I pity whoever the next QB will be. As there will always be some ready to crap on whomever it is.
Nobody loves the backup QB more than MSU fans. Been seeing it all my life. The ones crying for Mike Wright this year were the absolute worst though. Maybe it's because I'm getting older and I've seen this game play out a time or two.
Was Rogers limited? Yes. But any idiot could see that the offensive problems this year were on Arnett. Wright was never going to solve those.
You could name many, many QBs throughout the years who suffered this fate. I remember it all the way back to Sleepy Robinson, and the only reason he didn't get booed and call for the backup, is because he got hurt. Then poor Todd Jordan never stood a chance, here come the calls for Derrick Taite. Then Wyatt, then Morgan, then Madkin, then Fant, etc.
Only QB who has ever scaped this was Dak. Even Nick 17ing Fitzgerald had to hear the boos and calls for benching - FOR KEYTAON THOMPSON FOR 17S SAKE!!! It's really unbelievable.
Again, it's not about the starter's ability - it's about the lack of ability of the backups, and the reason the starters were starters to begin with.