Russia and N.Korea

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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
It’s called money laundering dubmass
Considering how funding is actually being allocated in reality, who exactly is getting the laundered money in your claim?
And how is money being laundered?

Tax money goes to US companies in exchange for goods. Goods are sent to Ukraine.
What part of this is money laundering?

I am not arguing that money should be allocated in this manner, I just don't even see where the laundering is taking place.

Wesson Bulldog

Well-known member
Nov 3, 2015
Russia is doing to the West what the West did to the Soviet Union. Putin is a smart man, and he's playing chess while we are playing checkers. We are more concerned with rights for LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ and for illegal aliens than we are with with strengthening our military. It scares the **** out of me because I have two sons who could be conscripted if it all falls out.


Well-known member
Oct 21, 2023
What % of Ukraine funding has stayed stateside and gone to buying US produced weapons and equipment? So US taxes spent to buy and produce US products from US companies that employ US workers who help support US economies and pay US taxes.

I am not defending spending, I am clarifying where the money is largely actually going.
And what % of that $ is going in the form of kickbacks to lawmakers and lobbyists who all wind up living in the Hamptons ?


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
And what % of that $ is going in the form of kickbacks to lawmakers and lobbyists who all wind up living in the Hamptons ?
I dont know. Do you know?
If neither of us knows, and it isnt data that even exists or has been proven to be a concern, then is it worth arguing about or even considering?

Ill provide an answer to my initial question, since you chose to answer a question with a question. My question is actually answerable.
As of late November, almost 90% of aid for Ukraine had stayed in the US.
We have identified 117 production lines in at least 31 states and 71 cities where American workers are producing major weapons systems for Ukraine.

Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
And what % of that $ is going in the form of kickbacks to lawmakers and lobbyists who all wind up living in the Hamptons ?
Probably much more than you or I would tolerate (that being zero). do realize total defense spending is basically the same, if not lower, than it's always been right? Why should I, middle class American, give a crap if the same taxes pay for defense dollars going to who knows what vs defense dollars going to US companies to supply Ukraine?

Is it the $, or is it that Ukraine is being helped?

Darryl Steight

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
I dont know. Do you know?
If neither of us knows, and it isnt data that even exists or has been proven to be a concern, then is it worth arguing about or even considering?

Ill provide an answer to my initial question, since you chose to answer a question with a question. My question is actually answerable.
As of late November, almost 90% of aid for Ukraine had stayed in the US.
I didn't read that article, did they credit Burisma payments in the "Paid to America" column?**


Active member
Dec 28, 2019
Several European States are paying at a higher rate per GDP than we are. The price of letting Russia have an easy win would be much higher than what we are spending now, and not just in $$$$$. This is 1938, and the victim is being allowed to fight.
Would it be ? Russia is wealthier now than before this war started even tho we were gonna break them with massive sanctions. Does anyone think Ukraine can win a war against Russia ?? This is a never ending money laundering scheme blamed on those evil Russians


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
This is a never ending money laundering scheme...

Do I not understand what 'money laundering' is?...or do many people here believe some conspiracy that I am unaware of?


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
If folks had been so sensitive to tax dollars going to defense contractors in 2003, maybe we never would have spent $1 trillion dollars destabilizing the entire Middle East.
It's actually closer to $4 trillion and defense contractors work for all presidents. They always win.


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
Would it be ? Russia is wealthier now than before this war started even tho we were gonna break them with massive sanctions. Does anyone think Ukraine can win a war against Russia ?? This is a never ending money laundering scheme blamed on those evil Russians
Where did you get this because it isn't true. Russia's GDP has declined since the Ukraine war.
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Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
I work w/ a young girl that's been to Haiti twice on mission trips and WAS itching to get back there until last month when a couple missionaries got killed there by gangs
That kidnapping and murder was so shocking. Who would even think something like that could happen in a functioning, well-ordered society like Haiti with a community-minded leader named BBQ? I was totally caught off guard by that news.
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Well-known member
Jan 4, 2024
Several European States are paying at a higher rate per GDP than we are. The price of letting Russia have an easy win would be much higher than what we are spending now, and not just in $$$$$. This is 1938, and the victim is being allowed to fight.
17 Ukraine's Border till Team Biden and his comrades give us back Trump's Border.

