Some of you Leach-haters are idiots


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2005
If leach is going to stick with rogers next year then I’d prefer him retire. Nothing against rogers but we are seeing his ceiling and it’s not terrible but it’s not good enough.

Agreed. I wanted to see if this year he would take that next step and he’s pretty much flat in his trajectory.
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Well-known member
May 6, 2009
You’ve lost it…. I threatened people?

I get that you’re a precious snowflake, but when did I ever threaten anybody? Yea, I told one dude to shut his 17’ing face because he didn’t even read my post…. But did I invite him to a Sonic to fight? There’s a difference between speaking your mind and actually threatening somebody.

For future reference, go ahead and please state your pronouns. It would truly help.
Are you from Lawrence County? I had some friends while I was at state that talked about people fighting at the sonic in Monticello.


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2007
Are you from Lawrence County? I had some friends while I was at state that talked about people fighting at the sonic in Monticello.
Nah, but grew up not terribly far from there. The only violence I ever initiated at Sonic was from my belly expelling the alcohol I drank way too quickly onto the concrete. Poor carhops had to clean that up, too.


Well-known member
May 6, 2009
Nah, but grew up not terribly far from there. The only violence I ever initiated at Sonic was from my belly expelling the alcohol I drank way too quickly onto the concrete. Poor carhops had to clean that up, too.
I just laughed at the fight at sonic comment. I’ve never been to Monticello but reading that reminded me of stories those guys told me.


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2018
things I want to ask you. We are in year 3. Are we better than we were in year 2 or do you feel like we are progressing as this season has gone on?
How many guys has leach recruited that will be in the nfl? How many nfl caliber guys are we recruiting snd putting on the field offensively snd defense. Cross doesn't count. That's where the difference will be made. If we aren't recruiting nfl guys and/or developing nfl guys we won't get any better than 7-5. If we dont recruit higher or find diamonds in the rough and develop better we aren't going to get much better then we are this year.

We have had enough reps by now this offense should be humming with veteran players but we haven't recruited well enough nor developed well enough to get there.
Hey ... Cross don't count. And uh.. the 12 four star recruits from last year don't count. And uh... you know.. uh.. when a guy doesn't make the NFL. uh... He was BAD! uh!

Yes, we have improved.
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Well-known member
Aug 25, 2014
Hey ... Cross don't count. And uh.. the 12 four star recruits from last year don't count. And uh... you know.. uh.. when a guy doesn't make the NFL. uh... He was BAD! uh!

Yes, we have improved.
Where's your proof? Yes cross doesn't count because he didn't recruit cross Moorhead did. You moron. You won't get to where you think this program is going without nfl guys on the team and developing them. got to have good coaching, developed, and talent. Right now it's not there and it's not on the team now to get to a 9-10 win season in the next two years.


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
Oh my bad. Yeah that is disturbing then

I also just did a quick check and in ALL games we averaged 400.2 ypg in 2019 on offense. This year we are currently averaging 396.4 ypg…..

In sec games, we averaged 377.9 ypg in 2019. This year, through 7 sec games, we are averaging 360.9 ypg
All of which can be a factor of the differences in quality of defense, and the fact we had running QB's. Don't know about SEC games only, but our QB position averaged 90 ypg in 2019. GS in particular was a stud. Stevens was no slouch.

In 2019 the highest-ranked scoring defense we faced was #15. This year we have faced the #2 & #12 in addition to other very good defenses.

In SEC games for 2019 our SEC opponents gave up an average of 372 ypg. This year that is 359 (in the 7 games we have played, So, in 2019, SEC defenses we played were giving up 13 more ypg on average. With Will not being able to run the ball much when needed, that right there limits us more than in 2019. How many ypg do you figure we have lost just from WR drops of well thrown balls? If it's just 4 ypg average that would make up the diff.

Of course there were no doubt dropped passes in 2019 as well, but I don't think it hurt us as much then as it has this year.


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
Yes, excuses excuses. We don't make the plays. Period.

