Rhonda Keenum


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Hold on. Is there anything on record where Canni had messed up prior to MSU?

Plenty on record at MSU after a year and after leaving MSU, but I've yet to see anything on record prior to him coming to MSU.

Was LSU ok with him doing those things as long as he wasn't the head coach?
There was speculation that concerns over his maturity cost him the Tulane job.

I think in reality you'd have a pretty small candidate pool if you disavowed coaches that were known to run around with women. Lots of these guys were college if not pro athletes. Even at relatively small time schools, college athletes tend to do ok and lots (most?) don't just shut it off b/c they've graduated.

I think Cannizaro just shot up through the ranks so fast nobody had a chance to see how he let it affect him when he didn't have anybody watching/managing him on a day to day basis.

In hindsight, he would have been better off staying an assistant and out of the spotlight as much. Based on getting dismissed right before the playoffs from an all boys school makes me think he's quite a ways away from keeping enough of a lid on his social life that it doesn't hurt him professionally. But he's good enough he could have probably made it as an SEC assistant for a long time.


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
There was speculation that concerns over his maturity cost him the Tulane job.

I think in reality you'd have a pretty small candidate pool if you disavowed coaches that were known to run around with women. Lots of these guys were college if not pro athletes. Even at relatively small time schools, college athletes tend to do ok and lots (most?) don't just shut it off b/c they've graduated.

I think Cannizaro just shot up through the ranks so fast nobody had a chance to see how he let it affect him when he didn't have anybody watching/managing him on a day to day basis.

In hindsight, he would have been better off staying an assistant and out of the spotlight as much. Based on getting dismissed right before the playoffs from an all boys school makes me think he's quite a ways away from keeping enough of a lid on his social life that it doesn't hurt him professionally. But he's good enough he could have probably made it as an SEC assistant for a long time.
I think with him the signs were there it wasn't just the ordinary chasing women that a lot of coaches do. I remember a couple of weeks before he got fired, there was a video posted to the Internet of him playing horse with Brooke Schaffer that was pretty cringeworthy. It was immediately obvious to me there was something just not right about that guy.

Mr. Cook

Well-known member
Nov 4, 2021
Have to agree with Captain Assfungus here. I personally thought he was a better coach than AD but can see his talents for both. But more than that, he's the guy that enacts obvious change and runs off the clowns. I certainly understand Cohen's personality.
Glad you called me out. How's that Target project for Starkville coming along? You seem to be too preoccupied with ancient history to be making any progress
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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2009
I think with him the signs were there it wasn't just the ordinary chasing women that a lot of coaches do. I remember a couple of weeks before he got fired, there was a video posted to the Internet of him playing horse with Brooke Schaffer that was pretty cringeworthy. It was immediately obvious to me there was something just not right about that guy.
So nothing before he got hired?

got it.


Well-known member
Mar 31, 2021
Is this really a thing in Mississippi? I never know if people making these claims are just *** hats that like to say things like this because it makes them feel superior or if they are actually **** people that surround themselves with **** people and think their ****** social circle is representative of the state.

I know people I'm around for work and socially are not representative of the state, but I don't think I've ever heard somebody from Mississippi express any animosity towards Jewish people. Hell, I bet most Mississippians don't know more than one Jewish family. It probably doesn't occur to most of them that they are a group to have prejudice against.
My thought as well when I read that. Just not enough around to be hating on (not an excuse to be hating on anyone). Go to NY/New England and it's a whole different story, Got an ear full when we went to visit my grandmother back 30 years ago.
Seems a lot of the liberal and trans thing was more Nell than John. I heard him make a few comments in small settings that made me wonder just how "liberal" he is versus "supporting" his wife and general requirements of the AD job. Who knows, good news is we don't need to worry about it anymore.

Joe Schmedlap

Aug 11, 2010
Cohen’s biggest strength is he’s very smart. His biggest weakness is he always has to prove he’s the smartest guy in the room. And sometimes he does some really stupid things trying to prove that.
I hear that often, that Cohen is so very intelligent. I never thought him to be a Dumas, but never elevated him to Mensa status either. If he’s so smart, why does he make so many dumb moves? “If he’s a good hitter, why can’t he hit good?”


