OT: What is your best personal scary story?

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New member
Sep 7, 2012
I had an encounter on HWY 471 just south of HWY 43

My last year at State, winter of 1996 I was home for the holidays and riding around with my girlfriend just looking at Christmas lights and visiting friends. We had been over in Madison and decided to take the long way home to the Rankin side of the reservoir where both our parents lived. Crossed the Reservoir on Highway 43 and turned south on 471 running parallel to HWY 25. Before we reach the Fannin area a woman dressed in white comes running out of an open field to the left of the Highway. At first I thought I was seeing things but my girlfriend saw it too and gasped "Oh my God". This woman was moving so fast it looked unnatural and I thought she was going to run out in front of us. She's wearing a plain white dress, almost like a simple wedding dress. She has long black hair and is waving her arms over her head as she runs like she wants us to stop. She runs into the left lane about 5 feet from my door just as we pass by. I can still remember her face was so pale I could still see it even as she passed out of the shine of the headlights. I locked the brakes up and skidded about 75 feet. Rolled the window down and yelled at the back of the truck if she needed help. No answer. I did NOT want to get out and my girlfriend was begging me to just go - something did not seem right about the way the woman looked. The highway was deserted so I pulled a U-turn and eased back to where she ran out. Nothing. Stopped the truck, stepped out and made one last yell to see if anyone was there and I never heard a peep. I also remember that the temperature seemed to have dropped below freezing at that moment when it had been in the 50s that night. Got back in the truck, called a buddy that was a sheriff's deputy just to let him know what we saw and in case there had been an accident or anything reported about a woman in distress. He said they never got a call about anything that night. While you could try and explain this away as someone out there messing with us, I can tell you it just didn't feel like that and there weren't many houses in that area back then. No alcohol consumed that night either - so we weren't seeing things.

The creepiest thing was I told this story to a friend a few years later and his face went white. He had the same experience on the Natchez Trace just north of Hwy 43. Woman in white, running out of the woods trying to flag him down, and when he stopped no one was there.


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2005
Wow. That almost sounds demonic. Being that the strange occurences followed you to another house.


Mar 3, 2008
July 2002, was headed home from football practice with my brother. Practice was called early due to inclememt weather. I lived in BFE and we were about 10 miles from anywhere, when a half mile ahead or so there was an explosion maybe 100 ft in the air. I slammed on the brakes right at a little creek bridge. While we were sitting there looking a funnel cloud dropped out of the sky. We jumped out of the truck and got under the bridge as high up as we could get. The tornado passed right over the bridge and completely drained the 4 ft of water out of the creek. Amazingly enough, it didn't touch my truck, but it left a path of destruction 50 yards wide and a quarter mile long where it veered off the road and into the trees. All this lasted maybe 2 minutes but felt like 2 weeks. Turned out that the explosion we saw was a transformer off a power pole.

Optimus Prime 4

New member
May 1, 2006
In a small boat going from Cape Lookout to a ferry, we capsized in the sound

when a wave came over the back of the boat. I think it was a Whaler, so at least it wasn't going to sink. Our scout troop had been camping on the island and we were going home. The wave came over the engine, boat started going backwards. I watched a friend float over the engine (still going) and then we all flipped. I got caught up in the fuel lines and some life jacket cords (which of course we weren't wearing). I was completely tangled and couldn't get out from under the boat. However, what I remember very clearly is that I did not get scared, I just got kind of mad. Sitting there like "Son of a *****, this f'ing sucks" then I relatively calmly untangled myself and swam out, then clung to the hull. The water was probably 50 degrees, freaking freezing. We were picked up by other boats and dropped off on the ferry.

That was my first and probably closest call with death.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
I was talking to a bunch of buddies at the Dutch bar years ago. We were talking about the craziest things we ever did. I told them about the time I had just started dating a crazy chick that was into skydiving. I am scared to death of heights but agreed to take skydiving lessons. I went thru the class with a bunch of dudes and this huge ex military instructor. It was time for the first jump and I told him I was getting on the plane. He told me to take the plane ride and I could skip the jump if I was too scared. <o:p></o:p>
Well, I got in the back of the line. We get over the jump site and all the other guys started jumping out of the plane. It’s my turn and I tell the instructor I’m not jumping. He says that I either jump or he is going to 17 me up the ***. All my buddies are asking me “Did you jump”. And I tell them – I jumped a little bit at first. <o:p></o:p>


Sep 14, 2008
This happened back in the mid 1970's when I was a student. I was home for the weekend, about this time of year. My cousin and I had been out drinking in Vicksburg and were on our way home. We were going down Clay St. about where McAllister's and the Corp of Engineers is located now. Maxwell's Restaurant was on one side of the street and there was a tall bluff on the other side that came down right to the edge of the street. Maxwell's had a good band that night and there were cars parked all along either side of the street. We slowed down because the lanes were narrow. Suddenly a woman steps out from between two cars right in front of us. No way to stop or swerve to miss her. We both felt the impact of the car hitting her. We stop and jump out to find her and see if she's hurt. No woman. No damage to the car. We looked for 15 minutes and there was no sign of her anywhere. I would chalk it up to the fact that I'd been drinking but we both saw her and felt the impact.