Leach gets on radio or media throwing players under the bus every damn week. He is responsible for putting the players on the field. calling plays. Recruiting. On and on. If someone has dinosaur arms or more interested in other things on the sideline or whatever he said this week.... something about being to nice. Fix it, Coach!
He is not, however responsible for catching the damn ball, or kicking extra points or FG's. He doesn't do the punting, It's not as if he's trotting 2-stars or walk-ons out there. We've recruited well enough to expect better consistency. If a Leach play/offense results in a pass hitting the receiver's hands for decent or better yards, his scheme has worked, even if the receiver drops the ball. If we get into what should be easily makeable FG's & extra points, his scheme has worked, even if the kickers fail to execute.

Blame coaches for things they are responsible for, but blame players not executing if that is what happens, unless Leach has truly recruited guys who shouldn't be expected to make those plays.


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
things I want to ask you. We are in year 3. Are we better than we were in year 2 or do you feel like we are progressing as this season has gone on?
How many guys has leach recruited that will be in the nfl? How many nfl caliber guys are we recruiting snd putting on the field offensively snd defense. Cross doesn't count. That's where the difference will be made. If we aren't recruiting nfl guys and/or developing nfl guys we won't get any better than 7-5. If we dont recruit higher or find diamonds in the rough and develop better we aren't going to get much better then we are this year.

We have had enough reps by now this offense should be humming with veteran players but we haven't recruited well enough nor developed well enough to get there.
I may give a more in-depth reply later, but I'm tired and hitting the sack. But have you forgotten we had key injuries on the o-line that required a complete re-shuffling. I believe that may have been the UK game. We lost Dillon Johnson for a bit after he was looking fantastic. And though he is back, you can tell he in nowhere near 100% yet.

As far as recruiting goes, we aren't really much different than we have been in the SEC. We are most often within the bottom 3, even when we are nationally in the Top 25 or 20.

Jimbo recruited damn well. We see how that is working out. We are just not going to match most of the SEC when we are 90 miles from Bama, share the state with OM and have one of the lowest, if not the lowest recruiting budgets in the SEC. OM has managed from time-to-time, but we know damn well how they managed to do that.


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
things I want to ask you. We are in year 3. Are we better than we were in year 2 or do you feel like we are progressing as this season has gone on?
How many guys has leach recruited that will be in the nfl? How many nfl caliber guys are we recruiting snd putting on the field offensively snd defense. Cross doesn't count. That's where the difference will be made. If we aren't recruiting nfl guys and/or developing nfl guys we won't get any better than 7-5. If we dont recruit higher or find diamonds in the rough and develop better we aren't going to get much better then we are this year.

We have had enough reps by now this offense should be humming with veteran players but we haven't recruited well enough nor developed well enough to get there.
Can you imagine our offense with pre-NFL Dak? Not trying to piss on Will, as he's been great in other ways. But Dak would have brought the deadly added ability to take off and run. We may have a guy like that on our roster now, but he's just not quite ready yet in terms of grasping & executing with the speed Will has. Remember, Will grew up playing in an Air-Raid as a coach's son.
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Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
He is not, however responsible for catching the damn ball, or kicking extra points or FG's. He doesn't do the punting, It's not as if he's trotting 2-stars or walk-ons out there. We've recruited well enough to expect better consistency. If a Leach play/offense results in a pass hitting the receiver's hands for decent or better yards, his scheme has worked, even if the receiver drops the ball. If we get into what should be easily makeable FG's & extra points, his scheme has worked, even if the kickers fail to execute.

Blame coaches for things they are responsible for, but blame players not executing if that is what happens, unless Leach has truly recruited guys who shouldn't be expected to make those plays.

We've been talking about drops and kickers for two years. Two years! Different players same results.


Well-known member
Dec 13, 2012
Not because Leach is a sure-fire great coach for us. He may yet be, or possibly never be. But because some of you go completely off the rails at any negative result, regardless of context.

We have lost 4 games in which 3 of those 4 are among the 8 best teams in the country, 2 of those on the road. 2 of them are SEC Division champs. Like losses at LSU & UK, yesterday we had WR's kill us with drops of routine passes. On top of that, the officials were atrocious, as usual. Do any of you actually deny they were responsible for at least 10 UGA points, not to mention the possible point-earning opportunities we lost when those UGA drives were allowed to continue?

