Ok, I haven't followed this "covid" money very closely but it appears the headlines have been purposely misleading. Initially we were told (or lead to believe) that $40M was to be given to EACH of the four state-related schools. Turns out that about $30M is to be given to four schools in total including a small portion to Penn College. So, Penn State is being given a one time payment of about $12M. Now, the above article is a bit confusing about 5% vs 6% tuition increases but in any case $12M isn't going to be close to 5% or 6%. I would like these lawmakers should explain how $12M should eliminate a tuition increase assuming that the tuition increase was needed to balance the budget.
However, there is plenty of time to cut costs for the 23-24 budget so perhaps they should be working on that task. [ Bingo! I know that I will be working on exactly that - hopefully I will have a few allies ]
BTW: there have been at least three of these covid money payouts at Penn State. I have two daughters and each one got anywhere from $1,000 to $1,500 three different times by answering the question: "Have you been affected by covid?". Notice that the question didn't ask if you were negatively affected. Oh, and it was a word of mouth thing about how to apply.
Barry, could you please weigh-in on this one.