OT: Your Biggest POS Car

The Peeper

Well-known member
Feb 26, 2008
1980 Pontiac T-1000 (same as a Chevy Chevette). It was a 2 door w/ hatchback, 4 cylinder 97 cubic inch 65 HP w/ automatic transmission and A/C. When going uphill you had to turn off the A/C otherwise you wouldn't make it to the top of that hill. Had to get the tranny re-built once and it blew up again about a week after rebuild. Had to get it towed and rode in the wrecker w/ a guy in a uniform shirt that said his name was "Killer" on the little name badge above the pocket. We were going through a rough neighborhood in North Birmingham and he reached under the seat and laid a big *** pistol on the dash "so they will know we mean business". Got to the AAMCO that rebuilt it and insisted on cash w/ no receipt, I'm sure because he was skimming from whoever owned the tow service.

View attachment 23683


Well-known member
Jun 4, 2007
I had a Land Rover Discovery back in the day that was literally in the shop more than I drove it. One of the best looking and most worthless SUV's ever made.

Hugh's Burner Phone

Well-known member
Aug 3, 2017
1969 Ford F100 was my first vehicle in this exact paint scheme.

Then during college I had the 93 ford probe in this color.



Well-known member
Jan 4, 2020
Great story. Had a friend who's grandfather had an early 80's Chevy Scottsdale. He let my friend drive it when he first got his license.

First thing he did when he got it was clean the hell out of it. Idiot armor-alled the seat. Driving it home from baseball practice and took a big left curve in front of a pond and when he made the turn he slid over to the passenger side and was trying to steer but ended up in the pond. I make him tell me the story every so often and end up in tears.

View attachment 23685

That’s gold. Mine had the couch for a front seat too.


Well-known member
May 29, 2007
My biggest POS was also the most fun

1971 MGB identical to this one except interior was tan. Drove and rode great but had to keep a tool box in the trunk because you just never knew. Had Smith instruments and the engine temp guage was the one only working when I sold the car . It was nice when I bought it used in 1973 when I graduated . Not so nice in 76 when I sold it but damn we had some fun in that car.


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2008
Ah, British made vehicles. One knows precisely when it is time to change the oil. >>>> When it stops leaking.


New member
Jun 23, 2015
View attachment 23676
1965 ford ranchero. Got it when I was 15. No air conditioning. It had an oscillating fan behind the passenger seat. Girls with long hair would get their hair stuck in it. Leaked oil and transmission fluid constantly. Had to carry them with me and fill it up all the time. Wouldn’t start in the rain. Weight differential was so bad between the virtually weightless truck bed and the mammoth engine in the front that it hydroplaned when you hit the brakes when it was wet outside (it needed new tires badly). Also. No seatbelts. Had a huge wreck and was thrown all over the cab after I hydroplaned. Fortunately I was 15 and way less fragile than I am now. The above was as close a pic as I could find. The next car I got was a super used old dodge Dakota. Felt like a Mercedes G wagon compared to the Ranchero though.

one of my buddies had the ole Ranchero in green. hit trees, mailboxes, and every other thing we could find. never dented. we also made a pool in the back of it. the ladies loved it ****


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2020
one of my buddies had the ole Ranchero in green. hit trees, mailboxes, and every other thing we could find. never dented. we also made a pool in the back of it. the ladies loved it ****

I swear that thing was made of solid steel. When I had my wreck it dented the side of the Ranchero, the other care was absolutely destroyed. You would have thought it had run into a brick wall.

Maroon Eagle

Well-known member
May 24, 2006
I was offered the chance to buy a MGB by my ex-brother-in-law back in the mid 80s when he was engaged to my sister. I pretty much stayed silent because I had heard they were headaches to operate.


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2011
For a time back in high school my only means of transportation was a 1979 Honda CB 750 motorcycle. Girlfriend at the time had a 76 AMC Pacer with wood grain sides so that was our date car. Do you know how cool you look when you pull up to Sonic in a 76 AMC Pacer with wood grain sides?


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
I'd love to re-visit some of these cars to see how much the definition of "haul ***" has changed. Had a friend with a mid-80's Z28 that we thought was really fast, but looking at actual horsepower compared to today's cars, that 305 had like 170HP. A new camry would probably do it in.
Feb 20, 2011
1989 (I think) Chrysler LeBaron.

It was a hand-me-down from my older brother. It wasn't a convertible. Which apparently was rare as most every other LeBaron I've ever seen was a convertible.