Have you lost sight of the fact that the dropped pass in the end zone would have brought us to 38-26 (or 38-28 had we gone for 2 and made it)? Have you forgotten it really should have been more like 28-26 with 10 minutes left in the game? How about that we stuffed UGA on their next drive, got the ball back, were driving, but had yet another dropped pass to an open WR on the 4th down, giving UGA a super short field to help them get their last TD? How about if the refs hadn't spotted UGA at least 10 points we probably punt, down just 2 with 5:17 left?

I am so sick of some of you wanting to blame Leach every time our WR's fail to catch a ball a HS kid would catch, or a D1 kicker can't make a chip-shot FG or a D1 punter suddenly can't punt any better than my 61-yr old, non-kicking ***.

We outplayed the hell out of LSU until we got too cocky and stopped executing in the 4th Q. Granted, @ UK was ugly for our offense, but that was one friggin' game! Ask LSU & OM if they played like garbage in at least 1 game this year. Yeah, we scored just 6 points vs a Bama team coming off a loss to LSU, but Leach also had us in scoring position 3 times where we came away with nothing. Even if we had got just 10 points out of that, the loss to Bama would not have looked nearly so bad.

I'm not suggesting you are wrong or right about Leach's system ultimately not working out here, but dammit, do we all have to be subjected to your constant knee-jerk, no-context, endless bitching every time we don't win?? If it makes you that miserable, why don't you just stop watching the damn games? Everybody knows your position on CML. Do we have to see you posting about it over and over and over?
This is by far the best post I've read on here in weeks. The bitching and whining has reached a level that is laughable. Some on here must not have a life beyond this page and just love to read their hatred.
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Bulldog Bruce

Well-known member
Nov 1, 2007
Just think if Georgia lost 5 or 6 scholarships so some of those bigger and faster players had to go somewhere else?
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Active member
Nov 1, 2022
things I want to ask you. We are in year 3. Are we better than we were in year 2 or do you feel like we are progressing as this season has gone on?
How many guys has leach recruited that will be in the nfl? How many nfl caliber guys are we recruiting snd putting on the field offensively snd defense. Cross doesn't count. That's where the difference will be made. If we aren't recruiting nfl guys and/or developing nfl guys we won't get any better than 7-5. If we dont recruit higher or find diamonds in the rough and develop better we aren't going to get much better then we are this year.

We have had enough reps by now this offense should be humming with veteran players but we haven't recruited well enough nor developed well enough to get there.
since you aren’t a state fan why are you constantly bashing our coach and program ? Isn’t that the very definition of trolling ? I’m not on the ole Miss board constantly telling you how bad your coach and program are

enjoy auburn
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Well-known member
Sep 18, 2004
Not because Leach is a sure-fire great coach for us. He may yet be, or possibly never be. But because some of you go completely off the rails at any negative result, regardless of context.

We have lost 4 games in which 3 of those 4 are among the 8 best teams in the country, 2 of those on the road. 2 of them are SEC Division champs. Like losses at LSU & UK, yesterday we had WR's kill us with drops of routine passes. On top of that, the officials were atrocious, as usual. Do any of you actually deny they were responsible for at least 10 UGA points, not to mention the possible point-earning opportunities we lost when those UGA drives were allowed to continue?

Have you lost sight of the fact that the dropped pass in the end zone would have brought us to 38-26 (or 38-28 had we gone for 2 and made it)? Have you forgotten it really should have been more like 28-26 with 10 minutes left in the game? How about that we stuffed UGA on their next drive, got the ball back, were driving, but had yet another dropped pass to an open WR on the 4th down, giving UGA a super short field to help them get their last TD? How about if the refs hadn't spotted UGA at least 10 points we probably punt, down just 2 with 5:17 left?

I am so sick of some of you wanting to blame Leach every time our WR's fail to catch a ball a HS kid would catch, or a D1 kicker can't make a chip-shot FG or a D1 punter suddenly can't punt any better than my 61-yr old, non-kicking ***.

We outplayed the hell out of LSU until we got too cocky and stopped executing in the 4th Q. Granted, @ UK was ugly for our offense, but that was one friggin' game! Ask LSU & OM if they played like garbage in at least 1 game this year. Yeah, we scored just 6 points vs a Bama team coming off a loss to LSU, but Leach also had us in scoring position 3 times where we came away with nothing. Even if we had got just 10 points out of that, the loss to Bama would not have looked nearly so bad.