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2022
Not so sure Raffo wouldn't have done well here. Ark. State does NOTHING for their baseball program. It's a miracle he gets anybody to come play there. I've seen high schools with better baseball programs and facilities. Only good thing about Ark. State is Jonesboro. Very good place to live and bring up a young family. Good size town with excellent growth opportunities. Much like Hattiesburg. Wish MSU could have landed in a city like either of those.


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2010
Jake Taylor calling his shot and then bunting was the most "Cohen" thing ever, even before Cohen became a thing.

Tom Berenger Baseball GIF by Major League


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
Not so sure Raffo wouldn't have done well here. Ark. State does NOTHING for their baseball program. It's a miracle he gets anybody to come play there. I've seen high schools with better baseball programs and facilities. Only good thing about Ark. State is Jonesboro. Very good place to live and bring up a young family. Good size town with excellent growth opportunities. Much like Hattiesburg. Wish MSU could have landed in a city like either of those.
He wouldn't have done well here. He recruited about as well as Polk II did. I know for a fact he drove away an All-American at another school who grew up a Mississippi State fan.


Active member
Jan 9, 2016
FlotownDawg said:
I’m just going to put this out there. There are 2 reasons why some people dislike Cohen so much. He’s liberal and he was just an *******,would not even speak to you

IFIFY and Fishsqeezer
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Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
No one will ever convince me that Cohen's decision making wasn't at times more influenced by his (and his wife's) ideology than it should have been. We don't need anyone in that position with extreme views (left or right) .
I can believe it impacted how he handled the Leach tweet. Bringing it back up in the news cycle after it was dead was unbelievable and I can't imagine why he would do that except that he was personally catching flak from not coming out against it. Still doesn't explain how stupid it was so maybe there was something else going on. But that "lose trust in an employee" bad. Somebody should have been fired or demoted over how obviously stupid that was and it wasn't a split second decision.

Perd Hapley

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
Somebody should have been fired or demoted over how obviously stupid that was and it wasn't a split second decision.

Who should have been fired or demoted? The only options are Cohen or Keenum. I mean I wasn’t a fan of it the athletic department’s reaction to it….not in the least. But in that hostile 2020 social climate, I could at least understand the origination of it even though I didn’t agree. I certainly don’t think either of the highest ranking officials at the university should have been terminated or reassigned because of it.

I also think that some players public reactions to it played into it a lot more than anyone’s particular political stance. Even though we know those players were just looking for a cheap get out of jail free card, it wasn’t the best look for them to be upset about it.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Who should have been fired or demoted? The only options are Cohen or Keenum. I mean I wasn’t a fan of it the athletic department’s reaction to it….not in the least. But in that hostile 2020 social climate, I could at least understand the origination of it even though I didn’t agree. I certainly don’t think either of the highest ranking officials at the university should have been terminated or reassigned because of it.

I also think that some players public reactions to it played into it a lot more than anyone’s particular political stance. Even though we know those players were just looking for a cheap get out of jail free card, it wasn’t the best look for them to be upset about it.

If the top PR person told him to revive the controversy (or didn't tell him to not do that), then that person needed to be fired. If Cohen ignored their advice, he doesn' thave to be fired or demoted, but probably should make it clear that he no longer has free reign on any sensitive PR issues and has to come to the President if he disagrees with the advice of PR professionals.

As far a the hostile 2020 social climate, that is a reason to address it quickly. It's not a reason to stay quiet through the news cycle and then revive it after it's passed. IF they had just addressed it while it was in the news cycle, I would have disagreed with that decision, but I couldn't have called it wrong. But you don't get anything out of letting it playout and then after it's old news, bringing attention to it.

Perd Hapley

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
If the top PR person told him to revive the controversy (or didn't tell him to not do that), then that person needed to be fired. If Cohen ignored their advice, he doesn' thave to be fired or demoted, but probably should make it clear that he no longer has free reign on any sensitive PR issues and has to come to the President if he disagrees with the advice of PR professionals.

As far a the hostile 2020 social climate, that is a reason to address it quickly. It's not a reason to stay quiet through the news cycle and then revive it after it's passed. IF they had just addressed it while it was in the news cycle, I would have disagreed with that decision, but I couldn't have called it wrong. But you don't get anything out of letting it playout and then after it's old news, bringing attention to it.

