The US just cut off Russia from all dollar transactions..

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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2009
I wasn’t saying you were being a prick.
Saying If Russia isn’t a prick nato shouldn’t concern them.

And let’s do this a different way.
If we weren’t in nato and Canada wanted to join, my approach would be to reach out to them to have our own treaty OR ask to join nato also.

New York and California don’t get to decide without the rest of us. If they try to, then we put them in line like what happened in the civil war.

Chuck Yeager

New member
Apr 6, 2020
Ok so I started reading that article.

Will try to finish, but seems a little conspiracy theory to me.

But let’s say it’s spot on.

Is a “disguised” democracy better or worse than what Russia has now?

I mean personally I think Russia should have whatever government they want as a people. Obviously communism makes it harder for the people to really have a say but whatever.

If Russia wants communism and nato expands all around it, so what? Is nato gonna then just attack Russia and force them into some terrible form of government that BACKS THEM IN A CORNER AND THREATENS THEM?

I don’t see something terrible for Russia by nato expanding other than they can’t be a bully.

Hard to say (without being there) what actually goes on in Russia. I've talked to a Russian lady who says the people of Russia love Putin. But then I could talk to a diehard Lib over here they would say they love Biden too, and that Biden got 81 mill votes.

Right now the only 2 countries that are keeping NWO and Globalism from happening are the US & Russia. One of us goes down the other is all by itself.


Well-known member
Jun 27, 2009
I’m not saying we should leave nato but paying way more than we should to them is dumb.

Especially when it’s basically there to protect from Russia, then they make deals with Russia that handcuffs them.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
So you are for globalism then, cause that is what NATO wants. We need to get out of it IMO.

Good question to ask is why very liberal CNN and neocon conservative Fox both pound the war drums in unison, going back 30 years.

Good summary here on this:

Hey Ron Paul- non-interventionalism is an awesome idea that is simply not realistic for the US in the current world. I get it, let others do what they want and we should do what we want as we all live under different laws. If they dont bother us, we dont bother them.
That isnt been the case for over a century now though. We have been intertwined in global intervention for the last 100 years, which is also when the most advancements in society have occurred. We are too intertwined. That isnt saying you or your boy Lew are wrong, its just saying what you advocate for is not realistic.


New member
Sep 29, 2021
Not a fan of this move. If one of the world's powers (even a weakening power),

no longer uses dollars, it's the beginning of the end.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
I haven’t watched a ton but I haven’t seen a direct attack on civilians.
Maybe some bombs hitting too close to home (pun intended) but other than that what have I missed.

Bombs hitting too close to homes are direct attacks on civilians. You just described what is happening and then brushed it off by saying 'but other than that'.


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2007
Seems neither you nor Putin are very good at keeping your promises.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2015
I have a feeling that if Putin gives an order for a nuclear strike, the very next thing that happens is that he will feel cold steel at the back of his head. Lots of high ranking Russian officials are more loyal to certain oligarchs than they are to the president. And make no mistake, the Russian billionaires are not happy right now.

Chuck Yeager

New member
Apr 6, 2020
I’m not saying we should leave nato but paying way more than we should to them is dumb.

Especially when it’s basically there to protect from Russia, then they make deals with Russia that handcuffs them.

That's cold war era reason. Putin doesn't want to take over NATO. But Putin does not want to be taken over either. Putin is not Lenin/Stalin/Kruschev.

There is also a lot more going on with Ukraine than what we're talking about here. Follow the money (pretty intricate maze tho).

Chuck Yeager

New member
Apr 6, 2020
Hey Ron Paul- non-interventionalism is an awesome idea that is simply not realistic for the US in the current world. I get it, let others do what they want and we should do what we want as we all live under different laws. If they dont bother us, we dont bother them.
That isnt been the case for over a century now though. We have been intertwined in global intervention for the last 100 years, which is also when the most advancements in society have occurred. We are too intertwined. That isnt saying you or your boy Lew are wrong, its just saying what you advocate for is not realistic.

And what happened a century ago ... the Fed in 1913 and the Income Tax amendment. All roads lead to London/Rome.


Aug 1, 2007
I wouldn’t put it past that vile dictator to use nukes. No he’s not stupid but Ukraine has a crapload of natural resources. Also, as long as we keep importing oil from them then the dollar effect might not have as much pain as we would like.
Our Russian oil imports are extremely minor. In December of 2021 we imported 265,228,000 barrels of oil and of that Russia accounted for 12,569,000. So they account for 4.7% of our imports. They primarily sell to European and Asian countries.


Well-known member
Jun 27, 2009
I’m not saying that doesn’t mean anything but I’ve seen a ton of misinformation already.

Apparently some super model is headed to the front line with her air soft rifle and no Russian stands a chance.

And that was reported by fox, cnn and other major outlets.


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
I haven’t watched a ton but I haven’t seen a direct attack on civilians.
Maybe some bombs hitting too close to home (pun intended) but other than that what have I missed.

"Well yes but other than that, how was the play, Mrs Lincoln?"


Well-known member
May 11, 2009
The Baltic and Warsaw Pact nations wanted into Nato for the same reason: they didn't want Russian control anymore. Also the fact that Russia has invaded 5 of its neighbors in the last 60 or so years, and yes, I'd say I'd do anything to keep from having them invade. Put in even threatened Finland and Sweeden about joining Nato. Put in has lost control of reality and being a nuclear power makes everything dangerous.

Biden is not smart to keep importing Russian oil when we can produce all we need here. Stop with the climate change argument, because we have to pump oil for the foreseeable future


Well-known member
May 29, 2007
I think Putin is backed into a corner more appearance wise than than anything. To a egomaniac dictator like him the appearance of losing control of ALL the events around him is actually worse to him than actually giving some real concessions in private negotiations.


