that bystander assassinated to help give credibility to the fake assassination attempt of himself that he orchestrated? That seems like the obvious play here, just like the fake assassination attempt that you so astutely sniffed out despite all the propaganda coming from all those right wing outlets in the mainstream media.
Explain to me why groups like the Patriot Front and Vanguard America are MAGA people? At a minimum, Trump does nothing to dissuade it. I'd love to be wrong but I really think that Obama broke some of these people's brains when we "lost" our country to a black man.


Active member
Oct 9, 2010
Probably needs to be Youngkin because it would help with blue Virginia...


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
Someone reasonable and articulate with executive experience. Youngkin. I like DeSantis, he was my choice, but his constant public culture warring and his stance on abortion might be an issue when trying to win a national election. He was a terrible candidate in the primary. But he enacts conservative policies and he's been effective. Youngkin is my other choice. Just enact conservative policies without the fanfare and let the left get hysterical and claim fascism is descending on America on social media and MSNBC. I don't need to be entertained nor do I want to buy the concert t-shirt. Reassure swing voters, those who are center left and center right, that nothing bizarre is going to happen. Trump's the attack dog. You don't need a VP pick to be that person.

Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
Good lord, the lunacy.
Good Grief Man. Lemme tell you I know what you're going thru.
your post shows you dont.
I have the same degree of hate for commonism as you as you hate Repdon't.
I dont hate Republicans. This country needs them. I hate bad policy and shoddy thinking, in the light sense of "hate". Because I want what's best for my country. So yes, there's a lot of crossover.
My first learning of Obama's Commie connections was a shocking and horrible experience for me.
If you can't realize that Obama governed as a capitalist, then there's no reality for you. The dude was a bankers wet dream, and you call him a communist?
Being married at the time to a Peruvian attorney whose father was assassinated by commie guerillas back in the 80s when the Maoist style Army of Satan was trying to conquer and we considered moving to Lima for a short while a time or 2 with Obama's elections.
Wait until this guy finds out about what Republicans had the CIA do to these countries....
But your take on Trump is way off.
maybe, but ive not been wrong about him for 8 years, while you have. Facts matter.
Political History was made and will go down as the most bad azz political moment in World History.
Maybe. But he has to capitalize on it, and to do that he'll have to be something other than a malignant bullying clown. My "take" is he doesn't have it in him. (I think he can fake it a bit, but they'll have to control him more than they ever have to keep the lid on it.) Let's see who is right.
MSLSD had to cancel Morning Shmoe outta fear of their "professional" anchors' mouths saying nasty things about the assassination attempt. Can't wait till they find out what the Supreme Court did today. Popcorn
Wait till you find out the October Surprises that Biden has in store. You think that orange moron spent 4 years in the WH without leaving behind ample evidence of exactly who he is? Popcorn.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Explain to me why groups like the Patriot Front and Vanguard America are MAGA people? At a minimum, Trump does nothing to dissuade it. I'd love to be wrong but I really think that Obama broke some of these people's brains when we "lost" our country to a black man.
I will explain that as soon as you explain why Antifa and pro-hamas groups are democrats? I don't even know who the hell Vanguard America is and Patriot Front only vaguely. They are not anybody's base. There are no significant local or state politicians that kowtow to either of those groups. Not the same as Antifa and anti-israel groups but even then I don't think most people would describe those people as Biden's base. They are just interest groups that they cater to but even then are irrelevant outside of local elections and possibly Michigan, although I'm just assuming that Biden knows what he's doing there; they may be irrelevant in Michigan too. On the other hand, Patriot Front is just a place without a political home because nobody wants them and they are too miniscule to even warrant pandering even from politicians with zero morals. White supremacists have basically not had a home since Democrats stopped catering to them when the minority vote became more important to them.

But regardless, I think (hope) what you probably meant to say is "yea, I'm a complete unhinged dumbass regarding anything involving trump, as I proved beyond reasonably doubt recently. I am trying to learn to not trust myself on anything related to him and to stop sharing opinions that make me look idiotic, but it's a work in progress."


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2024
Explain to me why groups like the Patriot Front and Vanguard America are MAGA people? At a minimum, Trump does nothing to dissuade it. I'd love to be wrong but I really think that Obama broke some of these people's brains when we "lost" our country to a black man.
What a crock of schit. His color had nothing to do with being an America Hating Salinski Worshipper who was a 10 year member of The Church of GD America where the Preach married him and Michelle.
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Well-known member
Sep 18, 2004
Uh oh. On the way to being locked. Someone insert some boobies to keep this going
boobies booby GIF
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Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
In the them of hey you asked, I'll give my opinion a bit too bluntly. Hopefully it I'd taken as constructive criticism and not an attack, as it's stuff that I hope all Americans can gain better understanding of for the betterment of our political system.
3) Neither Biden or Harris are liked by the progressive end of the party and that's a good thing, because Biden, as we know, has a long political track record. I do realize that not many people are into facts these days, but he is mostly known as a moderate deal maker, which is why progressives hate him as a candidate. You could look at his actual voting record for decades and see this clearly.
this appears to show a lack of understanding of the difference between a moderate, and a centrist. (Maybe you do and just disagree, but I don't think so.) Anyone who doesn't have a full understanding of that aspect of modern American politics, doesn't understand modern American politics. Moderates have viewpoints that don't neatly align with the 2 Parties. They don't change those views with the winds. They may be somewhere in between the views of the Parties, or they may align on some issues with one and with the other on other issues. They are open to compromise but prioritize policy that works. If a compromise neuters the effectiveness of a policy, they are not for it for the sake of passing a bill. Centrists align themselves between the Parties so they can preen as the reasonable middle. They don't improve policy. They usually can't be appeased, as accepting a compromise will align them with the Party that offered it, and that hurts their brand of not agreeing with either. Moderates have mostly been run out of DC, while Centrists get feted.
4) Harris is not dissimilar to Biden in having a record of being moderate. I think that is what hurts their ticket, they are very similar other than race/gender/age.
I would say they have a history of being centrists, but not strong ones. Biden had a history of being a corporate tool and otherwise just being there and running for President at every turn. Harris has a history as a prosecutor who took unpopular positions in her liberal home state that probably made policy better, for lack of me looking deeper. So I could say she may be a moderate, but she ran as a Centrist.
6) I sincerely think that the Democratic party is a threat to bring policies that I don't agree with, but because of their moderate records, Biden/Harris are the least of that threat.
I am constantly surprised at how the conservative-light side can't seem to accept that Congress and the Courts are tilted right, so liberal policy is pretty much impossible.

