PSA re Passing Etiquette


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
The red light running is insane these days and way way way too common.
Can confirm. I’m a careful driver and when I make mistakes they stay with me; I brood about them. Last week I’m in Springfield, IL and making a left turn out of a shopping center. There’s a light 70 feet to my left and it has just turned red for the cross traffic so I focus on the traffic to my right. I find my spot and get into what is supposed to be an empty lane and when I do there’s a car right on top of me. Freakin psycho.
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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2021
Agree with those who posted about the amount of red light running being significantly higher now. But the other thing that I see is that a lot of tractor trailer drivers are poor drivers now. At least from my prior observations most of the truck drivers didnt stay in the left lane, use turn signals, weren’t ultra aggressive drivers but now I see guys zigzagging all over I 70 here in Maryland or oing down I 95 between the beltways without using turn signals and just creeping right up on top of vehicles in front of them.
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Well-known member
Oct 19, 2021
Agree with those who posted about the amount of red light running being significantly higher now. But the other thing that I see is that a lot of tractor trailer drivers are poor drivers now. At least from my prior observations most of the truck drivers stay in the left lane use turn signals weren’t ultra aggressive drivers but now I see guys zigzagging all over I 70 here in Maryland we’re going down I 95 between the beltways without using turn signals and just creeping right up on top of vehicles in front of them.
I don't know, Bison. Going back, maybe further, those guys thought nothing of exceeding the speed limit by at least 20mph. And tailgating was common.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2021
I don't know, Bison. Going back, maybe further, those guys thought nothing of exceeding the speed limit by at least 20mph. And tailgating was common.
Maybe if you go back some years but with the way that truckers have to log their times electronically now they can’t get away with the 20 miles an hour over the speed limit stuff.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
I just made the ride up and down I95 from FLA up to the Northeast. Not only is the passing a **** show, but why in the hell are the Carolina's, southern VA, and the NJ turnpike 2 lanes still in 2022. Trucks park in the left lane and take about 10 miles to pass aggravating.
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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2021
I’ve never driven in a right-hand-drive country, but I’m sure I would f*ck it up royally. The whole time, I would be telling myself, “Do the opposite,” but I know I would f*ck it up. The combination of everything being reversed plus not knowing the area would be too much for me. It would not end well.

I did it in Grand Cayman and yeah, it’s really disconcerting. I managed not to screw up, but I was constantly nervous that I would. Thankfully things were pretty laid back on the roads and there wasn’t much traffic — that made it bearable at least.
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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2021
There are many ways to look at driving in the left. Typically I drive in the left lane with 5 or 6 cars in front of me going say 76 or so while the right lane is going about 70. Why do the a-holes behind me think I should get over to allow them to pass me when the issue is the first car in line. I never tailgate so there is a lot space between me and the car in front of me but I always go the same speed as them. If I get over to allow the a-hole tailgating me to pass I'll be trapped there while the 10 - 15 cars behind pass me by. No way. I stay right where I am and only speed up when I have a clear path in front of me and only get over when I won't get caught there by a line of traffic from behind.

Pocono Lion

Well-known member
Oct 7, 2021
There are many ways to look at driving in the left. Typically I drive in the left lane with 5 or 6 cars in front of me going say 76 or so while the right lane is going about 70. Why do the a-holes behind me think I should get over to allow them to pass me when the issue is the first car in line. I never tailgate so there is a lot space between me and the car in front of me but I always go the same speed as them. If I get over to allow the a-hole tailgating me to pass I'll be trapped there while the 10 - 15 cars behind pass me by. No way. I stay right where I am and only speed up when I have a clear path in front of me and only get over when I won't get caught there by a line of traffic from behind.
Agree 100% Tioga. If I’m in the left lane passing vehicles in the right and some a-hole behind me decides I’m not going fast enough to suit them and starts tailgating, well that 5 seconds to pass the car on the right just turned into 40 and I’ll make damn sure he can’t get past me on the right.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2021
There are many ways to look at driving in the left. Typically I drive in the left lane with 5 or 6 cars in front of me going say 76 or so while the right lane is going about 70. Why do the a-holes behind me think I should get over to allow them to pass me when the issue is the first car in line. I never tailgate so there is a lot space between me and the car in front of me but I always go the same speed as them. If I get over to allow the a-hole tailgating me to pass I'll be trapped there while the 10 - 15 cars behind pass me by. No way. I stay right where I am and only speed up when I have a clear path in front of me and only get over when I won't get caught there by a line of traffic from behind.

