Penn State has the 11th largest endowment of all public universities in the nation, FWIW. 4th among B10 publics.
Is that good? bad? meh? Who knows, one can decide for themselves.
But, the issue at hand here is the giving to ATHLETICS, specifically.
15 years ago PSU Athletics fundraising was on par - at least in the same ballpark - with the top of the class, with the OSUs, Michigans, etc. Recent years? No, not even close.
Figuring out "why", and - most importantly - correcting that - is a critical issue for PSU ICA's long-term future, IMO.
What's there to figure out? Brandon Short has been running around for quite awhile stating the BOT knows the University’s continued treatment of Joe continues to hamper fundraising, they just don't care to try and fix it.