OT: Will Smith just slapped Wayne Madkin during the Oscars

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Uncle Ruckus

Well-known member
Apr 1, 2011
If the joke is made about someone who frequented Epstein Island, then it's fair game


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2005
I immediately thought it was staged but what happened during the next commercial break leads me to believe it wasn’t.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
17 you, you piece of dirt.

The most inconsistent person on the planet.

What now? How was my post inconsistent? I made a bad joke about what was a bad joke. How does that make me a piece of dirt?
I offered up no opinion on if I think the incident was justifiable or not.

Simmer down and step away from the keyboard if this is the junk you are going to flood the board with.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2004
What makes me think it was real was afterwards Rock says “Well I could go…” then stops. Probably was about to drop an open marriage joke but stopped. That would have been interesting.
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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2016
I don't think this was staged at all. There are now clips circulating on Twitter of Denzel and other actors talking to Will over in the corner during a commercial break after it happened and Will is obviously crying and upset.

Will has every right to be mad about the joke but you can't hit someone like that. I'd imagine it's been tough for Jada with her the medical issues. There's probably a lot of self confidence and image problems a woman facing when losing hair like she has. Chris Rock, as a comedian, pushes the boundaries and probably pushed it too far. That still doesn't give Will the right to storm the stage and hit him. Both sides will probably make some statement and move on and nothing will happen.


New member
Oct 11, 2012
Didn't see the Oscars but that was likely the best, most honest part. Usually you get morallly scolded from millionaires in an industry that once celebrated Harvey Weinstein and child rapist Roman Polansky. Anyway, this is one of the differences between men and women. Men often realize, Rock didn't, that a comment a man doesn't like might lead to a fight or at least a punch. Women know they can say all kinds of things to men because men aren't gonna hit them. Kudos to the Oscars for genuine honesty and drama insteaded of the phoney scripted b.s.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
11thEagleFan said:
Apparently Jada’s bald look is because of a medical issue. Not sure if Chris Rock knew that. If he did, he deserved to get smacked. If not, the fresh prince was way out of line.
Yeah, I think that’s a legal statute that allows violence if one’s spouse is disrespected.***

Anyone thinking that hitting another person, regardless if he/she is a comedian, for saying a joke (or anything for that matter) is acceptable has serious control issues and maybe shouldn’t be allowed in the general public unsupervised.

Will needs to be thankful that Chris is a puss. Guarantee you that Will wouldn’t have done that **** to anyone else.


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2007
This is the biggest cultural event of the last decade at least. It's never going away. Hell no, it wasn't staged.

He played Ali?... what does that matter? In an instant, Will Smith did the calculus that an open handed slap would be more demeaning to Chris Rock and probably less damaging (to Rock's jaw and his own career) than a closed fist right hook.

No way the Oscars staged a skit that ended with Will Smith yelling 17 bombs at the top of his lungs.

Why didn't security intervene? Security is there to.. you know, secure the building. They aren't really prepared to stop a front row celeb from spontaneously attacking a host on live international television.

Finally.. during the immediate commercial break here is a photo of both Will Smith's and JPS's publicists who have rushed to their sides to begin damage control.


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Well-known member
May 29, 2007
Chris Rock actually owes Will Smith for the millions of dollars worth of jokes he will make about this down the road.**


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2004
Chris Rock actually owes Will Smith for the millions of dollars worth of jokes he will make about this down the road.**
Comedian podcasts should be great this week. I’m waiting for 2 Bears to weigh in on it.

ETA: Jeselnik too.
Aug 22, 2012
There is no gray area. If I say something you don’t like, and you assault me that’s a crime and you go to jail while I go home. Full stop.

Imagine hitting a black man in the face over a joke and not going to jail. Saint George Floyd is crying.


Well-known member
Jun 27, 2009
You either A think what he did is ok or B are too inconsistent to call him out on it.

But you have no problem calling out a police officer for defending himself or defending another person.

Are either of those comments not true? No.

Therefore you are an inconsistent douche nozzle.


New member
Aug 29, 2012
I’ll admit that in general, I agree and that Smith was probably wrong. But let’s dream up a scenario here. Let’s say that Quincy Wagstaff’s wife was going through chemo (I would never wish that on you or anyone you know, btw). Now let’s say you’re at a show and the comedian points out your wife and makes the same exact joke that Chris Rock made. Know what I mean?

You leave. You don't walk up and slap someone. You might throw some hand gestures and words, but you don't hit them. He shouldn't get a pass.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
You either A think what he did is ok or B are too inconsistent to call him out on it.

But you have no problem calling out a police officer for defending himself or defending another person.

Are either of those comments not true? No.