There is one way to look at "driving in the left" ... get over if you aren't actively passing someone. If you aren't willing to press the issue and apply a little pressure to the guy in front of you, even if the problem child driver is 5 or 6 cars in front of you, then you need to get over to the right and allow those with some balls to apply pressure to the car in front of them. Your way results in a perpetual backup and stalemate ... the ****** driver in the front not passing anyone in the passing lane doesn't feel any pressure, because the guy behind him doesn't want to tailgate and, so on, and everything then backs up behind these two schmucks. YOU are part of the problem. Get over. Be trapped. You deserve it.
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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2021
Agree 100% Tioga. If I’m in the left lane passing vehicles in the right and some a-hole behind me decides I’m not going fast enough to suit them and starts tailgating, well that 5 seconds to pass the car on the right just turned into 40 and I’ll make damn sure he can’t get past me on the right.

Get the **** over. Let the people behind you who are moving faster actually move faster. When you can then get back over into the left lane, you are welcome to it, as long as you are passing people. That's how traffic moves efficiently. You're one of those folks who thinks you're more important than everyone else, or traffic as a whole. You're not.

Pocono Lion

Well-known member
Oct 7, 2021
Get the **** over. Let the people behind you who are moving faster actually move faster. When you can then get back over into the left lane, you are welcome to it, as long as you are passing people. That's how traffic moves efficiently. You're one of those folks who thinks you're more important than everyone else, or traffic as a whole. You're not.
I take it you’re one of the ones that thinks that just because you want to go faster than everyone else that everyone should just get out of your way. Sorry, bud, but who’s the one that thinks they’re more important than everyone else?
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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
I take it you’re one of the ones that thinks that just because you want to go faster than everyone else that everyone should just get out of your way. Sorry, bud, but who’s the one that thinks they’re more important than everyone else?
There are certainly too many of both types out there.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
Get the **** over. Let the people behind you who are moving faster actually move faster. When you can then get back over into the left lane, you are welcome to it, as long as you are passing people. That's how traffic moves efficiently. You're one of those folks who thinks you're more important than everyone else, or traffic as a whole. You're not.
Amen, if you aren't smart enough to use your mirrors and see someone coming up on you....don't get in the left lane or butt hurt when they come up on you. Not to mention the idiots that just do the speed limit in the left lane and just set it and forget it. There is a reason they put the signs up saying slower traffic stay to the right. It's for the idiots that assume they are the police and need to tell everyone what to do.
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Active member
Oct 12, 2021
….folks who don't put their shopping carts in a corral or back in the store, and leave them in the lot, to smash into people's cars, or just take up spaces. And the same folks who decide they're going to back in to spots in a busy parking lot, while everyone is trying to hurry in and out.
I disagree completely these two are the same types of folks.

The folks that leave shopping carts are the same type of folks who think they are better than everyone else. These are the same type of people who blindly back out of spaces in crowded parking lots not giving a care that they do not have the right of way and that it is their responsibility to make sure there are no cars traveling in the aisles.

Pulling forward out of a parking spot is safer than backing out.


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2021
There are certainly too many of both types out there.
JMO but it depends on the road. If you are on the turnpike or interstate, get over if you don't want to pass but if you are on a road that has lights and intersections and will be making a left hand turn then I have no issue with it. Now about those people passing on the shoulder :mad:


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2021
There is one way to look at "driving in the left" ... get over if you aren't actively passing someone. If you aren't willing to press the issue and apply a little pressure to the guy in front of you, even if they problem child drive is 5 or 6 cars in front of you, then you need to get over to the right and allow those with some balls to apply pressure to the car in front of them. Your way results in a perpetual backup and stalemate ... the ****** driver in the front not passing anyone in the passing lane doesn't feel any pressure, because the guy behind him doesn't want to tailgate and, so on, and everything then backs up behind these two schmucks. YOU are part of the problem. Get over. Be trapped. You deserve it.
Perhaps you should read my post again. I stated the line of 5 or 6 cars are passing the cars to their right but the a-holes behind me (that's you) thinks I should get over and be stuck in the slow lane. You do realize that tailgating is dangerous, for many reasons, don't you?


