What made you come to SixPackSpeak.com?...

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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2003
It's been 6 years. How did you hear about the site, what made you post, etc?


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2006
....and one day I got a PM from someone that said, hey, you look like you would fit in over here at our new board. You should check it out. I did, and my life has never been the same. I don't recall who the PM was from, but for some reason I always want to think it was NY Opera Dawg.


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2008
after I posted something ban-worthy at the pasture telling me I needed to check out sixpack - that'd I'd fit in well.

It was late 03, right after jortfro posted Henig's scout pic. I posted something along the lines of being glad we're getting the jump on 8th grader prospects.


New member
Jul 20, 2012
heard about it...but we only had 5 guys- not six...Thunderclap, Chewgum, me, and I know one more is on here but not his Sixpack name

Enjoyed the sportstalk and then was amazed there were people out there that thought Stansbury was a great coach- been hooked ever since


New member
Sep 7, 2005
But I was on an upcoming opponents message board, trying to get familiar with the team (Some obscure *** team, can't remember now.), and I Mutt the Hoople was over there as well.

Anyway, someone asked about where they could go for an MSU message board. Someone said something about Genespage, and Mutt chimed in with Sixpackspeak. Until then, I had never heard of it. Lurked for a while, and finally signed up and started posting. I read Genespage pretty everyday (apparently I'm the worst damned employeed on the planet, because I still browse the message boards everyday), and this place sorta surplanted that. I'm still a member at Gene's page, but only for the recruiting news.


New member
May 22, 2006
I first came to sixpackspeak to take up for Jackie Sherrill who I thought didn't get any respect here for what he had done at State. It certainly wasn't a popular position here and I got grilled on more than one occasion. Over time, especially with the Croom debacle and passing of years, I think more folks realized what he did here was pretty special.

Obviously my stay here has evolved over time. I certainly enjoyed the freedom to say what I wanted without fear of deletion or banning. I enjoyed posting the AotD for a long while (try that on GP). But there really is no comparison to the various opinions and wide variety of discussion that goes on here to any other MSU message board. Of course the freedon of the board leads to the occasional jerk who posts things for no other reason than to stir up ****, but you have to take the good with the bad.


New member
Nov 15, 2005
...I said no. Then I came to look. And look at me now. I am the bestest and smartest poster ever.


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
and then started this site. After a while I checked this site out and over about a year or so got more and more fed up with the sunshine pumping on Gene's Page and gradually moved over here.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
I had been a paid subscriber on Gene's page for several years. However, Gene saw fit to ban me for disagreeing with Roy McClain around the time you guys were told to go and form your own board. I was back on Gene's page shortly after being banned (banning doesn't work). But, I was pissed for being banned when I knew Roy was wrong and had no idea what he was talking about.

I'm a MSU fan. So, I came over here because y'all were talking MSU sports. I didn't agree with the negativity and pessimism that the board was known for at that time. However, my love for MSU and my distaste for Gene won out and now the Pack is where I spend most of my sports message board time.


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2004
....though my user ID says sometime in spring 2004, I know in my heart that it had to have been during the disastrous fall of 2003. The fall where we lost our last six games by a combined total of 267-67, or something close to that. And of course I watched all 267 of those points, including Cadillac's six TDs, Kentucky's 42 unanswered, the Bama game that was over after the third play of the game, the Jim Bob Cooter game, the Matt Jones asswhipping, and the game where Jackie decided not to kick the FG and let Ole Miss shut us out.

As bad as that fall was, it had to have been what got me over here. As far as how I found out, I think it heard about it on some thread on the Swan's page before the reference got deleted.

And in those early days, I was damn scared to post on here. It was brutal. I think it was at least a year before I didn't feel like I might get crucified for saying the wrong thing. I guess the board has dulled a little with age, but I don't see that fear anymore among the newcomers, and it's probably a shame.

But it's been great. Sure we've sucked at football, but we've gotten to see the end of Templeton, the end of Polk, and the end of Croom, and it appears brighter days are ahead. And I feel sure that the level of angst and hatred toward that trifecta wouldn't have ever reached the levels it did without this board here providing fuel to the flame.

Congratulations to the Pack for six great years of being the fly in the ointment.


New member
Jun 4, 2007
but an incident over there showed me how disturbed some of those people are.

edited to add: I have my disputes with posters like Peaches, but I don't worry about him showing up at my house.


New member
Jan 23, 2007
I came here because people are allowed to speak their minds without being assailed by sunshine pumpers. Dissent is allowed and encouraged. SPS is entertaining, informative, funny, and even the OM folks are half decent ,only occasionally resorting to Egg Bowl smack.More posts are made on here in one hour than GP in a day.


New member
May 23, 2006

I started posting on Gene's boards in college in the late 90s. Followed you clowns over here after the big event on Gene's page...been regularly reading and posting every once in a while ever since. This message board is by far the best combination of information and humor that you can find for Mississippi State sports, general University news and Starkville information.

I can't believe it's been six years. I'm feeling old.


Well-known member
Jun 4, 2007
Although I've only had about 50 posts on Gene's since discovering SPS soon after the creation. In fact, after TireGate '02, I started to post less and less.While everyone on GP was attacking the NCAA and blaming the tire dealer, I was thinking how could our starting quarterback be so stupid? My opinion was berated to no end, and I simply became a read more, post less often GPer.

The fact is, that I, like many of you, am a State fan to the core. I just don't think all things MState are sunshine and rainbows. That's why I enjoy this board more than the Lake. I read this board every day, I stumble to the Lake on bigger events, just to see what is being said.