New member
Dec 1, 2011
Don't think that didn't cross my mind. Actually, don't think that was pretty much my comclusion. I am of the belief that once a person dies they are immediately in one of two places. As far as human spirit ghosts I don't think they exist. But, I do believe in angels and demons and I just don't see an angel wanting to scare the life out of two kids like that so in my mind that pretty much narrows things down as to teh source. Just weird that it all started as soon as my daughter was born. I left some stuff out, too. I will say that I was on the verge of calling one of those paranormal investigative teams to see if they would come to the house. I had checked and seen that MS had one. But as soon as my wife put up the crosses in the kids' rooms and started praying over them every night it stopped almost immediately. I just remember one night my son was crying in his room and you could tell he was scared and I remember having to get my nerve up to actually open his bedroom door up and go in his room. Ashamed as I am to admit that.


New member
Sep 15, 2012
Courage is overcoming fear. good work!


Don't think that didn't cross my mind. Actually, don't think that was pretty much my comclusion. I am of the belief that once a person dies they are immediately in one of two places. As far as human spirit ghosts I don't think they exist. But, I do believe in angels and demons and I just don't see an angel wanting to scare the life out of two kids like that so in my mind that pretty much narrows things down as to teh source. Just weird that it all started as soon as my daughter was born. I left some stuff out, too. I will say that I was on the verge of calling one of those paranormal investigative teams to see if they would come to the house. I had checked and seen that MS had one. But as soon as my wife put up the crosses in the kids' rooms and started praying over them every night it stopped almost immediately. I just remember one night my son was crying in his room and you could tell he was scared and I remember having to get my nerve up to actually open his bedroom door up and go in his room. Ashamed as I am to admit that.


New member
Nov 19, 2012
No ****. I always swore that if I was abducted, I'd try to back into someone, etc and swipe some object from the spacecraft to keep as proof. A plasma gun would be Uber cool... At the press conference, when the press was rolling their eyes about my "alien encounter" I'd whip out the pistol, fire it at some barn that immediately ignites and say: "OK, gents--the bidding starts at $20 million... do I hear 30? Who's got 30?"

Of course, with my luck, I'd steal something they had collected on Earth as an artifact, and at the press conference, I'd say: "Ok, doubters--feast your eyes on this!" and whip out a Tony Romo PEZ dispenser. Either that, or they'd catch me stealing (It'd be easy to spot me in an alien spaceship--I'd be stinky Earthling with the yellow and brown stained pants) and alien law would dictate that I have my arms vaporized or morphed into boners.


New member
Aug 30, 2010
Not a spooky scary story

But few years back at my old house i was sitting on the porch which faced the east watching some dark clouds make their way towards me. The dark clouds hadn't made it to me yet but the brightness outside was starting to dim some and i could start to hear the thunder. Sat out there and listened for a few minutes before deciding to go inside.

That old saying about if you can hear thunder you are within striking distance is very much true. Before going inside i noticed that my dog's water bowl was empty. My dog wasn't around but with the storm coming i thought he might would make his way home soon so i figured i would fill it up before going in. The water faucet that i always used was a few feet to the side of the porch. I walk over to the faucet and proceeded to fill the bowl.

So here i am leaning over and facing the house filling up the water bowl. At the exact same time that i turn the faucet off, the brightest flash of light lit up everything around me and instantaneously the loudest crack of lightning i have ever heard. It seemed as if it lit up as bright nuclear bomb going off and the crack of lightning was so loud that i could feel it.

I bolted so fast for the door, NFL scouts would have been impressed. I also spilled every drop of water in that dog bowl in the process. Actually, I think the dog bowl went flying through the air from me being so badly startled. Not sure exactly how close it was since i was l was facing down at the ground and the house. Not sure if i really want to know how close it was either.
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Active member
Mar 4, 2009
I'm like you. I don't necessarily believe in humanly supernatural events, only because I myself have never experienced one. That's not to say I don't believe all the stories shared in this thread are not true. I just haven't had an experience like that myself.

I say that to say this: I 100% have had my faith in angels/demons reaffirmed. I don't intend for this to get into any sort of religious debate, because this is a thread full of fascinating stories. So, bear with me.

Next May will be 10 years from the time this event happened. I was a high school sophomore and had just turned 16 a few months prior. It was a Friday afternoon and the day after spring football had concluded, so we returned our equipment, got our summer workout instructions and got to leave school early. We were all heading home to rest and get cleaned up for the athletics awards banquet that night at the school. Anyway, there is a decent line of vehicles funneling out of the school parking lot and onto the two-lane highway that it sits on, and we all race towards town. I get to fidgeting with the radio or something in the car, and look up to see the Ford Ranger in front of me at a dead stop about 30 feet in front of me. At ~55 mph, an old Honda Accord turns into an accordion when it hits another immovable chunk of metal. Luckily, I only sustained a few gashes on my arm that required stitches and had to have a minor surgery to repair a tendon in my hand that was cut when my arm smashed through the windshield. All in all, I was pretty lucky given the shape of my car.