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2021
There is one way to look at "driving in the left" ... get over if you aren't actively passing someone. If you aren't willing to press the issue and apply a little pressure to the guy in front of you, even if they problem child drive is 5 or 6 cars in front of you, then you need to get over to the right and allow those with some balls to apply pressure to the car in front of them. Your way results in a perpetual backup and stalemate ... the ****** driver in the front not passing anyone in the passing lane doesn't feel any pressure, because the guy behind him doesn't want to tailgate and, so on, and everything then backs up behind these two schmucks. YOU are part of the problem. Get over. Be trapped. You deserve it.
Sounds like you are part of the problem as much as anyone. Would say you are probably a danger to others on the road with your over aggression and attitude. You probably run yellow and red lights as well.
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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2021
I take it you’re one of the ones that thinks that just because you want to go faster than everyone else that everyone should just get out of your way. Sorry, bud, but who’s the one that thinks they’re more important than everyone else?
Sometimes I'm the guy who wants to go faster than a car in front of me in the left lane, and sometimes there's some guy flying up behind me in the left lane.

I'm a pretty reasonable driver. I don't zoom in or out of lanes trying to get past people, or fly around without turn signals, or cut people off. But I do like to drive at a comfortable speed for me in that situation. If it's a fairly wide open road (or, at least, it should be because overall traffic isn't that bad), and I'm feeling like I need to be somewhere, sometimes I'll be cruising at 90 or so. Not flying in and out of traffic racing, just leisurely controlled driving. Sometimes there's a bunch of us cruising at 90 ... the general flow of traffic is that fast.

And sometimes, in those situations, you come across a Pocono Lion blocking traffic for no reason. A bunch of cars doing 85, or 90, or whatever come up behind a clog ... dudes in the right lane doing 75-80, dudes in the middle lane doing 75-80, and then some jagoff in the left lane doing 76-81. Inching his way past all the cars in the middle lane. Barely. Get the freak over into the middle lane, and let all the cars behind you get by so they can continue driving the way they're driving, and then you can get back over and rock and roll at 81, slowly passing whoever you want to slowly pass.

If I'm doing 80, or 90, and some hotshot rolls up behind me doing 100, or more, I'm not going to be the dingleberry who blocks him. Let him through so he can be on his way and out of my hair. It's safer that way, and it's what you're actually supposed to do.


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2021
Sometimes I'm the guy who wants to go faster than a car in front of me in the left lane, and sometimes there's some guy flying up behind me in the left lane.

I'm a pretty reasonable driver. I don't zoom in or out of lanes trying to get past people, or fly around without turn signals, or cut people off. But I do like to drive at a comfortable speed for me in that situation. If it's a fairly wide open road (or, at least, it should be because overall traffic isn't that bad), and I'm feeling like I need to be somewhere, sometimes I'll be cruising at 90 or so. Not flying in and out of traffic racing, just leisurely controlled driving. Sometimes there's a bunch of us cruising at 90 ... the general flow of traffic is that fast.

And sometimes, in those situations, you come across a Pocono Lion blocking traffic for no reason. A bunch of cars doing 85, or 90, or whatever come up behind a clog ... dudes in the right lane doing 75-80, dudes in the middle lane doing 75-80, and then some jagoff in the left lane doing 76-81. Inching his way past all the cars in the middle lane. Barely. Get the freak over into the middle lane, and let all the cars behind you get by so they can continue driving the way they're driving, and then you can get back over and rock and roll at 81, slowly passing whoever you want to slowly pass.

If I'm doing 80, or 90, and some hotshot rolls up behind me doing 100, or more, I'm not going to be the dingleberry who blocks him. Let him through so he can be on his way and out of my hair. It's safer that way, and it's what you're actually supposed to do.
Ummm you are driving at 90 MPH and the other guys are in the wrong? GFOH.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2021
Sounds like you are part of the problem as much as anyone. Would say you are probably a danger to others on the road with your over aggression and attitude. You probably run yellow and red lights as well.

Quite the contrary. I'm a very controlled driver. Never been in an accident. Had 2 speeding tickets in my lifetime, and those were both way back in college, on silly residential speed traps where the general flow of traffic moves much faster than the stated speed limit, and the cops just happened to be out hunting tickets that day. So, I've gone the greater part of 3 decades without a traffic violation of any sort. Not even a parking ticket.

