Now go back and read my first post again when you talk about introductions and why some of those whales aren't lining up. If you don't like NIL, Kraft, or CJF....that is fine, but don't sit there and act like PSU hasn't faced internal battles. PSU fans/alums for years thumbed their nose at the pay for play schools, but guess what their fans aren't stuck in this internal battle as they got past this 20+ years ago.
Remember this one?
Let's just say that Michael Mauti doesn't have any love lost for Jay Paterno. The former football player made that perfectly clear once again Saturday with some blistering tweets aimed at the Nittany Lions' former offensive coordinator.
Again as
@PSUJam said I won't summarize pay article opinions or information, but this just call out the AD, CJF, or someone else line and say that is all it is really is not meaningful. I will say that the lack of cohesion prior to Kraft and into his first year hasn't helped. Then you have folks that weren't keen on the program really progressing. Good news is some changes have been made, but PSU isn't moving up that latter anytime soon. Fire coach and see which great ones come to a school not supporting CJF/NIL or that fought him all along the way and still aren't where they should be. PSU puts the U and S in dysfunction.