The "supernatural" part happens later. I can't really remember if it was a couple days or couple weeks later, my parents get a call from a family in our neighborhood. Their son was around my age and had been a neighborhood buddy growing up, and they had a couple of daughters, aged ~12 and ~8. Well, the mother calls my mom to tell her that the youngest daughter had dreamed that I had a terrible car accident a few days prior to my actual accident. She said the dream shook her so much that she woke up crying and startled and woke the mother. Being a devout Christian family and to calm down the little girl, her and the daughter prayed for my safety. They had no reason to pray for a random neighborhood kid like me other than the dream she had that was so vivid. They called my parents to share that story after they learned of my wreck because they too believed that the dream was for a reason and that an angel was watching out for me that day. Judging by my vehicle, I could have been hurt bad or even worse.

I'll always consider that the only proof I need that there are indeed angels, and inversely, demons amongst man. If there is one, there is the other. It makes all of these demon stories and exorcisms that much more believable to me.

So, that's my long winded reply to starkvegasdawg in saying I could 100% believe the "snake"/demon theory to what your little daughter experienced. Not because I have experienced one myself, but I do believe I have experienced the polar opposite.

Great thread, one of the best OT: in a while. This stuff is always so fascinating.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Me too. I assumed I had a nightmare dream but then I read about it the next day in the paper.


Active member
Nov 17, 2006
I was living in the DC area when the sniper attacks were going on. Towards the end of the killing spree right before they caught Malvo and Muhammad, the media was reporting that the sniper was probably driving a white van with a dent in the rear bumper. Some of the victims were killed outside gas stations. One of those murders was about 3 miles from my house.

One night about this time, I stopped at a gas station close to my house to fill up. That gas station was inside a strip mall area, and directly across the street from the gas station, there is a grocery store with a parking lot between the grocery store and the gas station. I pulled up to one of the pumps closest to the street. As I got out, I noticed a white van sitting at the edge of the parking lot closest to the road. This was about 9 at night, so there were hardly any other cars in the parking lot. Seeing a white van sitting in an empty parking lot right across the street from a gas station aroused my suspicion enough to make me get back in my car. I decided to drive past the van, and sure enough, there was a huge dent in the rear bumper. That is probably the most freaked out I've ever been in my life. I flew back home and called the police to report the van.

A few days later, they caught the snipers, and of course, they weren't driving a white van with a dent in the rear bumper. I saw the same van at the edge of the parking lot at different times of day for a while after that, so I assume it was just some person who worked at the grocery store. I could see the strip mall area well enough from my house to know that the cops never did check on the van, so I also assume I wasn't the first person to call in about that particular van, or the authorities already knew they weren't really driving the vehicle being reported.

Augustus McCrae

Active member
Aug 25, 2012
I've been refreshing this thread all day. There are lots of great stories here and I appreciate all the ones shared so far. I too believe that we have angels among us (and demons too) and I'd like to tell 2 quick stories of someone obviously watching over me.

1) I was about 9 or 10 and I was with my Mom somewhere. I think she was getting her hair cut or something. Whatever it was, it wasn't somewhere I particularly wanted to be so I asked if I could go across the street and get some candy. The point at which I chose to cross the street was not too far from where it dead-ended into another. I look both ways before I cross, and as I get to the middle I feel as though I hit an invisible wall. Literally, mid-stride I felt like I couldn't go further. At that same moment, out of the corner of my eye I see a green pick-up truck (old Chevy Silverado, can still see it plain as day) come flying around the corner making a right turn onto the street I'm crossing. Before I can even blink it has already flown past me and I swear if I were a little taller the driver's-side mirror would have taken my head off. Needless to say I quickly exit the street and thank God for helping me. It scared me at the time, but it wasn't until I got a little bit older that I really began to understand the magnitude of that event and how close I really came to my end. Gives me chills to this day.

2) 2004 in Baghdad, I was in the Army on a one year deployment to that wonderful place. I was on a pretty secure compound most of the time, but we did run quite a few covoys to various places and those were all scary for one reason or another. On the compound, we got some occasional rocket and mortar attacks, but they were mostly few and far between. One day I was outside doing some work between two buildings when I heard the distinct sound that a rocket makes as it's coming in. Of course, we were taught that when you hear that sound you duck and cover immediately. I can say without a doubt that there is absolutely no simulation or substitute to train for the real thing. By the time I heard it, it was already almost too late because I was stilll in mid-dive when I heard it impact the ground. Under normal operation, they typically explode upon impact. This one didn't. I stayed covered for what felt like forever but probably lasted less than a minute. As I got up to go call it in and have the area cordoned off, I noticed just how close it landed to where I was. It was sticking up out of the ground roughly 70 feet or so away. EOD came in and properly disposed of it and I remember talking to one of their guys and telling him what happened. He told me I was extremely lucky and I can't remember what he said the blast radius was, but I was well within it. That one shook me up for a little while.