No one "runs" yellow lights. You go through them. You're allowed to do so. Unless I'm familiar with the length of the yellow, and am comfortable I'll get through it in time, I will slow down at a yellow, and proceed with caution ... as you're supposed to do. If it turns red, I'll stop. If it stays yellow, I'll proceed. Pretty simple.

My "attitude" results in efficient, conscientious driving. Safer driving. People clogging up roads creates as many dangers as those who are going too fast for the general flow of traffic, because people get antsy and make bad decisions when there's a ding-a-ling not letting people through. Outside of just an overwhelmingly number of cars on the road, or accidents, people who think they're driving fast enough in a lane (but the rest of traffic does not think so) is the primary cause of traffic jams and slowdowns, and this sometimes results in accidents.

I liken it to the elevator issue ... there's a packed elevator that's about to close its doors. Inevitably, there's some self-important a-hole who is rushing to the elevator, hits the "up" button, the doors stop closing, and he pushes his way on, inconveniencing everyone else, and making them way, just so that he can do what he wants. Whereas I, as a conscientious elevator rider, would allow those folks to be on their way, and I'd wait for the next elevator, so those folks aren't inconvenienced.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2021
Ummm you are driving at 90 MPH and the other guys are in the wrong? GFOH.
It's a pretty normal cruising speed up here on the highways when they aren't super-congested. I'm just going with the flow of traffic when I'm doing that. I'm not some hot rod daredevil zipping in and out. Either I'm doing 90 with a bunch of other cars, or I'm going a little bit faster than the rest of traffic (which is going at 85 or so), and eventually passing them, but not buzzing by them. Inevitably, if I'm cruising at 90, I'll move over at least 2 or 3 times to allow faster cars to go by, if I'm on the highway for an hour or more. Yes, if I'm doing 90 mph, and you're in the left lane putzing around, and you can get over, you should, of course, get over and let me pass. And if some dude behind me is doing 100 mph, I'll get over, as well, and let him pass.

This isn't hard, fellas.


Active member
Oct 12, 2021
Sometimes I'm the guy who wants to go faster than a car in front of me in the left lane, and sometimes there's some guy flying up behind me in the left lane.

I'm a pretty reasonable driver. I don't zoom in or out of lanes trying to get past people, or fly around without turn signals, or cut people off. But I do like to drive at a comfortable speed for me in that situation. If it's a fairly wide open road (or, at least, it should be because overall traffic isn't that bad), and I'm feeling like I need to be somewhere, sometimes I'll be cruising at 90 or so. Not flying in and out of traffic racing, just leisurely controlled driving. Sometimes there's a bunch of us cruising at 90 ... the general flow of traffic is that fast.

And sometimes, in those situations, you come across a Pocono Lion blocking traffic for no reason. A bunch of cars doing 85, or 90, or whatever come up behind a clog ... dudes in the right lane doing 75-80, dudes in the middle lane doing 75-80, and then some jagoff in the left lane doing 76-81. Inching his way past all the cars in the middle lane. Barely. Get the freak over into the middle lane, and let all the cars behind you get by so they can continue driving the way they're driving, and then you can get back over and rock and roll at 81, slowly passing whoever you want to slowly pass.

If I'm doing 80, or 90, and some hotshot rolls up behind me doing 100, or more, I'm not going to be the dingleberry who blocks him. Let him through so he can be on his way and out of my hair. It's safer that way, and it's what you're actually supposed to do.
Idiots like you shouldn't be allowed near an automobile.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2021
Quite the contrary. I'm a very controlled driver. Never been in an accident. Had 2 speeding tickets in my lifetime, and those were both way back in college, on silly residential speed traps where the general flow of traffic moves much faster than the stated speed limit, and the cops just happened to be out hunting tickets that day. So, I've gone the greater part of 3 decades without a traffic violation of any sort. Not even a parking ticket.

No one "runs" yellow lights. You go through them. You're allowed to do so. Unless I'm familiar with the length of the yellow, and am comfortable I'll get through it in time, I will slow down at a yellow, and proceed with caution ... as you're supposed to do. If it turns red, I'll stop. If it stays yellow, I'll proceed. Pretty simple.

My "attitude" results in efficient, conscientious driving. Safer driving. People clogging up roads creates as many dangers as those who are going too fast for the general flow of traffic, because people get antsy and make bad decisions when there's a ding-a-ling not letting people through. Outside of just an overwhelmingly number of cars on the road, or accidents, people who think they're driving fast enough in a lane (but the rest of traffic does not think so) is the primary cause of traffic jams and slowdowns, and this sometimes results in accidents.