Aug 1, 2007
Biden is not smart to keep importing Russian oil when we can produce all we need here. Stop with the climate change argument, because we have to pump oil for the foreseeable future

This is LONG STANDING US policy. Oil is not a renewable resource. We decided a long, long time ago that it was worth the money to let everyone else dig up theirs and sell it to us instead of using everything we have. Importing oil is the right thing to do and has been for decades. Presidents from both parties have always agreed upon that. Price will move around, and yes it may hurt a little bit, but at the end of the day we still have reserves if we need them and with a little time we could get to those.


Well-known member
Jun 27, 2009
War is hell. A bomb hitting close to civilians isn’t a direct attack on civilians.

Directly targeting civilian buildings is a direct attack on civilians.

If tons of bombs are “hitting too close”, then ok but is there definitive proof of that?


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2017
less than 10% of our oil comes from Russia. We will be fine without importing from Russia. Many countries in Europe are going to feel the pain of being without oil and gas. Luckily winter is almost over.


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2007
Russian market share of our imports has been increasing since 18.

The Baltic and Warsaw Pact nations wanted into Nato for the same reason: they didn't want Russian control anymore. Also the fact that Russia has invaded 5 of its neighbors in the last 60 or so years, and yes, I'd say I'd do anything to keep from having them invade. Put in even threatened Finland and Sweeden about joining Nato. Put in has lost control of reality and being a nuclear power makes everything dangerous.

Biden is not smart to keep importing Russian oil when we can produce all we need here. Stop with the climate change argument, because we have to pump oil for the foreseeable future

A lot of that was increases to offset Venezuelan decreases. I would think that we are about to see a lot less Russian imports. BP and Shell just cut ties with their Russian investments. It's likely going to be true to say that Russian imports of oil decreased drastically or killed all together during the Biden admin. Now will he crap on domestic oil production once the markets settles and the drillers are confident and ready to boost production and exploration? TBD. I'd put money on him crapping on progressive causes in this political climate and cost / barrel - but it wouldn't be the first time a democrat was brain dead who knows?


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
Chuck Yeager;[URL="tel:2024023" said:
2024023[/URL]]Wasn't trying to be a "prick", just asking a question. All is good as far as I'm concerned.

NATO keeps expanding toward Russia. What if we weren't in NATO and say NY and CA wanted to join it? What would US do? (Hell UN HQ is in NY so they pretty much have already joined globalists). NATO keeps picking off one country at a time by causing social upheaval within independent states to turn over govts to globalist leaders (all funded by Soros). I know this much ... Putin is not a globalist. UN/NATO/UK (London) are.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but states can’t enter into treaties.


Well-known member
May 29, 2007
Dosen't matter who did it. It's now a question of how far will his country back him.

Maroon Eagle

Well-known member
May 24, 2006
This is LONG STANDING US policy. Oil is not a renewable resource. We decided a long, long time ago that it was worth the money to let everyone else dig up theirs and sell it to us instead of using everything we have. Importing oil is the right thing to do and has been for decades. Presidents from both parties have always agreed upon that. Price will move around, and yes it may hurt a little bit, but at the end of the day we still have reserves if we need them and with a little time we could get to those.

This is correct. It's cheaper for the US to import than to produce our own which is a big reason why oil production started decreasing when Nixon was in office and then again during Reagan's presidency. It hurt a lot of folks.

Link to EIA site: Here.


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2007
Definitely not wrong.

Right up there in Article I. Would be an astronomically bad idea that would have resulted in our Union dissolving at least a century ago or more.

Maroon Eagle

Well-known member
May 24, 2006
That'll depend on production costs in the US compared to outside the country. Considering the worker shortage we have, I think it's going to cost more for us to produce than before.

One thing to keep an eye on is the negotiations with Iran re: reviving the 2015 nuclear deal.


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2007
Is there more of a shortage than before?

That'll depend on production costs in the US compared to outside the country. Considering the worker shortage we have, I think it's going to cost more for us to produce than before.

One thing to keep an eye on is the negotiations with Iran re: reviving the 2015 nuclear deal.

Highly skilled/highly paid labor. I doubt the covid benefits rocked that market like it did with the $7-15 / hr crowd. These dudes (and some ladies) are pros and get paid like it.

I think it's just a matter of taking more uncertainty out of the market. The last thing they want is to be attracted to the $100 barrels, start pumping money into production that supports demand from a $100 barrel market, and have some Covid variant pop back up and shut everything back down. Do I think that's going to happen? No, but I also don't have multiple billions to lose if I were wrong. I think once the investors are finally happy we aren't in a "quick to close" political environment, the drilling dollars get flowing again and we will get some more competition back in the market that'll help us out domestically. Plus, Biden would be well-served to say he's not going to rock the boat any time soon exiting a pandemic and now a serious European war / conflict. Give the market some certainty and we will start building up that production. That's the part that worries me. Dollars / permits are there. They just need something of a head nod and a wink and they'll get on it...


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2005
Projections point to record domestic oil production by 4th quarter this year. I’ll believe it when I see for the reasons you’ve said.

Crazy Cotton

Well-known member
Aug 26, 2012
And the Ruble is worth less than a penny on the dollar, interest rates just shot up to over 20%, and inflation is sitting at right around 70%. Those are the kind of numbers that get dictators drug out into the public square and hung from a lamppost. And his oligarc buddies are getting squeezed, so they are not the source of support he was expecting right now either.
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