@starkvegasdawg: You don't have anything to be ashamed of. You faced your fear and overcame it. That's not something to ever be ashamed of at all.


New member
Oct 30, 2013
I was raised in a household taught to respect firearms. I've been in the woods and duck blinds my entire life and my dad always preached gun safety. I've been lucky in my 35 years nothing major has happened and looking back I've put myself in some dumb situations but was fine. Treat any gun as if its a loaded gun. That being said....

I purchased a .40 cal handgun a few months ago. I kept the magazine loaded in it with nothing in the chamber and always carry it with me for work (Memphis, enough said). Got home from work one day and I left the gun in the holster and left it on the kitchen table while I did the normal routine. My buddy came over and was looking at my new purchase while I was in the back. Apparently he cycled a bullet in and didn't realize it...there isn't a safety on it. He or I do not remember doing this. Later that night, I picked the gun up and immediately sat it back down rather rough to go lock the door. The gun discharged.

Time stopped.

I was frozen in shock, scared to move fearing it start the pain if I had been hit. The hollow point went through my 3 year old daughter's piggy bank, ricocheted off the table, hit the window frame changing the bullets direction, and hit a metal beer huggie my buddy had given me for a groomsman gift. It went through one side of the huggie and almost exited the other side.....2 feet in front of me. Wife went crazy and had every right to. I played it cool and said it was a stupid mistake but lost it like a crying 6 year old after it all sank in. I overhauled my plan for safety and guns in the house, especially with kids in the house. I encourage everyone to do the same. I've shot it in the present of the gunsmith and he even recorded it to watch everything in slow motion to make sure everything was kosher.

If you break into my house while I'm there, I will bring reigns of hell on you with a rusty sand wedge. If that doesn't work, then I'll retrieve the gun.


New member
Oct 21, 2012
Oh wow these are awesome.. Since this really took off I'll share my story.

In May 2011 after I graduated high school me and about 15 other graduates went to Destin for our senior trip. Well my girlfriend's parents always did a yearly trip to destin as well and it happened they were getting there the day my crew was leaving. So my girlfriend asked me to spend a few days with her family and I would just leave after a few days. This was great except for the fact that now I had to take my own vehicle and drive back to Starkville by myself. This didn't really bother me except I couldn't split gas with anyone. So the day I am to leave, I am packed up and ready to head out about 3pm, but my girlfriend talks me into getting dinner with the family. I agree and we all go out. I finally head out of Destin around 8.

About 3 hours into my trip I'm on 45 North and just passing by Waynesboro. I see someone on the side of the road with his distress lights on. Being the naive recent high school grad I think there is no evil in this world, and I decide to pull over. As I slow down and I pull over I roll down my passenger side window down and ask what assistance I can be. Before I can finish the sentence he starts yanking on the door handle and reaches inside and tries to unlock the door. I peel off and drive as fast as I can and when I look in my rear view mirror I see 3 other guys come out of the tree line where the car was pulled over.. My hands are shaking as I type this story, without a doubt the scariest moment of my life.

While my story frightens me I'm lucky enough to never have had an encounter with anything supernatural yet..


Active member
Apr 24, 2006
Until a few weeks ago... #1 happened driving to Oxford.

In high school and me and a buddy were trying to make tip off of a basketball game. He had taken the ACT and didn't get to my house in Jackson until noon. Tip was at 2:30. I was flying, driving like a punk *** teenager with no regard for anything or anyone else. Figured I'd take the Hwy 7 exit, hoping to avoid some cops and traffic. I was getting pissed at this line of cars that would not pass a guy going about 40 mph. I just gunned it to make a three car pass on a two lane road. Middle car pulls out to pass as I'm right beside him. Can't brake back in time, swerve left, tires catch the gravel shoulder and I go skidding off the highway at about 70mph. How we didn't flip I don't know. We spun about 3 times sliding through the grass and stopped just short of some farmer's fence. I actually opened my door and vomited when we had stopped.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2007
The pistol safe is your friend with kids at home. I bought one right after my son was born. Hell of a purchase. When I am packing heat, I walk in the house and go directly to the safe with it. It is a great habit...especially since my oldest is now three and into everything. Mine is digital 5 key code but I will likely upgrade soon to the biometric fingerprint scan. Of course I went with the Bulldawg Safes brand.


Active member
Apr 24, 2006
My new #1... and this is far from a cool story.

I was at home with my 15 month old when he had a febrile seizure. Turns out it is a somewhat common thing that doesn't harm them at all. It is just something that happens when kids have severe fever spikes. I had never heard of them and had no idea what was going on, but I was on the phone with 911 while I watched him stiff as a board, convulsing, eyes rolled back, gasping for air. Thought I was watching him die. If you're a parent, look it up so you're aware of them.