I liken it to the elevator issue ... there's a packed elevator that's about to close its doors. Inevitably, there's some self-important a-hole who is rushing to the elevator, hits the "up" button, the doors stop closing, and he pushes his way on, inconveniencing everyone else, and making them way, just so that he can do what he wants. Whereas I, as a conscientious elevator rider, would allow those folks to be on their way, and I'd wait for the next elevator, so those folks aren't inconvenienced.
By stating that you're going 90 MPH and complaining about other drivers you've lost all credibility. Give up. Apparently you should receive multiple tickets every time you enter a freeway. Speeding and reckless driving should be automatics, and probably endangering others.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2021
Idiots like you shouldn't be allowed near an automobile.

LOL, you're a weirdo. I'm about the safest driver you'll find out on the streets. I won't drive if I had a sip of alcohol in the last hour (among other precautions around alcohol). I always wait that extra tick at stop sign, or before proceeding at a light because I know there are terrible drivers who don't pay attention/don't follow rules. In residential areas, I'm at or near the speed limit, and I always stop to allow pedestrians to cross, even if it's not clear that they want to cross. I never double park just to run in and get something (because that's just rude or dangerous). I won't back into a spot if someone's behind me, because I don't want to hold up traffic. Etc.

And I go with the flow of traffic on highways. I don't zip in and out. I just drive. Again, never been in an accident. No traffic/parking violations since college (almost 30 years).

My guess is you're self-important, and creating a lot of dangerous situations that you're unaware of, or you just don't care about.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2021
By stating that you're going 90 MPH and complaining about other drivers you've lost all credibility. Give up. Apparently you should receive multiple tickets every time you enter a freeway. Speeding and reckless driving should be automatics, and probably endangering others.

If going 90 MPH on the highway around here was grounds for taking people off the streets, we'd have no drivers between the ages of 16 and 55 left to go anywhere. By stating what you stated, you lost all credibility.

When there's moderate to minimal traffic on 95, 495 and other similar highways, the far right lane is doing 80, the middle lane is doing 85, and the left lane is doing 90. Just as a guesstimate general flow. Anyone outside of that range is generally causing a problem. And if they're outside of that range going faster, move aside and let them go by so they don't create problems.


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2021
It's a pretty normal cruising speed up here on the highways when they aren't super-congested. I'm just going with the flow of traffic when I'm doing that. I'm not some hot rod daredevil zipping in and out. Either I'm doing 90 with a bunch of other cars, or I'm going a little bit faster than the rest of traffic (which is going at 85 or so), and eventually passing them, but not buzzing by them. Inevitably, if I'm cruising at 90, I'll move over at least 2 or 3 times to allow faster cars to go by, if I'm on the highway for an hour or more. Yes, if I'm doing 90 mph, and you're in the left lane putzing around, and you can get over, you should, of course, get over and let me pass. And if some dude behind me is doing 100 mph, I'll get over, as well, and let him pass.

This isn't hard, fellas.
I don't think this is making the case you think it is.


Active member
Oct 12, 2021
LOL, you're a weirdo. I'm about the safest driver you'll find out on the streets. I won't drive if I had a sip of alcohol in the last hour (among other precautions around alcohol). I always wait that extra tick at stop sign, or before proceeding at a light because I know there are terrible drivers who don't pay attention/don't follow rules. In residential areas, I'm at or near the speed limit, and I always stop to allow pedestrians to cross, even if it's not clear that they want to cross. I never double park just to run in and get something (because that's just rude or dangerous). I won't back into a spot if someone's behind me, because I don't want to hold up traffic. Etc.

And I go with the flow of traffic on highways. I don't zip in and out. I just drive. Again, never been in an accident. No traffic/parking violations since college (almost 30 years).

My guess is you're self-important, and creating a lot of dangerous situations that you're unaware of, or you just don't care about.
You're a very poor guesser. Nobody should be driving 90 mph. Other people rob convenience stores so it's OK for me to rob convenience stores.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2021
I don't think this is making the case you think it is.
Then tell us, oh wise one, at which speeds should traffic be flowing on 95 in MA when there is minimal congestion to meet your definition of safe driving? We should all slow down to 55? All of society should slow down 30 mph so you can drive in the left lane?

Do you happen to drive a horse and buggy to and fro work, so you can churn the butter?

