March 2000, I was in Paris during college Spring Break and from across some random street I hear 'GO DAWGS!!'. That was cool.Hotty Toddy. I think it is impossible for Ole Miss people to realize how stupid that really is to the normal population. Seeing grown men excitedly hotty toddy make me cringe. I'll also add that there is a generational gap of public "Hailstaters". Unless I'm at a sporting event, or in town (like Tampa) for a bowl game, I don't like being hailstated any more than I like hearing people war eagle or hotty toddy. I'm old...
Not sure if it would have been as cool if some random guy yelled 'Hail State!'.
Hotty Toddy definitely makes me cringe. Also, 'flim flam'...not sure what the 17 that is.
Hotty Toddy as a greeting reminded me of this commercial from 2010 or so. I both hated it and loved it.