By the end, the driver seat was broken so that it would not stay upright. I just put a giant box in the back seat to prop it up.

It had a fully digital driver display. And by the end that display was completely out. I could only guess at how fast I was going. Fortunately, there was a separate display that showed estimated mileage remaining, so I could use that as a proxy for a fuel gauge.

Also, on the day my dad and I drove it to a dealership to trade in for my next vehicle, smoke started coming up from the dash. I could see a glow through the driver display, moving in straight lines like the circuit board was burning. We pulled over and pulled out the fuse for the display, then went on to the dealership.


Well-known member
May 23, 2006
Not really a POS, but it was the oldest/most miles car I ever owned. 1979 318i. I loved this car even though it had no AC, right up until the day it committed suicide... The timing was terribly retarded and while I was putting some advance into it, it threw a rod through the side of the block. Even then it still ran.

View attachment 23692


Well-known member
Aug 25, 2014
Mid 90s Pontiac Bonneville. Got it from my aunt for an almost nothing price when she got a new car. I thought it might be an upgrade from the lumina I drove that was my grandfathers car since it was newer. Should have kept the lumina. That pontiac always broke down and the ac didn't work for ****. I was so glad when I got a real job and traded that piece in for a new truck

Digging dog

Active member
Aug 22, 2012
93 S-10 Blazer LT. I’m convinced it was built with everything that didn’t pass quality control at GM. Replaced: starter, flywheel, fuel pump, 2- heater cores, flasher, alternator. Had to 3m glue the center caps on the rim to keep them on and every time I vacuumed it out I found another screw or bolt that I didn’t know where it went. All this happened with less than 60k.


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2017
You had a dropped extended cab Ranger, hahaha. Are you from Mantachie? The 90's man were we stupid.


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
For a time back in high school my only means of transportation was a 1979 Honda CB 750 motorcycle. Girlfriend at the time had a 76 AMC Pacer with wood grain sides so that was our date car. Do you know how cool you look when you pull up to Sonic in a 76 AMC Pacer with wood grain sides?

used to work for a garage in the summer as a gofer. we had a Pacer, a Gremlin and a Beetle as parts cars. Gremlin had a 304 v8 so it was fun to get around in.


Jan 14, 2016
My first car was a Ford Pinto with no reverse.
Let me just say you can get into some Hellacious predicaments with no backerds gear!


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2012
No * my last truck had 300,000 miles, I put all 300,000 on it, and in the last 5 years I always kept extra oil


Active member
Sep 2, 2012
1971 Chevy Vega - no A/C, used more oil than gas. Mine was red. I traded it for a 1975 Gremlin, which was actually a pretty good car (especially compared to the Vega).

https://forums.sixpackspeak.com/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAoHCBISERgREhUYGBgYGBgYGBgYGBIYGBgYGBgZGRgYGBgcIS4lHB4rIRgYJjgmKzAxNTU1GiQ7QDs0Py40NTEBDAwMEA8QHhISHjEkJCE0NDQ0MTQxNTQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDExNDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQxMTQ0Mf/AABEIALABHwMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAACAwEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgADBQQGB//EAEQQAAIBAgMECAMFBgMHBQAAAAECAAMRBBIhBTFBUQYTImFxgZGhMkKxUmKSwdEHFBVygvAjQ EzU5OistLxFoOjs8L/xAAZAQEBAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBAX/xAAmEQEBAAIBBAIBBAMAAAAAAAAAAQIRAxIhMUETUYFhcaGxBBQi/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwD6eglgERY4MjQ2hEF5LwGkgvJeAbSQXgvJQTFkLRCZQTAYC0F5lTGKZLwEy7BkgvJeQGSLeS8BryQXkvAaSC8l4BggJkvAMMF5JoGAyXkvCIYJJIAMWSSBDARDJArYSl1nQRK2EK61jXirGhEvIDBBAe8l4skAkwExSZDMglopMkUy7UbwXggvIGvITFkvAN5LxbyQGvADBJAa8N4kMBryXiwwDeS8WSA15LwXkgNeSLJeKGvATAYIBkvJBAkIixhNIhlTCWxGEDpWNK1Ma8CGAyExSYDAwGS8BMyowGS8W8CXgJgJgJiCXgvBeQmAbyXikyCA0MiwO4Ua8dAACSTyAGpPhIDCBOavjFQXZXH9IHrmItOBuktINlyP/wAn6mLRsWhtM1NsK24EeaGXriyd1/T9FMmzTrtJacbY628P Bz9EjJjFYEhxpa 4kX3XG8eclyk8mnTAZzPjFUXLADmdB7yr 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zEj2m/lhywjnpYZEUKihVG5VAVR4AaCW5BHCxssCnJCEluWEJIKwsNpblhyxoVgQgR8smWXQAEIEloQIEEYSAQ2gC0N4SItoDgw3lcIMBjEMa8loCxWlhWVMJoMstAlSGWAzIkkN4IEkgkgGLeGSApgtHtDaBXlkyy20loFOWDJLrQEQKssmWWWgIgJlkCxoRAGWMFkjQFtDlhjWgJaC0sgIgV2ktGMECCNAIbwJIRDeLeaRLRSISYLwoiOsqvHDQiwiUuI aVO0D/9k=