Augustus McCrae

Active member
Aug 25, 2012
I was at home with my 15 month old when he had a febrile seizure. Turns out it is a somewhat common thing that doesn't harm them at all. It is just something that happens when kids have severe fever spikes. I had never heard of them and had no idea what was going on, but I was on the phone with 911 while I watched him stiff as a board, convulsing, eyes rolled back, gasping for air. Thought I was watching him die. If you're a parent, look it up so you're aware of them.

Thanks for the heads-up. I have a 15 month old as well and I've never heard of those types of seizures. Witnessing what you did would have scared me to death.


New member
Jun 4, 2007
a very good friend........

was an atheist to the core. The kind of guy that would get downright ugly and mean about religion, Christianity in particular. Despite his intolerance, he had a kind heart. One Sunday I stopped by his place to watch baseball and he was sitting in his spot on the couch motionless, didn't say a word. After about 5 minutes of unusual silence, he turned to me and said he had been "visited" during the night. I waited patiently for him to continue and finally he did. He said he woke up in the middle of the night and his room was full of light. There was a being sitting in a chair in the corner. He didn't know if it was a man or woman but it had a spectacular glow all around it. He told me they stared at each other and it finally spoke, "Time to get it together, because you're going to die soon." And then it was gone. I didn't know exactly what to say other than it was dream and not to worry about it. He said you're probably right and sat there in silence. The next day he developed a sore throat. Day after that he was diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer. He lasted about 9 months.

He died a Christian.


May 17, 2009
Back in my freshman or sophomore year at MSU, I was driving myself and my girlfriend home to see the families one Friday afternoon. It was right around 2pm, so my big lunch and lack of sleep were starting to hit me. We had just pulled onto 82 headed towards 45, and the sun in my eyes, so I put on some sun glasses. I was holding her hand and having a conversation, and the next thing I know the car is riding the grooved part of the road outside the line and she is holding the wheel straight. I snapped the car back into our lane, and proceeded to ask her what happened. She said we were talking, and I just nodded off and the car started to drift over. She tried to make me pull over so she could drive, but I had enough adrenaline pumping in my body to keep me awake for days.

That was the last time I have ever worn sunglasses while driving.


New member
Aug 22, 2012
Similar coon incident happened to my parents

They have those door handles that you don't turn, you push down to open. Anyways, sometime during the night, they heard the handle start to move feverishly on their french doors

thinking someone is breaking into the house, my dad grabs his gun and creeps towards the doors.

Turns out, they forgot the lock the handle so it wouldnt move...and a big f'n racoon was trying to open the door.

Damn thing would have made it in if the deadbolt wasnt locked


Dec 5, 2008
Wow that could have been bad.

Glad it wasn't.

My dad had two simple rules for gun safety. Guns in house. Ammo at office.

Ammo would not be brought home for hunting. A trip to the office came first.

Doesn't help much if someone breaks in...figure I flash the gun at them - they don'tknow its not loaded...if that dont work, throw the gun at them and go for the sand wedge. Like your addition of rust. May go hoem tonight and throw the Ol Wilson out in the yard for a few weeks.
Aug 22, 2012
Not the scariest occasion from when i was a policeman in Memphis; had a few really scary times but this was the weirdest. I answered a call in Lemoine Gardens like any other call, i think it was a domestic disturbance. i got there before my partner, who was in another car, and i didn't wait on him like i was supposed to. i walked up the stairs to the appt and when i got to the door i had this overpowering feeling of dread to the point i was shaking and started sweating. i knew without a shadow of a doubt that something bad was going to happen if i went into that apartment. i went back downstairs got into my car and told the dispatcher that no one answered and to disregard my partner. i pulled around the corner and pulled myself together and went back to work. i was riding in the same car with my partner the next night and told him about it so we went to the apartment and knocked on the door. The appt was vacant and i had no odd premonitions of doom. I was a policeman for 7 years and never had anything even close to that happen before or after.


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2010
I've got a similar one.

I was probably about 17 years old and driving home after a day of inshore fishing, my dad was riding shotgun. We launched the boat at sunrise that morning around the Rigolets and spent the whole day getting beat to **** and back while struggling to find a couple of limits of trout. So it's dark at this point and I'm on the highway heading back to I-10. Next thing I know I'm waking up to my dad's voice as he calmly reminds me about the ramp I need to take, which is about 100 feet ahead at this point. I don't know how long I had been out for, but I apparently do a good job of faking like I'm awake and keeping it between the lines while I'm asleep behind the wheel because my dad didn't notice at all. I flip the blinker and make the ramp without skipping a beat. Once we got home, and my dad wasn't looking I absolutely lost my ****, nervous wreck the whole night and couldn't fall asleep. Never had the balls to tell pops that I nearly killed us both.

Another creepy moment was being caught in a waterspout while on a small boat. Stinging rain all around, yet none of it is falling on the water around the boat... it's coming UP, off the water around you in little wisps of mist.

