I believe the point is that for the last 45 years (that I'm aware of and recall) we have done our job as fans.
I don't know where the hired sunshine pumpers went .... maybe busy at their normal job - the upcoming election online influencing/tormenting.... but it is safe to say that everything the 15-20% of us on here 3 1/2 years ago with seriously guarded worry/disdain and disappointment knowing where this program would end up in 3-4 years were on target. Didn't want to be on target - you could just see this coming from a mile away.
I'm still pulling for SB and the program obviously - but the HC hire is everything in college football. It has always been that. Doesn't have to be a sure fire hall of famer on the latter part of his career - but it has to be the right guy on the field that has the track record thus far and best chance to produce at this unique program. The positive side to this is we don't have to hire the same guy everyone else hires. We can take risks and go out on limbs.
As much as I like/kinda love the Mainieri hire in baseball (a seriously good hire which could pay large immediate dividends the next 3-4 years), I think we missed the mark again. I think our current brass is always 5-10 years behind the curve. Josh Elander was the pick to pair with at least one older asst. coach before he got gone elsewhere. It would help to weaken a rival conf. program, get the motor behind the best baseball program the last 3 years running and he isn't 70 years old.