Imagine traveling thousands of light years to get a good look at a 9-hole goat ranch in the Mississippi Delta.I didn't read much of this thread but from my experience UFO's have existed since at least 1977. I walked out of my house one night in '77 or '78 to get something out of my dad's truck and saw something that I'll never forget. Don't give damn what the gubmnt was testing back then. What I saw wasn't gubmnt issue. Closed the truck door and looked across the road to the tall Holly trees that line the right side of Humphrey County Country Club and saw it. An oval shaped GLOWING red something hovering over #1 fairway and doing nothing but hovering. Saw it and was so scared so much that I couldn't make myself move for 4-5 seconds. Got inside, gave my dad what he asked for and jumped in our rocking chair and didn't say anything to my parents about what I had seen for fear that it would come get in my sleep. I was 8 or 9 and freaked the 17 out. Y'all can say and believe what you want about this subject but I know what I saw that night in Silver City and I know that UFOs exist.