Ukraine doesn't have enough soldiers to defeat Russia. Pootin's just 17in' around for now. Hate it for Ukrainian citizens cuz they've justifiably hated Moscow since 1917 and more after Stalin's genocide of Ukrainians via forced famine in the 30's. Only European & U.S. boots on the ground will defeat Pootin' but don't hold your breath waiting on that cuz uh politics.
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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2016
17 Ukraine's Border till Team Biden and his comrades give us back Trump's Border.

Ukraine doesn't have enough soldiers to defeat Russia. Pootin's just 17in' around for now. Hate it for Ukrainian citizens cuz they've justifiably hated Moscow since 1917 and more after Stalin's genocide of Ukrainians via forced famine in the 30's. Only European & U.S. boots on the ground will defeat Pootin' but don't hold your breath waiting on that cuz uh politics.
You make it as difficult as possible for the aggressor. That is the lesson of the Cold War. Putin thought this would be over in a week.
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Well-known member
Nov 12, 2016
Several European States are paying at a higher rate per GDP than we are. The price of letting Russia have an easy win would be much higher than what we are spending now, and not just in $$$$$. This is 1938, and the victim is being allowed to fight.
You realize a lot of the money is cash and is unaccounted for. But yet we don’t take care of our Veterans and Elderly


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2016
It's irrelevant. When you have enough to destroy the entire world what good does it do to accumulate more?
It gives your opponent pause for thought. It made a big difference in the Cold War. That is the primary reason they were never used.


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2016
What % of Ukraine funding has stayed stateside and gone to buying US produced weapons and equipment? So US taxes spent to buy and produce US products from US companies that employ US workers who help support US economies and pay US taxes.

I am not defending spending, I am clarifying where the money is largely actually going.
A lot of cash going into the pockets of Ukrainian leaders and a lot of cash being funneled back over to a few of our leaders.


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2016
You realize a lot of the money is cash and is unaccounted for. But yet we don’t take care of our Veterans and Elderly
You realize that the VAST majority of it was spent here and went to American companies and workers, RIGHT? Surely you aren't ignorant enough to believe that we are just shipping bags of cash over there?
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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2016
A lot of cash going into the pockets of Ukrainian leaders and a lot of cash being funneled back over to a few of our leaders.
No, I will excuse you due to ignorance. Ronald Reagan is spinning in his grave. He would be shoveling cash, equipment, and whatever else it took to supply a willing opponent to Putin.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2005
Several European States are paying at a higher rate per GDP than we are. The price of letting Russia have an easy win would be much higher than what we are spending now, and not just in $$$$$. This is 1938, and the victim is being allowed to fight.

Those bastards should be paying 10 times more than us to make up for 40 years of not paying their fair share.


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2024
You make it as difficult as possible for the aggressor. That is the lesson of the Cold War. Putin thought this would be over in a week.
I'm not sure what the A-hole anticipated pre-war. I'd be willing to bet it ain't been going well for Ukraine these days though since media coverage seems to have dissipated lately. But don't forget it cost $50MM for Israel to knock out 300 Iranian missiles & drones that didn't cost nearly as much for Iran to launch and I'd bet they knew they were all gonna be intercepted. The Cold War was a money game and so was Iran's. Maybe Pootin's playing money games hoping the West starts getting tired and hasta say 17 it.

I'm gonna hate it because even though Ukraine's a corrupt country, I despise Pootin' who said and still believes the Soviet Union's collapse was the worst thing in the 20th century. From the taking of their land thru collectivization then Stalin's forced famine, I feel bad for the Ukrainian people.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2015
When is Russia finally going to surrender to Ukraine ? I guess we’ll just keep feeding hundreds of billions to find out. Are any of the European States ( with so much better standards of living ) going in at 1/5 of our expense ? I hope it’s worth it to our middle class for the State Dept to have its victory lap…. somewhere down the road.
I’ve been all over Europe and let me tell you, they do not have higher standards of living than we do.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2005
This war should have been over one year ago. Just like everything Biden touches he ***** up. It's like he is doing everything he can to delay the victory. Look at it this way. Russia has lost some 8K tanks and Armour personal carriers. Over a 1K artillery pieces. Over 400K dead or wounded. They were refurbishing old T55's. Tanks built in the 1950's. They were taking equipment out of museums. Now they are having to ask N Korea for equipment. NORTH KOREA by God. This war should be over. Why has Biden continued to slow down given planes, tanks and other equipment. Why? There is money involve and money is going into pockets. They should have been given permission two years ago to attack targets inside Russia. They should have been given f-16 two years ago. This is nuts. This has to end. We are given them 7 years' worth of our own arsenal. We have given them billions of dollars we do not have. Just end the madness now.

