The Indomitable Human Spirit (On Display in The Ukraine)

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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
Sorry Dorn and no offense but you're dead wrong on this.


She Mate Me

Well-known member
Dec 7, 2008
Apparently the South, or Confederacy, lost because Southerners didn't fight to protect their way of life. The Romans won all their wars because people such as the Gauls and Greeks weren't fighting to protect their way of life. The Ottoman Empire defeated all sorts of peoples who weren't fighting to protect their way of life. The Brits massacred people at Omdurman because they were fighting in the Sudan to protect their way of life unlike the people who lived in the Sudan. Dude, study history and don't fall for fairy tale slogans. America subdued a lot of people who wanted to protect their way of life. Some of them now live on reservations.

Well said. It's tiring arguing with someone who is so sure about things it's simply not reasonable to be so sure about.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Putin says he's fighting Nazis in Ukraine. He sounds like the woke left here and in Canada (see Trudeau). All Putin needs to do now is say he's promoting diversity, equity and inclusion in Ukraine, give some cash to BLM or Kaepernick, and he's gonna be a hero to the woke left and everyone on MSNBC.

I dont understand a lot of posts on this board when it comes to social and political OT posts. Usually its because my alma mater seems to accept almost anyone and many of the LCD post rambling incoherent drivel here. At times it is because the posters are operating on another level than me.

I am not sure which applies here. This one post reads like the former, but you seem like the latter.
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Well-known member
May 29, 2007
Well OK then;base64,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 s90HrJ5Q2DtmhgxmMQe6D1k8ogdrvnYUSObE2FybCNqu21TgY4E6kVlT/pOgtdhrvtfs247tYH6VKASLm27fr8 EYW2Gso7dLmvomnf/OOKXSwm3YGu x3eYi0NrmEvuiq34ynHpK2pyaDv1 6OsN0hpPvfIeTfziC0XiGLHYJ74wp1swuGuOYNxO2vaUCUZ7TW6x2Yli0usk6zvHYrJcD2iT9ZCnfHW1P2r/aMaS2V8lKQ1HiPrFdoftG X0E4w6XMU2j 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0ovoe8SQmcJ0fdqrU1Zgi02qGo1JwxVUDlVpnUv2hoDu1vaSOE6I1GUEVApLNYNTcdhay0CzFrZXzNcIdbDfqJV/Xqt83WPmvmzZmvmNlLXve9tPCOcJiHsBnexOYjM1i2/MRf2r8ZUpLDiNjHD03rrXWoEW5UI6MR1zYckEm2jqdOI103QSvkk6EsQd4LMQfe1BOvaJPiYI9B//9k=


Aug 2, 2021
The fact is, Putin is savvy and time will tell if he’s a genius. If he succeeds in annexing Ukraine and can assimilate the population then he is a genius. If he returns the citizenry to some semblance of their normal pre war lives, then the insurgence will die and fade. The EU isn’t going to hold his feet to the fire because they are dependent on Russia for fuel and gas. We aren’t going to stop him because we are three presidents removed from an administration that would confront him. Biden didn’t make this country weak, the generations born after WW2 made this country weak. We have no memory of this country uniting and sacrificing for war as one. Since then we’ve always been divided along ideological lines. We’ve become a country that if I don’t agree with you about one thing, then you must be wrong about everything.

How does him taking the Ukraine and having them assimilate a genius? We could take Canada and have them 'assimilate' in about 2 seconds. That wouldnt make Biden a genius, or anyone else...


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2007
Aren't you?

Normal Person "I just don't really care for constant attention on social issues or Biden's inefficient ways rather than talk about masks on little kids, inflation, and the price of gas. And why are we announcing a Supreme Court Nominee during the beginning of a dangerous war?"



Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
Normal Person "I just don't really care for constant attention on social issues or Biden's inefficient ways rather than talk about masks on little kids, inflation, and the price of gas. And why are we announcing a Supreme Court Nominee during the beginning of a dangerous war?"


Stop being hysterical. He used "woke left" twice in one short post, I fairly assumed he is a trumper.


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2017
I bet one JoeLee'sSocks fights Russians only on social media. I'm watching our Dawgs play this weekend. I do empathize with Ukrainians and wouldn't mind seeing Putin gone. But, I'm watching baseball this weekend and I'm spending time with my family. I gotta pay for college, a mortgage etc. It sucks being Ukrainian right now. Shouldn't have given up those nukes.

