Home schooled kids are 17ing weird. If your kids are home schooled they are likely weird as well. Sorry to offend anyone but that's what I see in person.
In Florida a home schooled child can play sports at any high school in the district they are zones. My kids both say those kids are doomed when it comes to socialization.
Quit raising nerds.
I enjoy reading some of the most ludicrous, uninformed stuff people post on here. I taught in the public school system for 13 years. 2 at a high school and 11 at a Career Technology Center. I have a masters degree in teaching and had to do a lot of research to receive the degree. I had a perfect 4.0 BTW.
Here's some of the truths I've read on here:
1. "My child is going to college but other less gifted kids need to go to trade school." All parents want their kids to go to college because they are either uninformed or egotistical. Kids that go the career tech route make more money in a lot of cases than their college grad counterparts and have a higher demand than college grads. Of course engineers, doctors, lawyers, architects are more likely to make the most money and are the exceptions. One of the highest demand jobs is nursing which is a career tech route. The top end pay is ridiculously high.
2. "Home schooled kids are more capable of independent thought". Unfortunately, this is true because our school systems tend to focus on the "one size fits all" teaching model. Sure, there are some exceptional teachers that defy the model but they are rare. When a parent teaches their kids they are interested in what the kid wants to learn which allows them to channel the learning. It is what we should be doing in our schools but that is difficult with 30 kids for 1 hour classes.
3. "Parents are the most important variable in kids learning ". Do you know what all ingenious people have in common? They had a parent that looked at them positively when they were performing a task which made them want to continue pursuing the task. Never underestimate the power of progeny in the field of education. In all my years of teaching I had about 10% of my student's parents show up for PTA meetings. The parents that showed up were ALWAYS my best students.
4. "Home schooled kids don't have a problem with socialization." Do y'all really believe these kids are living in a bubble? They go to church, go on field trips or travel abroad with parents. They join boy scouts or girl scouts. Parents aren't going to isolate their kids from society.
There are more but that's some of the glaring truths I've seen posted.
Here's my observation about life in general. Life is a team sport in all facets.
Religion - one of the funniest to me. People join a church then suddenly everyone else is doing religion wrong except their denomination.
Politics - unfortunately in the US we have only 2 choices but you have to pick a team! No independent thought here. Your team tells you how to think and the other team is always wrong!
Make up whatever story you have to to cover up.
Work - if you work on a line the engineers were idiots because their design is flawed. The engineers think the line workers are idiots because they don't follow instructions.