Therefore you are an inconsistent douche nozzle.

Um...no I dont have to do only one of those two things. I can also do C - make a bad joke and move on.
I am not required to give a serious opinion whenever you want me to. I am not sure why you think that is how this board works, but once again you are incorrect in what you think.

I will stick with choice C - make a bad joke and move on. But I guess now I am doing D - make a bad joke and then clarify to the board incel that I dont have to only offer up opinion when posting.


Apr 4, 2014
You can't put hands on someone just because they offend you or hurt your feelings. Even my teenager understands this. Now if he would've just yelled at Rock what he yelled after the slap then I'd understand. Smith laughed at the joke then Jada got in her feelings &/or gave him orders and like some **** he jumped to it.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2005
You can't put hands on someone just because they offend you or hurt your feelings. Even my teenager understands this. Now if he would've just yelled at Rock what he yelled after the slap then I'd understand. Smith laughed at the joke then Jada got in her feelings &/or gave him orders and like some **** he jumped to it.

You do what Will Smith did you are going to jail. Hell if you just threaten someone you can go to jail. That is considered an assault.


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2007
I thought this board had hard *** personalities on it?

There is no gray area. If I say something you don’t like, and you assault me that’s a crime and you go to jail while I go home. Full stop.

Imagine hitting a black man in the face over a joke and not going to jail. Saint George Floyd is crying.

These are the complete opposite takes I would have expected as most of you would say you whip a man's *** for insulting your girlfriend or wife. At least behind the keyboards most would say that.

There's no gray area as to what Will Smith did was legal or not. He assaulted Chris Rock on stage. If Chris wanted to press charges, he could. There is nothing to argue there.

However, it's absolutely possible they were both in the wrong though. You can't go around tossing insults to folks in front of their face, comedian or not, and not expect that someone react against that. It wasn't a roast. It wasn't Chris Rock's comedy show. It was an award presentation. There's no way I could go up to anyone, insult them, and claim "sorry, comedian" after I piss them off and expect that allows me to avoid consequences. Life doesn't work that way. Never has. People are just shocked that Smith did it on stage on live TV. That's way down on the list of choices one should make, but I can understand why some would react that way. The best reaction would have been to have words back stage and if Chris didn't apologize after both having some time to simmer on it, then you consider bringing hands into it.

And with that said - I think I'm done thinking about the oscars and one rich man slapping another rich man. They'll get over it. Probably will yuck it up courtside at a Lakers game next week.


Jun 4, 2007
You do what Will Smith did you are going to jail. Hell if you just threaten someone you can go to jail. That is considered an assault.

Chris has said today that he is not pressing charges. I wonder what Will offered him not to?


New member
Aug 29, 2012
And just think, this all started with one little fight and his mom got scared. Otherwise, he'd never be in Hollywood, he'd still be in West Philadelphia.


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2008
Hell, somewhere the ghost of Don King is attempting to schedule a 10 round bout in Vegas.


Well-known member
Oct 29, 2012
Will initially laughed. What changed his mind? Did his wife change it for him?

Walking up there and doing that publicly was a ***** move. Chris Rock pressing charges would also be a ***** move.

If Will took umbrage with that one line, handle it later, like a man. It appears to me that Mr. Smith's balls are still in her purse.


Active member
Sep 8, 2018
It was staged. All the award shows are suffering from poor viewership from recent shows where they got political and/or talked Covid mess nonstop.

Most Ordinary people watch entertainment and sports as an escape from politics. This stunt was on purpose to bring viewers back.
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Well-known member
Mar 3, 2005
What is being shadow over all this is the fact Will Smith hits like a girl.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
It was staged. All the award shows are suffering from poor viewership from recent shows where they got political.

Most Ordinary people watch entertainment and sports as an escape from politics. This stunt was on purpose to bring viewers back.

So the publicists were scurrying over to Smith and wife at each commercial break because they wanted to keep up the staged incident? And Denzel Washington spoke with Smith to keep up the staged incident?

Seems like a lot of effort.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
No. Offensive words do not justify violence. Full stop.

Meh...it's a civilizing influence when people know that there is a potential *** beating if you act too badly. I don't know whether you want to call it justified or not, but there's a lot of ****** things you can do and problems you can cause without laying hands on somebody, so I don't mind when people bear consequences for being asses. Not sure whether being a comedian is an excuse at a gala like that.

But in reality, I don't think the joke is what caused the slap. I think Will has just been mind 17ed by Jada. His kids are weird as ****. He's been emasculated by her cheating on him and then he just accepts it's an open marriage. He's got a ton of money and could be out taking advantage of being rich, famous, and single, and instead he's accepting just being made to look like a cuckhold. I can imagine that's he's got some emotional **** going on.