That’s fair. But I’m not even sure we have someone in that role that can make recommendations for a sensitivity training or whatever it was. Do we? I’m certain we have external PR folks for the university in general who speak for the university in an official capacity. But what you’re talking about sounds like something that might be 3rd party consulting.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
That’s fair. But I’m not even sure we have someone in that role that can make recommendations for a sensitivity training or whatever it was. Do we? I’m certain we have external PR folks for the university in general who speak for the university in an official capacity. But what you’re talking about sounds like something that might be 3rd party consulting.
We probably have a 3rd party consultant for PR issues that are more crisis management and less related to marketing. But there should be a second in command that generally has responsibility for PR, I would guess it falls under marketing. If we don't have a 2nd in command that knows they are responsible for PR, maybe that explains how we 17ed it up so bad.
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Active member
Sep 30, 2022
Yo homey ....sooo you seem to be a big know it all .....what were the
facts surrounding Vic's departure ??? I realize you have an obsession with Cohen and have a vitriolic hatred for the man....but you just come in talk smack ...go back into your hole troll
No troll. My family has vested more Time than probably anyone on this site. My HATE is Genuine for that ******.


Active member
Sep 30, 2022
There was speculation that concerns over his maturity cost him the Tulane job.

I think in reality you'd have a pretty small candidate pool if you disavowed coaches that were known to run around with women. Lots of these guys were college if not pro athletes. Even at relatively small time schools, college athletes tend to do ok and lots (most?) don't just shut it off b/c they've graduated.

I think Cannizaro just shot up through the ranks so fast nobody had a chance to see how he let it affect him when he didn't have anybody watching/managing him on a day to day basis.

In hindsight, he would have been better off staying an assistant and out of the spotlight as much. Based on getting dismissed right before the playoffs from an all boys school makes me think he's quite a ways away from keeping enough of a lid on his social life that it doesn't hurt him professionally. But he's good enough he could have probably made it as an SEC assistant for a long time.
He got the job because of Pat McMahnn who at the time was head of all Yankees scouting. Who knew he was gonna screw this up as badly as he did. The power of the p***y is strong. We all know that.


Active member
Sep 30, 2022
Given what went down, Cohen & Schaefer’s disagreement was inevitable. We don’t have the money to dump into WBB while it continues to lose millions for the university. Tough nature of women’s athletics
With the girls becoming a force and getting the the 2 straight championship games and beating UConn…. U just can’t buy the marketing State got. Worth MUCH more than “dumping” money into the program


Active member
Oct 27, 2007
Cohen always spoke to us at the mid week baseball games as he headed up to the boxes. That is all I know about him.

The Cooterpoot

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022

1) Cannizaro is hired and takes us to a Super Regional in 2017, in the face of overwhelming pitching injuries, and produced an SEC Triple Crown winner.
2) After Cannizaro was fired, Henderson took us to Omaha in 2018.
3) Lemonis hired, and proceeds to go to Omaha twice, winning a national title, and the 2020 team was pretty dang good too before getting cancelled.

Tell me again how anything that happened to the baseball program from 2016 until 2022 was a bad thing? Exactly what would we need to do over again? I seem to recall Cannizaro signing one TANNER ALLEN.

pat.....man it's time to stop posting such strong opinions on MSU baseball. You were wrong on Cohen in 2009/2010, and you're still wrong now. Truth be told his name ought to be on the stadium along with Polk's.

He is ultimately the man responsible for the best era of baseball in our history. That's not debatable.
Let's hold off on that name bullsheet. Cohen wasn't that great. Anytime you fire a coach almost as soon as you hired him, that's a misstep. People tried to tell Cohen & he wouldn't listen. We got lucky as hell there (that's baseball?). But Cohen is a baseball guy. That's his baby. And that's all he was remotely a functional AD for.

retire the banner

Well-known member
Dec 29, 2022
With the girls becoming a force and getting the the 2 straight championship games and beating UConn…. U just can’t buy the marketing State got. Worth MUCH more than “dumping” money into the program
Marketing from winning in WBB ain’t what you think it is. At the end of the day, the only sports that will give the university & city of Starkville a substantial bump is football with MBB a distant second.