It may be selective memory, but I remember it being more about criticizing his sister for scheduling a wedding during SEC baseball when she had a brother that was an SEC baseball player.
Which is also equally ridiculous, and perhaps more ridiculous. Pretty sure that 2 people who decide they want to spend their lives together, raise a family together, etc. and want to spend a small fortune on just one day to celebrate the union and pay for all the shít so that others can celebrate it too are allowed to pick whatever the 17 date they want to do it. They did what they were supposed to do, made the decision about what they wanted. Those that wanted to be there could be there, those that couldn’t be there or didn’t want to be could just send a gift or well wishes, and it would be no hard feelings either way. Gridley wanted to be there, so he went, and somehow the sun came up the next day and we still had a great baseball season.
It's like scheduling a wedding the weekend before finals when you have a sibling in college or law school or medical school or whatever or scheduling it for the weekend before April 15 if you have a sibling that's a CPA.
Ehh….not really. Baseball season is 4+ months long, and they play 4-5 games per week. You don’t ever have a time when you are spending 80% of your week for 4 months getting ready for finals or tax day. And given that any wedding is going to be a Saturday affair, its not easy to just pick a day where there is no baseball in the Spring.
If it goes based off the brother’s calendar, February through June are out. That’s almost half the year….including all of the most popular season for weddings.
January is possible, but who the 17 wants to do that? Everyone’s spent from the holidays and is trying to just low key get their regular routine back. It’s the coldest month of the year most places, just not a great travel month or for outdoor partying. Late June, July, August in the South? Sweltering heat and summer vacations to deal with. September-November? Hey, who’s favorite school’s open dates are when? Then you’re back to December….holidays and cold weather again. Trade-offs everywhere you look.
And in Gridley’s case, its not like his professional future prospects were tied to whether or not he played all 3 weekend series games against Alabama. It just ain’t that deep.
You aren't always going to be able to make everybody happy, but you shouldn't schedule it for a weekend that is hard on your closest relatives unless there are extenuating circumstances that make it hard to avoid (e.g., trying to do a wedding before a deployment, or trying to get that wedding in before the bride is showing too much).
You should schedule it when you want. It’s your 17ing wedding. 17 what anyone else thinks about it except the 2 people getting married, with the possible exception of those paying for it if it is not exclusively one of those 2 people.
If you want a spring wedding, schedule a spring wedding. There are a thousand other variables in play besides just one sibling who plays SEC baseball. Their chosen honeymoon destination might have not been a good place to visit in summer / fall, they might have life events besides their wedding to plan around, could have been the best time for them to take off work, etc. Or they might have had none of that, and just decided its when they wanted to do it. Doesn’t matter.
Again, anyone is allowed to come or not come. Free will. People overthinking weddings and trying to account for every idiosyncrasy of everyone on the guest list, the weather, food allergies, if the conservative in-laws would approve of beer AND liquor, and all that other crap is what makes them such a pain in the *** to orchestrate in the first place. If they made up their mind that they weren’t going to worry with all that, then good on them.
ETA: not to say anybody had enough insight into the situation to justify criticizing his sister either, but it does seem much less unhinged to assume there wasn't some extenuating circumstance that would justify scheduling during baseball (or her asking and Gridley sincerely not caring about missing a game) than it would be to criticize him for skipping a game (or two? can't remember if it was Friday and Saturday) to attend the wedding.
I don’t think there’s reason to assume there was anything nefarious about any of it.
If he had a wedding to attend every season, or if it was a regular thing, then it would obviously be different. But it ended up being just one game.