Active member
Feb 23, 2008
I don't think this was staged at all. There are now clips circulating on Twitter of Denzel and other actors talking to Will over in the corner during a commercial break after it happened and Will is obviously crying and upset.

Will has every right to be mad about the joke but you can't hit someone like that. I'd imagine it's been tough for Jada with her the medical issues. There's probably a lot of self confidence and image problems a woman facing when losing hair like she has. Chris Rock, as a comedian, pushes the boundaries and probably pushed it too far. That still doesn't give Will the right to storm the stage and hit him. Both sides will probably make some statement and move on and nothing will happen.

I was watching live and had to find my jaw on the floor to pick it back up. Michael Che won the reaction comments, fyi. Anyway, the thing is, Chris Rock would have take far more retribution for the joke if Smith just takes the high road. The joke itself was lame, unfunny, dated and kind of sad for a once great stand-up comedian. Rock would have figuratively instead of literally taken it on the chin for the joke if Smith just leaves it alone. As it is now, Rock is the victim and Will Smith looks like the gargantuan ******* that he is. Also, his speech later was like watching someone lose their marbles in real time.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Yeah, I think that’s a legal statute that allows violence if one’s spouse is disrespected.***

Anyone thinking that hitting another person, regardless if he/she is a comedian, for saying a joke (or anything for that matter) is acceptable has serious control issues and maybe shouldn’t be allowed in the general public unsupervised.

Will needs to be thankful that Chris is a puss. Guarantee you that Will wouldn’t have done that **** to anyone else.

Don't think Chris looked like a puss. Will slapped like a girl, Rock took it and didn't really even act hurt by it. And he didn't make things worse by escalating it. And after the factc, he's treating it as inconsequential.

And based on what that slap looked like, I think Chris did him a pretty good favor by not fighting back. Not sure if Smith was just hammered or is just really uncoordinated, but doesn't look like he would have been able to put up much of a fight based on that one slap.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2005
So the publicists were scurrying over to Smith and wife at each commercial break because they wanted to keep up the staged incident? And Denzel Washington spoke with Smith to keep up the staged incident?

Seems like a lot of effort.

How do you know this if they were on break? I don't think it was a planned staged but Will did not hit him hard. It probably was for show.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2015
ITT I discovered that most SPS posters would not, in fact, meet somebody at Sonic.


Oct 6, 2010
The absolute worst example for young men in society is committing a violent act for “someone disrespecting you”. I’d give a male 25 or younger a pass b/c we were all young and stupid at one time. Will Smith is 53 years old. It was a clown move, especially considering he went on her podcast and had to listen to her tell the world she was 17ing several dudes. Did Will slap August Alsina for smashing his wife? Big nope. But he hit a famous comedian on national tv during an awards ceremony. This isn’t hard. Will is an idiot and I partially blame that toxic wife for mixing up his **** brain.


Well-known member
Oct 29, 2012
It was a clown move, especially considering he went on her podcast and had to listen to her tell the world she was 17ing several dudes. Did Will slap August Alsina for smashing his wife? Big nope. But he hit a famous comedian on national tv during an awards ceremony. This isn’t hard. Will is an idiot and I partially blame that toxic wife for mixing up his **** brain.



Well-known member
Dec 11, 2007
Consider the audience

The absolute worst example for young men in society is committing a violent act for “someone disrespecting you”. I’d give a male 25 or younger a pass b/c we were all young and stupid at one time. Will Smith is 53 years old. It was a clown move, especially considering he went on her podcast and had to listen to her tell the world she was 17ing several dudes. Did Will slap August Alsina for smashing his wife? Big nope. But he hit a famous comedian on national tv during an awards ceremony. This isn’t hard. Will is an idiot and I partially blame that toxic wife for mixing up his **** brain.

That arena was half filled with people making their living off plots based on solving problems with violence. They are also really good at clutching their pearls when they see it in real life, too.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
How do you know this if they were on break? I don't think it was a planned staged but Will did not hit him hard. It probably was for show.

Because it has been heavily reported. Its the same way I know a lot of things, even if I wasnt there and didnt have direct access(via televised coverage).
It has been reported and there are pictures of it happening. Oh, Tyler Perry also 'comforted' Smith afterwards.

Sure, it could have all been staged, but that is a ton of effort for an early April Fool's joke on us all. Or maybe those comforting Smith and his wife werent in on the staging. Ooh, well there is quite the secretive conspiracy theory, right? Pretty sure the mental gymnastics to make this possible are more work than what Qanon did to make some of those stories seem possible to followers.
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