Oh yea, thoroughly enjoying this thread. Good stories.


New member
Sep 15, 2011
Had the same thing happen to me...

I was at home with my 15 month old when he had a febrile seizure. Turns out it is a somewhat common thing that doesn't harm them at all. It is just something that happens when kids have severe fever spikes. I had never heard of them and had no idea what was going on, but I was on the phone with 911 while I watched him stiff as a board, convulsing, eyes rolled back, gasping for air. Thought I was watching him die. If you're a parent, look it up so you're aware of them.

My 1 year old son had been congested and feverish for about 24 hours. Had been to see the Dr, etc. He was lying next to me in my bed so I could keep an eye on him since he was congested. I literally heard him stop breathing. Even with the lights off I could tell something was wrong. Turned on the lights and he is turning blue and won't respond. It was probably midnight. Grabbed him and ran next door (in my underwear no less) to my neighbors house who is a nurse. Scared the hell out of her and her husband but they got the message loud and clear as I banged on their door and yelled for help. She checked his pulse, airway, etc and she had him coming around by the time the slow-*** ambulance finally showed up. Ends up it was a febrile seizure. I spent a lot of time researching it over the next few months...the info on this should really be circulated more.

On another note, you never really connect with your neighbors until your standing in their living room in your underwear at midnight....


New member
Aug 21, 2012
was an atheist to the core. The kind of guy that would get downright ugly and mean about religion, Christianity in particular. Despite his intolerance, he had a kind heart. One Sunday I stopped by his place to watch baseball and he was sitting in his spot on the couch motionless, didn't say a word. After about 5 minutes of unusual silence, he turned to me and said he had been "visited" during the night. I waited patiently for him to continue and finally he did. He said he woke up in the middle of the night and his room was full of light. There was a being sitting in a chair in the corner. He didn't know if it was a man or woman but it had a spectacular glow all around it. He told me they stared at each other and it finally spoke, "Time to get it together, because you're going to die soon." And then it was gone. I didn't know exactly what to say other than it was dream and not to worry about it. He said you're probably right and sat there in silence. The next day he developed a sore throat. Day after that he was diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer. He lasted about 9 months.

He died a Christian.

Wow, just wow.


New member
Feb 15, 2007
Late one night a couple of yrs ago, I was on couch downstairs flipping channels and a movie called The Strangers was about to come on. Jist of movie is, a couple moves into an old house outside of town, they are sitting by the fire, drinking wine, <17ing> etc. husband leaves to go get cigarettes and while gone, someone knocks on door, wife doesn't answer but sees them leave. Husband gets back, and about 2 AM , then another knock, he answers door and I wont ruin the movie for those who would like to watch, I'll just say it doesn't end well.
So I go to bed after movie is over around 2 AM
Fall asleep pretty quickly and then all of a sudden, my wife and I are awoken by a damn knock on the door. I look at clock and its almost 3 AM -- this can't be good!
I go to the bedroom door and look down the stairs and all I can see is a light flickering in the den.
I'm thinking I KNOW I turned that damn TV off and then the knock comes again.
So I go downstairs to front door and about that time my wife yells that a sheriff's car is in front of house. There is a officer on the steps shining his light into the windows so I open the door and he tells me that he's sorry to disturb me at such an hour but asks me if everyone and everything is ok.
I tell him yes except he's about scared me shitless. He says he just wanted to be sure because as he was driving by he noticed our basement door open and when he saw that, he thought someone may be in the house and was just checking to see if we were alright.
I guess I had forgot to close the door when I came in earlier that evening.
The light flickering was the shining his flashlight into my house.
Not ever good to have a knock on your door at 3 AM but especially after watching The Strangers.
I would recommend watching it, just hope you don't watch at midnight, then have a knock on your door!


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2011
Opening day of deer season years ago, I arrive at the deer cabin and all the hunters are talking about where they are sitting that morning. I state that I am going to a ladder stand on a creek crossing. Another hunter says that he had bow hunted that stand a few weeks before and had moved it about 50 yds toward a ridge that runs parallel to the creek. I decide to go anyway since it was open timber and should be easy to find but as I start walking I realize it is pitch black. As I reach the ridge line I lean against a tree to wait for a little daylight to try to find the stand. After a few minutes and a little more light, I catch a movement to my right. There is a tree blown over, the base is on top of the ridge and the top is snagged on a tree in the creek bottom in front of me. The trunk is parallel with the ground but about 10 feet off the ground. I see something hanging below the trunk swinging back and forth. My first thought was a snake but it's to cool for a snake. I wait for more light and finally see a cat laying on the trunk and the movement was its tail twitching back and forth. When I say cat, I mean 100lbs, jet black, and a 3 foot tail. I finally licks itself, stands up, stretches, jumps off the tree, and runs away from me down the ridge line. I'm still standing leaned against a tree, gun on my shoulder, hands in my pocket. It never occurred to me to unsling my gun. They say there is no such thing as panthers in Ms but I saw what I saw!