Dec 8, 2021
1971 VolksWagon bus. Try styling in high school in it.

the coil would burn out randomly and stop the engine. I got pretty good being able to change it out with minimal tools and downtime.


Mar 3, 2008
1982 Cutlass Supreme diesel-died a slow painful death on US 82 on the way to watch the equally miserable Tech & 10 season.


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2019
1990 Pontiac Grand Am. I had it while I was at State. The dashboard was originally black but for some reason turned green, and not a nice shade of green. Never found out why.

My dumb *** put a 6 disc cd changer in the trunk. Every time I played a cd, I had to turn the a/c off. That "powerful" 4 cyl. couldn't handle both running at the same time.

Went to Beale street with one of my roommates and another friend to see Hootie and the Blowfish. They talked me in taking the AM. Well, on the way back the alternator goes out so we're just running on battery power baby. We looked like Tom Hanks, Bill Paxton and Kevin Bacon in Apollo 13 trying to figure out which things to turn off to get our asses back to Starkville while trying to do it in the safely. By the grace of God we made it but we never took a long trip in it again.

Luckily someone t boned me a few months later and totaled it.

Ernest T

New member
Dec 15, 2020
My mom had a Plymouth in the 70’s. The cruise stuck when we were going through Memphis during rush hour. She was freaking out telling us to put our seatbelts on. She finally got it to cut off.
Another time it quit in the middle of the RR tracks. The dealership was a block or two away and we walk over and she told them if they wanted the car where they could find it. Dad traded it that day.


Oct 29, 2012
Heading into 9th grade, I was eager for my first truck. I loved the old 69-72 Chevys and late 70's F150s but without a pot to piss in, $3k was $30k to me. Thus I began my quest to convince my Daddy that a classic truck was in our best interest. Every old truck I saw for sale, I tried to get him to look at. We were very interested in an awesome, blue 1977 F150 until the hood was popped and he saw a monster 460 V8 and said nope, a good call for a noob driver. As I continuously pitched my responsibility case in vain, I still had hope when Mom heard of an older man in town who had passed away and had a truck the family was looking to sell (which turned out to be our family's used car buying MO). My bro and I drove by one afternoon and sadly saw it was a crap 12 yo pawpaw truck: 1983 Ranger LWB auto 2.3L 4 banger 79HP @3800 RPM (uh, new) but $700!! We decided I shouldn't mention it to Daddy or it would be mine ASAP based on price alone. However, I did tell my buddy Jon-Jon.

Later at our big Christmas get-together, Jon-Jon asks me loudly if we ever checked out that $700 old truck in town from that dead guy, as I closed my eyes and hoped my Daddy didn't hear. His spidey sense went off, as the "$700", "old", and "dead guy" talk intrigued him waaaay beyond me playing it off. It was too late. The truck was mine.

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(Same model, just add 2 white-letter tires and more rust)

Bonus: found out it could backfire like a cannon and shoot a 3 ft flame out the tailpipe when flooring it then immediately idle, like an unlucky blue hair with M club alumni sticker found out on the way back from a Sardis fishing trip with 2 other redneck buddies. I stood on it to pass and waited until the exhaust was right at her door and let off. The 12 gauge fireball reverb was MUCH louder than usual off her E class window. I saw her Mercedes swerve, then speed up to give 3 teenage boys the finger of disgust as I tried to keep it in the road, as we all laughed with tears in our eyes. Probably red-lined that hearing aid. Sorry lady, wherever you are.
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