Honestly no reason. You didn't like my analogy. I asked you to reread it to better understand my point. You insisted that I made a universal attack on folks who earn a living through manual labor. Tom jumped in to somehow translate my comments as an attack on his deceased father.....LOL.....My Dad was a mechanic.....worked with his hands his entire life. One thing about him, he wasn't a know it all. He never would have pretended to know how to run a school district, perform surgery or coach a football team. He would have respect for the knowledge, education and time commitment it took to attain those positions. When asked for his opinion, he'd likely have been shrewd enough to respond by saying he had enough headaches taking care of his business.
I happen to come from a dissimilar backround than the majority of posters here. I don't expect most to understand or agree. It doesn't make me a better person. My life's work has just given me a perspective that is much different. It's not easy being a "glorified gym teacher."