So, where is Barry? No comments? Dude has been fighting for years to get on the ballot and now that he's won, radio silence? C'mon Barry....
Where the hell is the JoePa statue? How could he not get it up by now?
So, where is Barry? No comments? Dude has been fighting for years to get on the ballot and now that he's won, radio silence? C'mon Barry....
He's too big now for the vulgar rabble that inhabits this board.So, where is Barry? No comments? Dude has been fighting for years to get on the ballot and now that he's won, radio silence? C'mon Barry....
We won! Now it's time to get to work.
Dear Penn Stater,
The results of the alumni trustee election are in, and I am honored to have been voted to take a seat as a Penn State trustee.
This election has been called 'a bit of a shake up' and I'd agree with that assessment; Penn Staters have clearly expressed their desire for change. Change that will refocus Penn State’s tremendous resources on achieving excellence in its core missions: providing a quality and affordable education, sponsoring meaningful research and outreach, and improving our partnership with the Commonwealth.
This is an important victory for our alma mater. It is our victory - thank you to everyone who worked so hard to advocate for responsible governance. I look forward to leading this change along with Christa Hasenkopf, Ted Brown, and the rest of the alumni trustees.
Our job is to bring alumni concerns and ideas to the forefront. Your job is to hold us accountable for doing that.
Keep up the good work.
He's too big now for the vulgar rabble that inhabits this board.
Good call on the rabble aspect, though.I believe you.
Congratulations. Look forward to watching you do some good work. BTW, you've just used up your quota of "excellence."