May 24, 2013
My family is mostly from the Vicksburg area and my grandparents built their home themselves in probably the early 70s on an older home site. The property has a standing slave shack that my dad and his brother live in when they were building the house. When they were working the property they found union belt buckles and leftover parts from Civil War guns. There is a 1800s grave yard about 200 yards in the woods away from the house. Perfect type place for a haunting.

Probably 25 years ago my dad's sister was diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor. The doctors put her on a lot of meds and then did brain surgery. Before she went to surgery, she was walking up the stairs to the second floor of the house and she said this man stopped her. She said he had a big knife in his hands and was dressed in 1800s type clothing. He said his name was "David something or another." I don't remember the last name but as the story goes she said David the ghost said he was going to help her get better.

She goes into surgery and makes a pretty good recovery. Well at some point, shorty after all this happens, someone in the family is reading the names on the old tomestones 200 yards from the house and one of them is "David exactly the name she said". We later found out that David died of, I think, yellow fever in the mid to late 1800s.

Everyone kind of blew this off due to my Aunt's medication regiments, they figured she was just halucinating. Well, through her recovery they would hear someone walking around upstairs when no one was there. They would hear doors open or shut, just other strange sounds, always upstairs in the house.

At some point, one of her friends came to visit and didnt know anything about David. The friend was staying the night one night and woke up and heard a typewriter in the closet, the closets are the big, walk in types they could almost be used as a office if needed. The friend goes to look in the closet to see if someone is in there working on homework or whatever. She turns the light on and the the typewriter was on the very top shelf in the closet, no one there. The friend left immediately that night.

One of my uncles once woke up because he said someone was walking across the bed he was sleeping in, when he opened his eyes, nobody was there. Nothing ever happened to me at my grandparents house and most of the strange stuff stopped happening after my Aunt fully recovered from her brain surgery. I dont know if David the ghost is real, but if he is/was, he was there to help...

Always found it interesting that his all happens in Vicksburgs, several other Vicksburg stories in this thread, very historic town.


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2005
I had one walk under the tree while i was bow hunting by the river levee right at the MS/TN line about 10 years ago. It wasn't black, it was colored like a mountain lion. I had seen a bobcat about 45 minutes before walk another direction and this one came from the other way. I thought that maybe it was a second bobcat or it had circled around. It comes walking up and I'm looking and thinking "that's not a bobcat". He walks right under me and I stand up in my climbing stand and the stand squeaked and he looked up at me. I about **** my pants. Had a long long tail and had the more oval shaped head and was much bigger. Apparently I startled it and it went loping away. Needless to say I climbed down the tree and packed up my **** and went home. I think that maybe it was someone's pet in memphis and it got too big to take care of so they let it loose.


New member
Aug 20, 2006
My family is eating lunch at home one day. My daughter, who was a toddler at the time, suddenly starts grabbing at her mouth. Then she's frantically grabbing at her mouth. Not making a sound. Not breathing either.

We had been through classes about how to take care of a baby and about all I remembered from it was what to do when a kid is choking.

I got behind her and started hitting her back. 3-4 time. Nothing.

Turned her upside down and started hitting her back again. The class said don't hold back. Give hard child abuse blows to the back. So I did.

And out popped a cube of cheese.

There is nothing in the world like feeling helpless, if only briefly, against keeping your own kid from suddenly dying.


New member
Jun 30, 2008
I've got two

I was a junior at Millsaps in 2005 and in the summer went on a study abroad program to London.
My birthday happened to be the same day as the London subway and bus bombings that summer. We were in class at the London school of economics when boom. The building shakes to the sound of this unexplainable explosion. I was hungover and had the window open resting my head on the window frame. The explosion slammed the window shut. My professor thought it was a bus backfire but a couple of us new it was more serious. We start to see people running around and realize within about a minute that something bad was going on. Turned out, the bus that the ******* blew up was one block down on the corner of the building we were in. We walked around the corner to go back to our dorm and the bus looked liked a canoe. First time I've ever seen dead people outside of a funeral. I'll never forget the true feeling of helplessness and having no control of your own fate. It's something you can't understand if it has happened to you.

i was in the car with my a buddy on 82 going to Tuscaloosa. It was raining and we hydroplaned. Spun around 3 times and ended up in the ditch. We got out of the ditch and kept going but didn't say a word to each other until we got to Columbus to get the car looked at. I remember actually feeling a rush but not fear until it was over with.