I'm not suggesting you are wrong or right about Leach's system ultimately not working out here, but dammit, do we all have to be subjected to your constant knee-jerk, no-context, endless bitching every time we don't win?? If it makes you that miserable, why don't you just stop watching the damn games? Everybody knows your position on CML. Do we have to see you posting about it over and over and over?
My counter is basic. I have said I wasn’t a huge fan of Leach but I’m not judging the book until it is completely finished this season. That basically means it comes down to winning one game. I will say this. Look at this year in two sections the wins and the losses.
Wins non-con should win, A&M bowl ineligible before Vandy, Ark lost to Liberty and we played them without the guy responsible for 80% of their offense, Auburn, do I need to rehash?
Losses: 3 top 8 teams, it’s understandable.
Then we have KY. Lost to Vandy, I win, your argument is no longer valid.
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Well-known member
Aug 30, 2012
Not because Leach is a sure-fire great coach for us. He may yet be, or possibly never be. But because some of you go completely off the rails at any negative result, regardless of context.

We have lost 4 games in which 3 of those 4 are among the 8 best teams in the country, 2 of those on the road. 2 of them are SEC Division champs. Like losses at LSU & UK, yesterday we had WR's kill us with drops of routine passes. On top of that, the officials were atrocious, as usual. Do any of you actually deny they were responsible for at least 10 UGA points, not to mention the possible point-earning opportunities we lost when those UGA drives were allowed to continue?

Have you lost sight of the fact that the dropped pass in the end zone would have brought us to 38-26 (or 38-28 had we gone for 2 and made it)? Have you forgotten it really should have been more like 28-26 with 10 minutes left in the game? How about that we stuffed UGA on their next drive, got the ball back, were driving, but had yet another dropped pass to an open WR on the 4th down, giving UGA a super short field to help them get their last TD? How about if the refs hadn't spotted UGA at least 10 points we probably punt, down just 2 with 5:17 left?

I am so sick of some of you wanting to blame Leach every time our WR's fail to catch a ball a HS kid would catch, or a D1 kicker can't make a chip-shot FG or a D1 punter suddenly can't punt any better than my 61-yr old, non-kicking ***.

We outplayed the hell out of LSU until we got too cocky and stopped executing in the 4th Q. Granted, @ UK was ugly for our offense, but that was one friggin' game! Ask LSU & OM if they played like garbage in at least 1 game this year. Yeah, we scored just 6 points vs a Bama team coming off a loss to LSU, but Leach also had us in scoring position 3 times where we came away with nothing. Even if we had got just 10 points out of that, the loss to Bama would not have looked nearly so bad.

I'm not suggesting you are wrong or right about Leach's system ultimately not working out here, but dammit, do we all have to be subjected to your constant knee-jerk, no-context, endless bitching every time we don't win?? If it makes you that miserable, why don't you just stop watching the damn games? Everybody knows your position on CML. Do we have to see you posting about it over and over and over?


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2012
I can't speak for anyone but myself but I can say I don't hate Mike Leach but I am disappointed in what he has accomplished so far.

It's not all about wins and losses either. This is year 3 with a 3rd year starter at QB and we have not progressed as a program. In fact, we have taken a significant step backward this season particularly on offense. I did not expect to win against bama or uga but I did expect us to at least have a pulse. The past four games have been atrocious on the offensive side. We got our asses handed to us by UK on the road who lost to USC there the week before and now VANDY this week. VANDY!!! We came within a frog's hair of losing to Auburn and the games we felt pretty good about winning, TAM and Arky, have proven to be not so great after all. Unless we have a massive turnaround we will get curb stomped by mississippi in a couple of weeks for the third consecutive time and they lost a TON of talent from last season while we brought a ton back.

It's not about hate it is about PERFORMANCE and we are not getting it from a guy that we are paying 5 million who's specialty is offense and that has been the weakest part of our team every season he has been here.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2016
things I want to ask you. We are in year 3. Are we better than we were in year 2 or do you feel like we are progressing as this season has gone on?
How many guys has leach recruited that will be in the nfl? How many nfl caliber guys are we recruiting snd putting on the field offensively snd defense. Cross doesn't count. That's where the difference will be made. If we aren't recruiting nfl guys and/or developing nfl guys we won't get any better than 7-5. If we dont recruit higher or find diamonds in the rough and develop better we aren't going to get much better then we are this year.