Now he is doing the same **** with Iseral. That would be over now if he would stop playing politics and stop figure ******* everything he touches. Give them the equipment and finish the damn job. This would have been over a month ago and we would be moving on but no his dumb *** keeps it going with his dumb *** slow play.
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Well-known member
Dec 11, 2007
This war should have been over one year ago. Just like everything Biden touches he ***** up. It's like he is doing everything he can to delay the victory. Look at it this way. Russia has lost some 8K tanks and Armour personal carriers. Over a 1K artillery pieces. Over 400K dead or wounded. They were refurbishing old T55's. Tanks built in the 1950's. They were taking equipment out of museums. Now they are having to ask N Korea for equipment. NORTH KOREA by God. This war should be over. Why has Biden continued to slow down given planes, tanks and other equipment. Why? There is money involve and money is going into pockets. They should have been given permission two years ago to attack targets inside Russia. They should have been given f-16 two years ago. This is nuts. This has to end. We are given them 7 years' worth of our own arsenal. We have given them billions of dollars we do not have. Just end the madness now.
You can either send troops and get us into an all out war or you send the goods. Who slowed played the latter for 6 months?


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2012
I guess it’s partly being a child of the Cold War but I’d rather pay for Ukrainians to fight Russia than pay for Americans to fight them. We defeated Russia once but we didn’t finish them, this is the result.
Russian, and China too for that matter, is of absolutely no military threat to the US. They have nukes, but they are poorly designed, maintained, inaccurate and probably as likely to detonate on launch as to actually come close to their intended target. Additionally, throughout the Cold War when their military was much better than it is now and their leaders were much more hard line, they never even came close to launching a nuke. They realize our nukes are much better.
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Well-known member
Jan 12, 2020
Russian, and China too for that matter, is of absolutely no military threat to the US. They have nukes, but they are poorly maintained, inaccurate and probably as likely to detonate on impact as to actually come close to their intended target. Additionally, though out the Cold War when their military was much better than it is now and their leaders were much more hard line, they never even came close to launching a nuke. They realize our nukes are much better.
So the Khinzal hypersonic missile that goes Mach 10 and the Zircon that goes Mach 9 (nuclear capable) are junk ? I’ve heard military analysts that would disagree strongly.
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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2016
Russia is doing to the West what the West did to the Soviet Union. Putin is a smart man, and he's playing chess while we are playing checkers. We are more concerned with rights for LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ and for illegal aliens than we are with with strengthening our military. It scares the **** out of me because I have two sons who could be conscripted if it all falls out.
Putin is a dumbass who thought he could take Ukraine in a week. That is inarguable.


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2012
So the Khinzal hypersonic missile that goes Mach 10 and the Zircon that goes Mach 9 (nuclear capable) are junk ? I’ve heard military analysts that would disagree strongly.
I guarantee you those military analyst are backed by the military industrial complex which is backed by the uni-party (or as I call it the "party of war"). You think they are going to say, "those missiles are junk!" Congress would not have a reason to increase defense spending which leads to more money in the politician's pockets.


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2016
Probably much more than you or I would tolerate (that being zero). do realize total defense spending is basically the same, if not lower, than it's always been right? Why should I, middle class American, give a crap if the same taxes pay for defense dollars going to who knows what vs defense dollars going to US companies to supply Ukraine?

Is it the $, or is it that Ukraine is being helped?
We are pretty much at a post WWII low when it comes to defense spending. The threat level is THE highest since then. Neither Trump nor Biden seem to care. WE ARE SCREWED no matter what happens in November.
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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2016
Would it be ? Russia is wealthier now than before this war started even tho we were gonna break them with massive sanctions. Does anyone think Ukraine can win a war against Russia ?? This is a never ending money laundering scheme blamed on those evil Russians
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