There was speculation that concerns over his maturity cost him the Tulane job.Hold on. Is there anything on record where Canni had messed up prior to MSU?
Plenty on record at MSU after a year and after leaving MSU, but I've yet to see anything on record prior to him coming to MSU.
Was LSU ok with him doing those things as long as he wasn't the head coach?
I think in reality you'd have a pretty small candidate pool if you disavowed coaches that were known to run around with women. Lots of these guys were college if not pro athletes. Even at relatively small time schools, college athletes tend to do ok and lots (most?) don't just shut it off b/c they've graduated.
I think Cannizaro just shot up through the ranks so fast nobody had a chance to see how he let it affect him when he didn't have anybody watching/managing him on a day to day basis.
In hindsight, he would have been better off staying an assistant and out of the spotlight as much. Based on getting dismissed right before the playoffs from an all boys school makes me think he's quite a ways away from keeping enough of a lid on his social life that it doesn't hurt him professionally. But he's good enough he could have probably made it as an SEC assistant for a long time.