Are you the 90 year old guy in his pristine 2000 Caddy with 30,000 miles on it, hunched over, holding up even the tractors who usually ride on the side of the road to allow real traffic to get by?


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2021
You're a very poor guesser. Nobody should be driving 90 mph. Other people rob convenience stores so it's OK for me to rob convenience stores.

Well, you can shout at the clouds and tell the kids to get off your highway. Meanwhile, everyone will be driving 80-90 mph in normal driving conditions on the highways up this way.

So, just for the record, you always drive at or under the speed limit, so as to not rob that convenience store? If I see you on I95 in MA, you'll be going 55 while everyone is zipping around you going 80+, with lil old grannies flipping you off because you're going too slow for their tastes?


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2021
Then tell us, oh wise one, at which speeds should traffic be flowing on 95 in MA when there is minimal congestion to meet your definition of safe driving? We should all slow down to 55? All of society should slow down 30 mph so you can drive in the left lane?

Do you happen to drive a horse and buggy to and fro work, so you can churn the butter?

Are you the 90 year old guy in his pristine 2000 Caddy with 30,000 miles on it, hunched over, holding up even the tractors who usually ride on the side of the road to allow real traffic to get by?
No, but apparently you are the A$$hole most are referring to in this thread. :rolleyes:
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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2021
No, but apparently you are the A$$hole most are referring to in this thread. :rolleyes:

Ah, so going with the flow of traffic makes you an A$$hole, and slowing everyone down so that you can go the speed you want to go, in the lane you want to be in, while everyone's behind you, logjammed and waiting, makes you a champion of this thread.

And so goes today's lesson in bizarro logic.

So, again, can someone exceed the speed limit (you know, rob the convenience store just a little bit), but still not be a danger to society? If so, what's the magic number that makes it OK to violate the law, but going over makes you a menace to society?
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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
Sometimes I'm the guy who wants to go faster than a car in front of me in the left lane, and sometimes there's some guy flying up behind me in the left lane.

I'm a pretty reasonable driver. I don't zoom in or out of lanes trying to get past people, or fly around without turn signals, or cut people off. But I do like to drive at a comfortable speed for me in that situation. If it's a fairly wide open road (or, at least, it should be because overall traffic isn't that bad), and I'm feeling like I need to be somewhere, sometimes I'll be cruising at 90 or so. Not flying in and out of traffic racing, just leisurely controlled driving. Sometimes there's a bunch of us cruising at 90 ... the general flow of traffic is that fast.

And sometimes, in those situations, you come across a Pocono Lion blocking traffic for no reason. A bunch of cars doing 85, or 90, or whatever come up behind a clog ... dudes in the right lane doing 75-80, dudes in the middle lane doing 75-80, and then some jagoff in the left lane doing 76-81. Inching his way past all the cars in the middle lane. Barely. Get the freak over into the middle lane, and let all the cars behind you get by so they can continue driving the way they're driving, and then you can get back over and rock and roll at 81, slowly passing whoever you want to slowly pass.

If I'm doing 80, or 90, and some hotshot rolls up behind me doing 100, or more, I'm not going to be the dingleberry who blocks him. Let him through so he can be on his way and out of my hair. It's safer that way, and it's what you're actually supposed to do.
My rule of thumb is 10 over for myself....others will go faster. I'll get over if others are going faster without any issue, but I don't park in the left lane either. I tend to keep my cruise at 9MPH over on the rural part of the interstates when nobody is around. I stay in the right lane until I see a need to get around someone and then get back over. I cannot tell you how many I've seen going slow in the left lane that have a GD phone in their hand. That is more infuriating as that same person will then zip by you at 95 later on once they are off the phone. I just drove up and down the east coast twice this week and I had to pass people in the right lane countless times....and I'm not flying either. On the phone or some blue hair afraid to change lanes....or simply because they own the road.


Active member
Oct 12, 2021
…Had 2 speeding tickets in my lifetime, and those were both way back in college, on silly residential speed traps where the general flow of traffic moves much faster than the stated speed limit…
Residential roads don’t have a “flow of traffic” to have to try match the pace of.