Active member
Aug 22, 2012
Got a panther story from my grandmother...When she was 10 years old her, my great aunts, and my great grandparents lived on a farm in Montgomery county. One night they were on the porch shelling beans and they heard something that sounded like a woman screaming like she was being attacked needless to say they all freaked out except for my great-grandfather who got a grin on his face and stood up out of his chair..My grandmother said he looked at her and said I've been waiting to get him for a while now... He threw in a chew and loaded his rifle then told them if he didn't come back in the next 2 hours to get his brother to come for him...He grabbed a lantern and walked into the woods with his old coon dog..She said they all were frozen on that porch and then they heard the panther let out its loudest scream yet and then heard a gun shot...My great grandfather came back with the beast and said that it jumped right at him and he saw his life flash before his eyes when he pulled the trigger...They got the cat skinned and my great grandmother got a panther fur coat out of the whole ordeal..sadly it was lost when they moved but still my great grandfather sounded like one bad summabitch and I wish I could've met him
Mar 3, 2008
Do you live over by OCH?

I am not sure if I have seen one or not. I do know I have had some strange occurences happen and they all seemed to start when my daughter was born. At our old house my wife started having the feeling of being watched and one night she was in the den feeding my daughter when she suddenly started hearing the kichen cabinets start opening and closing. Not long after I got a job in Starkville and we moved here. We built a house (now in it for 4 years). Not long after we moved in we really started having strange occurences. Had voices come through the speakers of my stereo system that was turned off at the time. It was also not hooked up to a radio antenna so all you can get is the CD player. We have seen several dark human shaped shadow figures out of the corners of our eyes. Pictures in frames that we had sitting on tables would be moved and laying down. I have been laying in bed and feel someone tap my shoulder. I thought it was my wife and rolled over to see what she needed only to see she is facing way from me and sound asleep. Also had a whispery voice get my attention at night. Again, thought it was my wife but she was sound alseep. The coup de gras was one night my daughter woke up screaming. Not crying...screaming. We rush into the her room and she is huddled up as far into the corner of her toddler bed as she can get. Eyes huge and you can tell she is terrified as she stares at her closet. We ask her what is wrong and she says "He was in here." Who is he was our next question. SHe answers, "The snake." Well, being good Southern Baptists the snake reference conjures up one very vivid idea. That next day we hung a cross in her room and made sure the closet doors were always closed. (Yes, you can rib me about this, but the fact remains after all the stuff we had experienced and the terror in my little girl's eyes I was not leaving anything to chance.) That was all about three years ago. Things had been pretty quiet since then until a couple of weeks ago. The kids (now have a boy too) got some remote control cars. One afternoon we are sitting in the den watching TV and one of the cars starts running. It will move forward about 6" and then stop. Then it would move backwards a little bit. It did that off and on for about an hour. All the while I am sitting on the couch staring at the remote on the floor in front of me. Last night I get up because I can't sleep well at night. I go into the den to watch some TV and see my son (age 4) curled up on the couch asleep. I decide not to wake him and just let him sleep there. This morning I asked him why he was on the couch and not in his bed and he said he woke up and there was a shadow at the end of his bed that scared him so he came into the den to sleep. Oh, forgot to add - back during the height of all of the events I was describing earlier, my son was also being scared at night and pointing to his closet door that was usually left open. A lot of those events I would like to pass off as imagination or not seeing what we thought we saw or heard what we thought we heard. Only problem with that is that on several occassions bothme and my wife would experience it at the same time so if it was imagination then we were both imagining the same thing at the same time.
Mar 3, 2008
Used to live nowhere Colorado, think Nebraska or Kansas.

10 yrs ago today wife, myself and several buddies were drinking in a tiny local bar yapping about how funny it would be to drive out to this old farmstead to see the "Haunted house".

This was a really tough area and there had been devastating droughts back in the 20's. For some reason there were three very similar gruesome murders all within this area where the Dad would figure out he had fully failed as a farmer and would drive home and kill his entire family and then himself. Two of these "stories" had been written up in the old newspapers from this town and we had read about them, in unreal graphic detail (guess they printed some hardcore stuff back in the 20's). The third murder house was the one we went to go see that night, and apparently before the Dad could shoot himself the local Sheriff arrived and tried to intervene. Apparently the guy climbed to the top of the windmill and shot the Sheriff and the Deputy, in addition the family and finally himself.

We get out there and the moon was on the horizon....you know where it looks about 10 times bigger than it should and it was completely orange. The weather was warm for this time of year out there but when we get to this house and drive up there to it, we look around and it gets really cold.........still as can, be not a drop of wind (and it was always windy out there) and damn if that windmill wasn't going around full speed frantically. We all look at one another terrified and get the hell out of there immediately. Most scary experience of all time.

A year later a psychic (from back east somewhere?) shows up at this little town library where my wife worked and claims to have had dreams about someone murdering his family and a windmill was involved in some way.........yikes. 100% true.


Active member
Sep 24, 2012
My Dad was a Jap POW for 31/2 years captured on Corregidor. after 3 hard years He was in bad shape and one night He decided to just give up. When He looked up His Father(who was deceased) was sitting on His cot. His dad told Him he wasn't giving Up, he told Him he must keep fighting. He did what His Dad told Him and made it back Home. For those who think He was hallucinating other POWs also saw My Granddad. My Dad said strange thing happened often in that camp. It was in Manchuria and death was an everyday occurrence.
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