We have had enough reps by now this offense should be humming with veteran players but we haven't recruited well enough nor developed well enough to get there.
The offensive line and running game are better. The receiving corps is better overall. Rogers hasn’t improved much at all but that may not be a coaching problem. I think it’s a physical limitation.
We beat Memphis and Arkansas instead of losing to them. Swap out UGA and Vandy like last year and there’s another conference win we would have. The Kentucky loss was a bad one for sure, nothing to be said about that. All in all though I think the team and program have improved.
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Well-known member
Dec 11, 2007
Not because Leach is a sure-fire great coach for us. He may yet be, or possibly never be. But because some of you go completely off the rails at any negative result, regardless of context.

We have lost 4 games in which 3 of those 4 are among the 8 best teams in the country, 2 of those on the road. 2 of them are SEC Division champs. Like losses at LSU & UK, yesterday we had WR's kill us with drops of routine passes. On top of that, the officials were atrocious, as usual. Do any of you actually deny they were responsible for at least 10 UGA points, not to mention the possible point-earning opportunities we lost when those UGA drives were allowed to continue?

Have you lost sight of the fact that the dropped pass in the end zone would have brought us to 38-26 (or 38-28 had we gone for 2 and made it)? Have you forgotten it really should have been more like 28-26 with 10 minutes left in the game? How about that we stuffed UGA on their next drive, got the ball back, were driving, but had yet another dropped pass to an open WR on the 4th down, giving UGA a super short field to help them get their last TD? How about if the refs hadn't spotted UGA at least 10 points we probably punt, down just 2 with 5:17 left?

I am so sick of some of you wanting to blame Leach every time our WR's fail to catch a ball a HS kid would catch, or a D1 kicker can't make a chip-shot FG or a D1 punter suddenly can't punt any better than my 61-yr old, non-kicking ***.

We outplayed the hell out of LSU until we got too cocky and stopped executing in the 4th Q. Granted, @ UK was ugly for our offense, but that was one friggin' game! Ask LSU & OM if they played like garbage in at least 1 game this year. Yeah, we scored just 6 points vs a Bama team coming off a loss to LSU, but Leach also had us in scoring position 3 times where we came away with nothing. Even if we had got just 10 points out of that, the loss to Bama would not have looked nearly so bad.

I'm not suggesting you are wrong or right about Leach's system ultimately not working out here, but dammit, do we all have to be subjected to your constant knee-jerk, no-context, endless bitching every time we don't win?? If it makes you that miserable, why don't you just stop watching the damn games? Everybody knows your position on CML. Do we have to see you posting about it over and over and over?
You have more control over not getting worked up over some HC hating than you do over asking others to not react they way they do. Maybe take your own advice and simply not read the threads that upset you?


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2018
Where's your proof? Yes cross doesn't count because he didn't recruit cross Moorhead did. You moron. You won't get to where you think this program is going without nfl guys on the team and developing them. got to have good coaching, developed, and talent. Right now it's not there and it's not on the team now to get to a 9-10 win season in the next two years.
Yes Cross counts because he COACHED him.

All of you annual complainers (goes back as long as sixpack has been around) find something and latch on to it. Last year "OMG... what are we going to do. Leach has to go!!! This was his best team he'll ever have hear and now Cross is gone!" And the OL improved regardless of your over the top BS! Allowing less sacks and open better holes for the run game that is getting 2 xs the rushing yards from year covid!

Perd Hapley

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
This year's SOS is higher than 2019. And in 2019 our SEC opponents gave up nearly 2 more ppg on average, 24.6 vs 22.8 in all games played.

You also can’t completely throw out defense / special teams TD’s, because those plays take a whole possession away from the offense.

Case and point, this year’s Texas A&M game. We did literally whatever we wanted offensively. But we only scored 28 points on offense in large part to a blocked FG for a TD and a pick 6. Sub both those out for two offensive possessions….do we score on at least one? Its highly likely.