Little background:

I spent my entire childhood moving around the Atlantic seaboard on Navy bases. My father was gone more than he was home flying around the North Atlantic hunting Soviet submarines. We did duck and cover drills every week in school. My mother nearly left my father to take us back to the US when we lived in Iceland because a friend told her we were likely the first target of the USSR in war because it was the communications hub for the Atlantic fleet.

I have already done my fighting (Iraq). Just like my father (Vietnam and Cold War) and both grandfathers (WW2) before me. None of us were drafted. I have two boys under 10 years old who will most likely serve as well. It's the family business.

I was raised to recognize that freedom is very fragile. There are powerful people who would like to take it from you. They come in many forms and from all over the world and even from within. Some can be defeated economically... thanks to the businessman. Others by diplomacy... thanks to the diplomat. Many times the voting booth is where freedom is defended... thanks to the engaged citizen. But every once in a while, there are bad men who are defeated on the real battlefield... thanks to the soldier.

Maybe Putin doesn't threaten your way of life today. But the same was thought about every other autocratic dictator before him. You don't let the enemy gain strength as a matter of military strategy. You don't let a dictator invade a sovereign nation unprovoked as principle of democracy. And you don't stand by and let the weak get annihilated by the strong as a basic tenant of humanity.

You go pay your mortgage and put your kids through college. Raise those kids right Enjoy the games. That's what it's all about. Live your life. Pay your taxes. Make sure you vote for what you believe in. But don't ever 17ing question my willingness to stand up for my beliefs or insinuate that I am only willing to fight on social media... I don't pretend to be some hero or badass, but I sure as hell have been surrounded by them when it mattered most.


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2007
LOL I can just hear Putin talking to one of his aids after one of his buddy buddy exchanges with Trump. Aid: He seems like such a nice guy. Putin: I wouldn't trust that mofo as far as I could throw him. THEN After a convo with Biden. Aid: What did he say ? Putin: 17 if I know.

The word is Biden gave some intelligence on the Russians to the Chinese in hopes that they would help. They just laughed at him and gave that information right back to the Russians.


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2007
Stop being hysterical. He used "woke left" twice in one short post, I fairly assumed he is a trumper.

I'm not the hysterical one. I'm just relaying what happens every day all the time everywhere across our country right now. People have never hated each other more than they do right now because of this ********.


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
I'm not the hysterical one. I'm just relaying what happens every day all the time everywhere across our country right now. People have never hated each other more than they do right now because of this ********.

Yes, you are. You invented a statement, then you invented a response.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
I'm not the hysterical one. I'm just relaying what happens every day all the time everywhere across our country right now. People have never hated each other more than they do right now because of this ********.

Now imitate the right.


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
The word is Biden gave some intelligence on the Russians to the Chinese in hopes that they would help. They just laughed at him and gave that information right back to the Russians.

I was unaware we had sixpackers deep involved in high-level espionage. Man, we're EVERYWHERE.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Stop being hysterical. He used "woke left" twice in one short post, I fairly assumed he is a trumper.

Bill Maher bemoans the "woke left." Is he a trumper? How about Dave Chappelle? I mean, is that the new standard? I know you lefties like to paint in broad strokes.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
The word is Biden gave some intelligence on the Russians to the Chinese in hopes that they would help. They just laughed at him and gave that information right back to the Russians.

This has been widely reported now. Even by some outlets who normally wouldn't dare say anything that goes against he DNC narrative.


New member
Oct 11, 2012
Haven't you heard, glfr? I'm a unicorn. And I sometimes submit sarcastic posts that are sufficiently true and valid.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Not many are willing to "die for Ukraine." But millions are willing to put their lives on the line to defend the weak, stomp out a ruthless dictator, and protect the freedom of a struggling democracy. Just like the millions upon millions who did so before them.

It's very clear to see many people do not believe in peace through strength. It very clear to see that many people don't have the human empathy to protect the weak. Russia is the single biggest military threat to the United States.

To quote a great man... "We are the leader of the free world whether we want to be or not, therefore, we are the only ones that can preserve the peace...War comes not when the forces of freedom are strong, it is when they are weak that tyrants are tempted... But let our friends and those who may wish us ill take note, the United States has an obligation to it's citizens and the people of the world, never to let those that will destroy freedom, dictate the future course of life on this planet."

If we were in Ukraine's place today, we'd have scores of men ID'ing themselves as trans women so they wouldn't have to fight, people marching in the streets in support of Russia because America is "racist," and talking heads on TV bemoaning the numbers of guns in the streets. Hell, as it stands right now, Lurch Kerry is making the circuit, crying about how Russia is not being mindful of their carbon footprint as they invade Ukraine, talking heads on MSNBC are talking about how Putin is demonstrating white supremacy, and hollywood celebrities are making cringe videos about how things would have been different if Putin was loved more as a child.

