197: #4 Josh Barr vs. #2 Jacob Cardenas (JC)
Marquee match of the dual
Per 1
Stopped with 2:24 left for interlocking fingers. Barr reaches, nothing. JC sort of reaches from his knees, nothing. Nothing thru 1:30. JC with a straight shot, blocked. Stoppage with 1:13 left (not sur if stalemate or something else). 1 min left. Barr with a double to a single, JC sprawls and kicks out, and they are OOB with 0:38 left. End
Per 2
JC defers, so Barr takes bottom. Barr up quickly to his base, then to his feet, and he's out in 13 sec, 1-0. JC shoots a straight-on double or single, nothing. JC shoots again from center field, Barr tries to counter, nothing. 30 sec left. End
Per 3
JC takes bottom. Caution on Barr. JC to his fee but they go OOB with 1:56 left. JC again quickly to his feet, tripped back down, to his feet again, tripped and then OOB with 1:46 left. (I thought JC jumped the whistle on that restart.) JC sits out, then up, but they go OOB with 1:34 left. JC sits out and he's out, 1-1. RT @ 0:15 for Barr, so it's not a factor. Neither guy has been close to a TD. 1 min left. Barr drives in, and then tries to spin around, nothing. 30 sec left. Stalemate with 0:21 left. End
jC sort of shoots, and Barr sort of counters, nothing. JC gets a leg, Barr sprawls, and a stalemate with 1:27 left. jC tried an ankle pick from his knee, nothing. 1 min left. JC sort of shoot, Barr sort of counters, then JC shoots a double and Barr sprawls, nothing. 0:30 sec left. End
Barr defers, and JC takes bottom. JC sis out and is out in 8 sec (damn). 1-2. OOB with 0:17 left. Barr nearly counters but they go OOB with 0:03 left. End
Barr on the bottom. Caution on JC. Barr to his feet, returned, and OOB with 0:19 left. Barr to his feet, and Barr gets a reversal!!!! End. 3-2 DEC WOW!!!!!
36-0, PSU