Individuals that travel on a residential road “much faster” than the stated speed limit are just a potential danger.
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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2021
My rule of thumb is 10 over for myself....others will go faster. I'll get over if others are going faster without any issue, but I don't park in the left lane either. I tend to keep my cruise at 9MPH over on the rural part of the interstates when nobody is around. I stay in the right lane until I see a need to get around someone and then get back over. I cannot tell you how many I've seen going slow in the left lane that have a GD phone in their hand. That is more infuriating as that same person will then zip by you at 95 later on once they are off the phone. I just drove up and down the east coast twice this week and I had to pass people in the right lane countless times....and I'm not flying either. On the phone or some blue hair afraid to change lanes....or simply because they own the road.

So, then, you only rob the convenience store a little, I guess ... at least according to our buddy, WDLion.

I wonder if that's OK, or if he's going to tell you you're an idiot who shouldn't be allowed near an automobile.

But up here, especially on the 3 lane highways, no one goes only 9 mph over the limit on highways. It just doesn't happen, unless you hit a crazy spot, like trying to drive through Providence on I-95, where it's a winding ride, hanging on for dear life while rice rockets shoot in and out of lanes. Much of 95 up here is 65 mph, but there's a patch that's 55 ... and if you're only driving 75 mph (when there isn't a ton of work traffic that slows everything down), or worse yet, 65, you're creating problems for 99% of the drivers.
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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2021
Residential roads don’t have a “flow of traffic” to have to try match the pace of.

Individuals that travel on a residential road “much faster” than the stated speed limit are just a potential danger.

They have a typical driving speed, yes. And often, there's enough traffic on them, if you drive them enough, to know how fast other cars go. That's the "flow of traffic" to which I refer. We all know those roads that are super dangerous, and the stated speed limit almost seems too fast ... so you go slow and drive cautiously,, and there are roads where the stated speed limit is way too slow for how someone would normally drive through that area. In order to stay 10 mph over the limit, you have to actively brake and/or watch your speedometer, because you would otherwise naturally go faster. It happens. Everywhere. It's not an exact science.

I think, and again this is when I was 20 or so, I was busted for doing 40 (maybe a little less ... I don't know, it was over 25 years ago) in a 25 on a road I lived on in State College ... most people went at least 40 on that road. If you pulled on to the road in back of someone else, and did 40, they'd pull away from you. It was wide open, not much overall traffic or people turning on/off. There just so happened to be an old folks' home on it and, occasionally, they'd let them out of their cages, and they'd sit out front and yell at all the whippersnappers going too fast (even though they were all set up WAY back of the road), and the cops would come out and set up watch for a bit. Nail a few guys and go back to more important things.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
People pull out of my subdivision and immediately get in the left lane. They stay there until they turn. I believe they are just inconsiderate stupid people.

Don't understand why people drive "for no apparent reason" with their blinkers on. See it all of the time on the interstate down here. Seems like mostly illegals'.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2021
I drove from Springfield, IL to Columbus today. The stretch from Indianapolis to the Ohio state line was ******* torture. Thank God for the 21st Amendment.
Indiana and Iowa should crater into the core of the Erf. We’d be better off without those **** states and their **** citizenry
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Well-known member
Oct 7, 2021
If going 90 MPH on the highway around here was grounds for taking people off the streets, we'd have no drivers between the ages of 16 and 55 left to go anywhere. By stating what you stated, you lost all credibility.

When there's moderate to minimal traffic on 95, 495 and other similar highways, the far right lane is doing 80, the middle lane is doing 85, and the left lane is doing 90. Just as a guesstimate general flow. Anyone outside of that range is generally causing a problem. And if they're outside of that range going faster, move aside and let them go by so they don't create problems.
Yeah, I used to commute on I-78 in NJ too.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
So, then, you only rob the convenience store a little, I guess ... at least according to our buddy, WDLion.

I wonder if that's OK, or if he's going to tell you you're an idiot who shouldn't be allowed near an automobile.

But up here, especially on the 3 lane highways, no one goes only 9 mph over the limit on highways. It just doesn't happen, unless you hit a crazy spot, like trying to drive through Providence on I-95, where it's a winding ride, hanging on for dear life while rice rockets shoot in and out of lanes. Much of 95 up here is 65 mph, but there's a patch that's 55 ... and if you're only driving 75 mph (when there isn't a ton of work traffic that slows everything down), or worse yet, 65, you're creating problems for 99% of the drivers.
You’re talking apples and bananas with me. 3 lane highways aren’t the problem…. not for me. You have options at that point. You do not on 2 lane highways. Keeping up with traffic is just fine by me.