This country has lost its way and I pray to god we never have to fight a war of significance anytime soon.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
Well, a substantial percentage of what used to be the Republican party are praising Putin, a Cold War Era KGB throwback dictator who successfully stopped democracy in Russia years ago so he could remain in power and referring to our federal government as evil so there's that. A substantial part of our nation has gone, or is now just showing, that they are bat$*** crazy. The fundamental difference in Trump and Putin is that Trump was not able to pull of the overturn of the free election that removed him from power. Putin was.


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
Bill Maher bemoans the "woke left." Is he a trumper? How about Dave Chappelle? I mean, is that the new standard? I know you lefties like to paint in broad strokes.

Fair enough on Maher. The jury's out on Dave.

She Mate Me

Well-known member
Dec 7, 2008
Chappelle is very vocally anti-Trump. He's said that "hate" isn't a strong enough word. But he's also very anti-woke, too.

In other words, he thinks for himself and comes to his own conclusions rather than joining a team.

He's also the funniest 17er of all time. Jus sayin'


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Well, a substantial percentage of what used to be the Republican party are praising Putin, a Cold War Era KGB throwback dictator who successfully stopped democracy in Russia years ago so he could remain in power and referring to our federal government as evil so there's that. A substantial part of our nation has gone, or is now just showing, that they are bat$*** crazy. The fundamental difference in Trump and Putin is that Trump was not able to pull of the overturn of the free election that removed him from power. Putin was.

I don't see anyone praising Putin. There's a whole bunch of left wing nonsense in that accusation. I've heard folks comment on how it's wise to respect his ruthlessness, or that he's not an idiot. That's not the same thing as praising him. But everyone with a raging case of TDS finds the need to twist themselves into knots to draw that comparison.

It's dishonest.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
Thank you for your service. I think that I regret pissing away 2 years in JUCO instead of serving, but who knows, maybe it was best...


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
Incredibly small sample because I'm late for a meeting and this is headed to lock, but pick your head up man, this is NOT a left wing problem!

“I went in yesterday and there was a television screen, and I said, ‘This is genius.’ Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine... Putin declares it as independent,” Trump said. “Oh, that’s wonderful.”

I don't have time to compile all the Tucker Carlson praise for Putin, or the other Repubs who are doing the exact same thing.



Well-known member
Jun 27, 2009
Plenty of people who don’t support trump who think the left is woke.

For the record I’m not one. I’m support trump.


New member
Oct 11, 2012
Fair enough. I take back that personal comment about you. I was wrong and I apologize. I respect your service to America and your commitment to certain ideals. I disagree with your views on this issue and I think you're wrong. People such as you made sacrifices that allow genuine disagreements in our country, conversations that can't happen in some parts of the world. I know people like you who served bravely and sacrificed much of a normal life doing so. I have a couple of friends whose sons are having a difficult time in life after serving in Iraq. We Southerners know a lot of people who serve because we live in likely the most patriotic part of the country. I just don't want brave Americans serving on some foreign battlefield unless America is seriously threatened. Again, apologies for that comment about you.

Emma’s Dad

May 5, 2021
I second that (JLS family history).

Meanwhile, just read that a Ukrainian soldier just blew himself up on a bridge (to take the bridge out) and closed that route for the incursion. Yeah they care…


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Incredibly small sample because I'm late for a meeting and this is headed to lock, but pick your head up man, this is NOT a left wing problem!

“I went in yesterday and there was a television screen, and I said, ‘This is genius.’ Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine... Putin declares it as independent,” Trump said. “Oh, that’s wonderful.”

I don't have time to compile all the Tucker Carlson praise for Putin, or the other Repubs who are doing the exact same thing.

It's exactly a left wing problem. Republicans aren't out there saying Fox News is pushing Russia propaganda. Republicans aren't taking comments about Putin out of context to try to score cheap political points. That's coming from one side.

Republicans are out there criticizing how Biden has handled this and that's fair. He's the president and he talked a big game about how he would go toe to toe with Putin.

Meanwhile, I've heard pretty much everyone denounce Russia. Trump did it for 10 minutes the other night. All the talking heads on fox have. Republicans are all over the airwaves and on Twitter denouncing Russia and saying they stand with Ukraine.

People hear what they want to hear and spout the ******** that shapes their narrative. But the truth is out there for those people intelligent enough to want to seek it.
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