Hit 405 once late 2020 or 2021. Used to train the Big 3 pretty hard (bench, squat, deadlift) until back pain convinced me to stop deadlifting.
Max deadlift was 505. Max squat was 485. My weight ranged from 280-295. Never did any meets to actually compete (weights moved suck for my body weight), but the group I lifted with usually did 1000 lbs clubs for the shirt.
I'm 42 now. Training fluctuates. I can routinely bench 365 if consistent. No longer deadlift; also, no longer have severe bouts of week long bedridden back pain. Traded out squats as well.
Nowadays, it's mostly 2 bench days per week (if I'm lucky to get that 2nd one in), a back/bi day, a leg/shoulder day, and fitting in 2-3 sessions of pickleball while there. Great cardio, fun game. Usually tough to find enough people.