To all of you headed to Florida on I-95


Active member
Jan 21, 2022
It’s a freaking nightmare - coming back from Jacksonville today there were some really bad accidents. One vehicle was in the trees and if anyone survived that it would be a miracle. Traffic backed up for miles. Y’all be careful and for God sakes have some patience. Our lawmakers should have to travel this stretch of road everyday during the Christmas Holiday. Why its not three lanes is beyond comprehension.


Nov 28, 2022
It is a nightmare on holidays especially in South Carolina. Georgia and Florida both have six lanes but SC still has only four.
We have a vacation home near Orlando and go four or five times a year. I think that Christmas/New Years and Easter/Spring Break are the busiest times for I-95 traffic. We actually take hwy 301 through Georgia just to avoid the Interstate.


Well-known member
Jan 21, 2022
Must have been a lot of holiday suckin back on grandpa's cough medicine.


Well-known member
May 28, 2024
It’s a freaking nightmare - coming back from Jacksonville today there were some really bad accidents. One vehicle was in the trees and if anyone survived that it would be a miracle. Traffic backed up for miles. Y’all be careful and for God sakes have some patience. Our lawmakers should have to travel this stretch of road everyday during the Christmas Holiday. Why its not three lanes is beyond comprehension.
Hugh Leatherman is the answer to that question. Lots of nice roads around Florence.
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Well-known member
Jan 28, 2022
Years ago, when we made the trip from the upstate to the Tampa area during Christmas/New Year's, we'd take Hwy 221, 129, and 98 down through Georgia and Florida in lieu of taking I-95. It's certainly a much slower way to go (assuming there's not an accident on 95, and then it may be about the same), but it's a WHOLE lot less stressful.


Well-known member
Jan 21, 2022
It’s a freaking nightmare - coming back from Jacksonville today there were some really bad accidents. One vehicle was in the trees and if anyone survived that it would be a miracle. Traffic backed up for miles. Y’all be careful and for God sakes have some patience. Our lawmakers should have to travel this stretch of road everyday during the Christmas Holiday. Why its not three lanes is beyond comprehension.
We have two homes: one in Virginia and one in SWFL. When we don't fly between the two we fight I-95 coming and going. Without a doubt, the South Carolina portion of this interstate highway is the worst and most dangerous of all. One of the major reasons for this (excepting there are only two lanes, one way) is the lack of a "Trucks not allowed in left lane" state law. Most semis have governors on their motors now and are capped at 65-70 mph. It may take one semi up to five miles to pass another one.

We only drive twice a year: once to take a car to Virginia and second to return it to SWFL. Thank God we don't have to go to northern Virginia!


Well-known member
Aug 31, 2024
SC used to be known for the quality of their highways, not so much anymore. I-95 is a horrible highway in every way imaginable. I-26 from Charleston to Columbia is also in terrible shape and traffic can be as bad as I-95. The sad reality is; SC is quickly becoming something of a third world country where there is a minority of people who live along the coast and in the northwest part of the state who have a lot of money and the rest of the state and the majority of people are living close to a subsistence lifestyle. If you take a drive through any rural part of the state, the economic malaise is very evident. Small towns are quickly becoming economic ghost towns with empty downtown business districts and the only businesses are payday loan companies, convenience stores and Dollar Generals. The major metropolitan areas see lots of highway and infrastructure improvements but outside of those areas the roads resemble those in developing countries.


Well-known member
Jan 21, 2022
SC used to be known for the quality of their highways, not so much anymore. I-95 is a horrible highway in every way imaginable. I-26 from Charleston to Columbia is also in terrible shape and traffic can be as bad as I-95. The sad reality is; SC is quickly becoming something of a third world country where there is a minority of people who live along the coast and in the northwest part of the state who have a lot of money and the rest of the state and the majority of people are living close to a subsistence lifestyle. If you take a drive through any rural part of the state, the economic malaise is very evident. Small towns are quickly becoming economic ghost towns with empty downtown business districts and the only businesses are payday loan companies, convenience stores and Dollar Generals. The major metropolitan areas see lots of highway and infrastructure improvements but outside of those areas the roads resemble those in developing countries.
Aren't interstates maintained with Federal funds?