Scoring offense overall is just a very antiquated way of tracking offensive efficiency. Points per drive is a much more accurate representation.


Well-known member
Aug 25, 2014
Can you imagine our offense with pre-NFL Dak? Not trying to piss on Will, as he's been great in other ways. But Dak would have brought the deadly added ability to take off and run. We may have a guy like that on our roster now, but he's just not quite ready yet in terms of grasping & executing with the speed Will has. Remember, Will grew up playing in an Air-Raid as a coach's son.
I agree with you but will leach let an athlete be an athlete and take off or design for him to run? That's not his brand. Pocket passers. If he would adapt to Riley/kingsburg/Reid branch of his offense I would agree.
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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2015
Yes Cross counts because he COACHED him.

All of you annual complainers (goes back as long as sixpack has been around) find something and latch on to it. Last year "OMG... what are we going to do. Leach has to go!!! This was his best team he'll ever have hear and now Cross is gone!" And the OL improved regardless of your over the top BS! Allowing less sacks and open better holes for the run game that is getting 2 xs the rushing yards from year covid!
To quote onewoof: “Some people live to tear others down. It's that simple.”

I think he was talking about you.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2004
So bash all of the wins, and demand he not lose to Georgia at home, LSU and Bama on the road, sounds legit

ole Miss has played two teams and has two losses, but they are great right ?
I don’t know what Ole Miss is, but if they beat us by 3 scores in two weeks, you’ll have to reconcile with one of two things either we aren’t very good or Ole Miss is. Of course at that point I figure you are going full Scooby Doo and taking your mask off revealing you were an Ole Miss fan all along.
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Active member
Nov 1, 2022
I don’t know what Ole Miss is, but if they beat us by 3 scores in two weeks, you’ll have to reconcile with one of two things either we aren’t very good or Ole Miss is. Of course at that point I figure you are going full Scooby Doo and taking your mask off revealing you were an Ole Miss fan all along.
Lol enjoy Kiffin at auburn beech
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Oct 13, 2012
Not because Leach is a sure-fire great coach for us. He may yet be, or possibly never be. But because some of you go completely off the rails at any negative result, regardless of context.

We have lost 4 games in which 3 of those 4 are among the 8 best teams in the country, 2 of those on the road. 2 of them are SEC Division champs. Like losses at LSU & UK, yesterday we had WR's kill us with drops of routine passes. On top of that, the officials were atrocious, as usual. Do any of you actually deny they were responsible for at least 10 UGA points, not to mention the possible point-earning opportunities we lost when those UGA drives were allowed to continue?

Have you lost sight of the fact that the dropped pass in the end zone would have brought us to 38-26 (or 38-28 had we gone for 2 and made it)? Have you forgotten it really should have been more like 28-26 with 10 minutes left in the game? How about that we stuffed UGA on their next drive, got the ball back, were driving, but had yet another dropped pass to an open WR on the 4th down, giving UGA a super short field to help them get their last TD? How about if the refs hadn't spotted UGA at least 10 points we probably punt, down just 2 with 5:17 left?

I am so sick of some of you wanting to blame Leach every time our WR's fail to catch a ball a HS kid would catch, or a D1 kicker can't make a chip-shot FG or a D1 punter suddenly can't punt any better than my 61-yr old, non-kicking ***.

We outplayed the hell out of LSU until we got too cocky and stopped executing in the 4th Q. Granted, @ UK was ugly for our offense, but that was one friggin' game! Ask LSU & OM if they played like garbage in at least 1 game this year. Yeah, we scored just 6 points vs a Bama team coming off a loss to LSU, but Leach also had us in scoring position 3 times where we came away with nothing. Even if we had got just 10 points out of that, the loss to Bama would not have looked nearly so bad.

I'm not suggesting you are wrong or right about Leach's system ultimately not working out here, but dammit, do we all have to be subjected to your constant knee-jerk, no-context, endless bitching every time we don't win?? If it makes you that miserable, why don't you just stop watching the damn games? Everybody knows your position on CML. Do we have to see you posting about it over and over and over?
we hired leach to be better on offense. objectively, his offense has been a dumpster fire for half the year since kentucky. Yea, we are allowed to *****. maybe 6-6 is good enough for you old farts
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