I have stayed out of these discussions since this board moved over to this new location. I have appreciated that the Sandusky stuff hasn’t really existed over here.While he probably does deserve a new trial, he ain't ever getting one.
All anyone has to do is read the original article posted in this thread to know there would be a great deal of reasonable doubt, and there is no way the state of PA is letting that happen.
Do you understand how bad the state would look if that conviction got overturned? 60 minutes and such would be all over people saying you understood how questionable some of these guys were yet you allowed them to put this man in jail.
Bright side, it would make Andrew Shubin look like the scum is truly is.
I'm like you. I really not sure that Sandusky didn't cross the line with these kids, but common sense. A lot of that testimony was made up. Its just way to extreme behavior to have gone on for years and nobody to have known about it. There would have been hundreds of victims they could have found over a lot of years from a lot of different places, and not most all of the witnesses. People who knew each other from one town that were are all similar in age. Further none of these guys ever talked to each other while growing up about what was happening, but all at the same time they remember horrific abuse from 10 to 12 years earlier. Something there never did add up. The only thing that added up was the money, and these guys all got paid off big time.
I will say this though. We know Sandusky crossed the line, with the kid from ‘98. He admitted to showering alone with the boy and having physical contact with him in the shower. He was eventually charged for it and convicted for it. So whether or not he ever crossed the line is not really a question.