A running joke a decade ago is how these types would pontificate on their dream candidate....and not realize that what they were describing was Obama. Who they did not support.
8) I sincerely believe that Trump has broken the republican party beyond repair.
I think that gives him too much credit. It had always had the problem of the leaders were not in step with the rubes. Something was going to break eventually.
9) I sincerely hope that if Trump wins, it is not as bad as I think it will be. I fear that it will be worse.
Fully agreed. People don't get that it's actually pretty easy for a malignant President to turn this country into something other than a functioning democracy. He has made clear that the most extreme conservatives will be in charge. And we all should know that the courts or Dems will not stand up and stop him. There will be nothing in his way. What we will get is what the most extreme conservatives want. That is not really debateable. And what they want is scary to everyone who's not in the cult. But due to our media most haven't put those two things together.

They wanted to overturn the last election. Next time, they will. Why shouldn't we be wary of that?


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Youngkin makes some degree of sense, but I can't see him picking Vance. From day 1 he'd be after the big seat: he is nothing if not extremely opportunistic. Even by politician standards
I can see him picking Vance too. But Younkin really could bring Virginia with him. That's too big of an opportunity to walk away from. And he's battle tested.


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2024
Good lord, the lunacy.

your post shows you dont.

I dont hate Republicans. This country needs them. I hate bad policy and shoddy thinking, in the light sense of "hate". Because I want what's best for my country. So yes, there's a lot of crossover.

If you can't realize that Obama governed as a capitalist, then there's no reality for you. The dude was a bankers wet dream, and you call him a communist?

Wait until this guy finds out about what Republicans had the CIA do to these countries....

maybe, but ive not been wrong about him for 8 years, while you have. Facts matter.

Maybe. But he has to capitalize on it, and to do that he'll have to be something other than a malignant bullying clown. My "take" is he doesn't have it in him. (I think he can fake it a bit, but they'll have to control him more than they ever have to keep the lid on it.) Let's see who is right.

Wait till you find out the October Surprises that Biden has in store. You think that orange moron spent 4 years in the WH without leaving behind ample evidence of exactly who he is? Popcorn.
Trump's Pre-China Virus Economy was roaring then Biden gets in and the shut down was lifted and all the jobs that came back were Biden's creation while also put in Trump's Jobs Lost Numbers. Team Biden's policies have been devastating to the poor, low and middle class people. Trump had Putin's pipeline on hold blasting The EU for considering buying Putin's oil but now they do cuz Team Biden opened it up (shut ours down same day )along with putting our natural gas exports on hold till a year or two study is complted on the impact OUR Natural Gas Exports have on climate change while Putin laughs his azz off while filling the void. Those are just a few facts that have substance as opposed to the symbolism you prefer.
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Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Trump's Pre-China Virus Economy was roaring then Biden gets in and the shut down was lifted and all the jobs that came back were Biden's creation while also put in Trump's Jobs Lost Numbers. Team Biden's policies have been devastating to the poor, low and middle class people. Trump had Putin's pipeline on hold blasting The EU for considering buying Putin's oil but now they do cuz Team Biden opened it up along with putting our natural gas exports on hold till a year or two study it has on climate change while Putin laughs his azz off while filling the void. Those are just a few facts that have substance as opposed to the symbolism you prefer.
Goodness dude...sprinkle a few more periods in this.
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Well-known member
May 29, 2007
"They wanted to overturn the last election. Next time, they will. Why shouldn't we be wary of that?"
Open borders and a reluctance to require voter ID's and proof of citizenship for everyone to vote. Why shouldn't we be wary of that ?


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2021
I think it's Bugrum. He's been mentioned a ton lately. Would love Youngkin or Tim Scott but I just have a feeling it's Bugrum.


Well-known member
May 29, 2007
I think it's Bugrum. He's been mentioned a ton lately. Would love Youngkin or Tim Scott but I just have a feeling it's Bugrum.
I would like to see how many have even heard of Burgum before he was brought up as a VP candidate. Example : I know we aren't known to be great spellers but I've seen his name spelled several different ways in this thread. LOL


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2007
Explain to me why groups like the Patriot Front and Vanguard America are MAGA people? At a minimum, Trump does nothing to dissuade it. I'd love to be wrong but I really think that Obama broke some of these people's brains when we "lost" our country to a black man.
I don’t know a single person that hates Honolulu Barry because he’s black. We hate him because he was a somewhat moderate than went full bore communist after he was re-elected.

There was no little difference between Barry, McCain and Romney. Same trailer, different park.

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