The US just cut off Russia from all dollar transactions..

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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
I should have sarcasterisks it. I was just messing around about you being a Putin sympathizer(I highly doubt anyone on this board supports Putin). I will say to your point at this moment in time there is only one bad guy (Putin) and one good guy (Ukraine). Should Ukraine preserve their borders and recover it might be an appropriate time to discuss their success/failure as a legit democracy. Honestly, I have absolutely no idea how Ukraine is/was run.

Maroon Eagle

Well-known member
May 24, 2006
Maybe not so much in oil & gas itself but a lot of folks left in 2020. And if they return that’s going to affect other US industries.

And when you add inflation to the mix…

Maroon Eagle

Well-known member
May 24, 2006
Yeah. I think the most likely route is going to be more Iranian oil will be in the global market.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
So you support going to war now?

what? how is this a response to my post?

Me- 'fruit that is out of season is often times more expensive.'
You- 'so you refuse to eat jelly now?'

Your post managed to slightly hit on the same topic, while not really.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
War is hell. A bomb hitting close to civilians isn’t a direct attack on civilians.

Directly targeting civilian buildings is a direct attack on civilians.

If tons of bombs are “hitting too close”, then ok but is there definitive proof of that?

You are arguing a distinction without a difference.
There may be an academic difference, but in application- it doesnt matter since both result in civilian buildings being hit.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
The same Condoleezza Rice who said WMDs were in Iraq?

View attachment 23960
Rice was a 17ing joke 20 years ago when she just went along with W's agenda. Since she has been part of the CFP, I will just ignorantly claim she is a joke in that too.
Her speculating Putin is unhinged may or may not be correct, I have no idea. Its not like she knows. But regardless, 'the media' isnt to be fully believed or fully ignored. 'The media' is simply too broad and vast for there to be a unified approach or view.


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2005
I wouldn’t call her media and she’s not the only person who’s made that statement. If you want to get in a tizzy about her mistakes 20 years ago that’s fine. I was just pointing out what some have said about his mental state.

Chuck Yeager

New member
Apr 6, 2020
Rice was a 17ing joke 20 years ago when she just went along with W's agenda. Since she has been part of the CFP, I will just ignorantly claim she is a joke in that too.
Her speculating Putin is unhinged may or may not be correct, I have no idea. Its not like she knows. But regardless, 'the media' isnt to be fully believed or fully ignored. 'The media' is simply too broad and vast for there to be a unified approach or view.

I agree. I meant MSM cable media too, not all media. And I know Rice isn't "media" but MSM is interviewing her as an "expert" and she is going to say what they're pushing and promoting.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
I agree. I meant MSM cable media too, not all media. And I know Rice isn't "media" but MSM is interviewing her as an "expert" and she is going to say what they're pushing and promoting.

Gotcha. I dont watch news and am not the keeper of their truth or accuracy, so I cant say why they are interviewing her now. Perhaps 20 years is long enough to forgive someone? Perhaps the people who chose her arent aware of her position on the invasion 20 years ago? Perhaps 'they' do know and dont care?
No idea.


New member
Oct 4, 2009
Who is faking moon landings and firing magic bullets from...

the grassy knoll? Is it who I think it is, or someone else?


Well-known member
May 29, 2007
"I cant say why they are interviewing her now." Of course this is just a wild guess but maybe because she has met and dealt with Putin over a half a dozen times.


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2017
Wasn't trying to be a "prick", just asking a question. All is good as far as I'm concerned.

NATO keeps expanding toward Russia. What if we weren't in NATO and say NY and CA wanted to join it? What would US do? (Hell UN HQ is in NY so they pretty much have already joined globalists). NATO keeps picking off one country at a time by causing social upheaval within independent states to turn over govts to globalist leaders (all funded by Soros). I know this much ... Putin is not a globalist. UN/NATO/UK (London) are.

Good Lord. Some of you nuts are actually rootin' for Putin huh?

You should really change your username. A pacifist/non-interventionist/wuss he was not. Consider that the real Chuck Yeager shot down 13 German planes over Europe in WW2 including 5 on one day after getting shot down himself and spending months escaping France and Spain to get back in the fight, then flew 127 combat missions over Vietnam, and finally led the training of the Pakistani Air Force in their war with Soviet allied India.

The man spent his entire military career fighting nazis, communists, and any other ******* that needed an *** whipping around the world. If he were alive today he would probably be in the air right now heading to Moscow to shove a JDAM up Putin's delusional ***.


Is this you Chuck?

[FONT="]Just a good ol’ boy apparently embedded with Russian forces in Ukraine— Borzou Daragahi 🖊🗒 (@borzou) February 28, 2022 [/FONT]
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Follow the banking. Who you think is running the world, isn't who actually is. Follow the hedge funds too.

Why not just tell us the details?

You want me to follow 'the hedge funds'? How the 17 do I do that? Which hedge funds am I supposed to follow?...surely not all of them.
This is what kills me when conspiracy defense comes up. It's just some general claim, as if some common guy is supposed to Google 'hedge funds' and start learning 'the truth'.
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