New member
Aug 16, 2006
1. I read GPs back then and remember "IT" being posted about. "IT" was discussed on dawgnews (listserve) as being another message board for "negative fans." Funny thing though, nobody would link it on dawgnews. I eventually found the link and.......been here since then.

2. I post because I like to discuss MSU sports. I keep coming back because of that fact and I like to read the opinions of MSU fans on MSU sports. Plus it is the only way to keep up with MSU when you are out of state.


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2004
Wow, that's an incredibly stupid way to run a business.


Feb 27, 2008
at the same time as the mass bannation occurred. Someone told me about a new site that was just started (SPS) and have been an avid lurker, limited poster ever since. BB PS: Oh also the AOTD is a good enticer also.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
when the board first started. I was a lurker and occasional poster on GP, but Sixpack is now my home.


New member
May 1, 2006
onto GenesPage? It's been six years, but I don't know how else I would have found it. I was here within a week or so of its inception.


New member
May 29, 2008
read it for a long time, decided to come out of the closet and post as you guys talk sports and not so much "what's for supper" or "where we gonna go on vacation"! 6 pack provides more inside info than the paid boards, oh you have to take the good with bad and you better be thicked skin but at least you can post what you want w/o all of the "do-gooders" telling you how negative you are.
Keep on rolling and "what's for supper and where ya'll going on vacation?


New member
Mar 3, 2008
I think I called Ol' Roy a liar and suggested that the people following him were sheep. That did it.


But, time has proven that he was a liar and they were sheep. I asked Gene to apologize to me for the bannination. He said that he would have to know my real name. *snickers*


Active member
Nov 28, 2006
dawgstudent said:
It's been 6 years. How did you hear about the site, what made you post, etc?

I had been banned from the Lake for calling out one of Gene's chosen one's (i didnt do it too politely i suppose); i hadnt message boarded in about a year....and I happened to google the Burke Masters homerun and this site popped up....checked it out, liked the content (read for about a month, i think it was may 2006), and joined</p>


this was the thread that ulitmately lead me to joining


New member
Nov 1, 2007
a couple of friends (I tailgate with) were talking about the site (mainly AOTD) at a game. So when I got home and sobered up, I checked it out and have been here ever since. I guess you could say I came for the ***, love the discussions and stay for the free chat.


New member
Mar 5, 2009
not too long after that, I was banned again for the last time.

I was banned a couple of times around 2001 for saying Sparky Woods should be fired.</p>





Feb 15, 2007
Another student came up and asked "are you a State fan, too?" Well, after striking up a conversation, our talk turned to bitching about how much State sucked. Eventually he asked if I posted on SPS and I had no idea what he was talking about. He wrote down the site and countless hours and days have been wasted since.


New member
Feb 24, 2008
got banned by gene.....i was always walking a thin line over there.....i had several posts deleted, and I think I criticized Croom really bad one day, and bam....gone....so, the next month Im sitting around a campfire at Talladega with some randoms.....friends of friends.....and they were all picking on me about being an MSU fan.....some dude at this 'party' came to me and asked me if I knew about the Sixpack......and I said WTF? I thought he was asking me if I had sixpack abs and he wanted to see em.....mind you, I ve been drinking since 8am, and it is now 10 pm......after we clarified what we were talking about, he said to come to this sight....have no idea who he is/was.....I originally started as Igotbannedongenespage and later changed my handle.....i guess about 2 years? maybe? maybe not.....**** I don't know.... now I am genes biggest critic.....there is a doctor friend of mine in meridian who posts over there all the time.....and i gave him hell about it at a CE event last week.....


New member
Jul 16, 2008
Something came up about negative attitudes and sixpackspeak was brought up. I checked it out and said to myself "those are a bunch of guys with anger issues. I'm never gonna post over there." After reading a few more times, I realized that most of the posters here kept comments concise, had a sense of humor, knew how to reply correctly, and usually spelled things correctly. Plus there were no "MAROOOOON!!!!!!! - WHIIIIIIIITE!!!!!! threads.


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2005
and just really read a little bit. Missstfan87 read and posted all the time and one day he showed me Sixpackspeak. I read for a while and then was brave enough to post.


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2007
a cage of howler monkeys throwing feces about and howling in disgust. I rarely agreed with most opinions but I felt like there was something here that might evolve into a good place of open discussion. Over time it has grown into such a place. I like the fact you can state your opinion, whatever it may be, just be prepared to back it up.

I am also a fan of all the characters from Extreme to Coach to Backer. Any place that can have that much diversity is fun to participate in and read, especially after you learn not to open or continue reading the ad nauseum threads. Not to mention that the chat sessions whether impromptu or during a game are always interesting. It is the only public MSU site I visit.


New member
Jul 10, 2008
but had several posts deleted which included no vulgarity, just my opinion on certain topics. I finally made the move after Gene or David deleted a post I wrote about seeing the basketball players working out in Shira (this was Jamont's freshman year). I received a PM from them saying 'You can't post things like that because it will affect our restricted access." That's when I made my full-time move to this board. I had been an avid reader over here since I saw the website name written on the bus in left field.


May 1, 2006
I was back on campus to watch the Dogs get obliterated by LSU 41-6. At a tailgate, a friend asked if I still checked out "the pasture" (I think this was about the time of the infamous one-man pep rally?) and I told him that since my banning (due to my incendiary username) I hardly ever checked it out. He then told me about the "new" message board, and that sarcastic, pessimistic folks would fit right in. Much like VH, I lurked for a long time before registering or posting due to the incredible ball busting that went on.


Active member
Dec 9, 2008
forgot a few times, finally looked a couple of times during some of the crazy crooms era, resisted joining for quite a while then got pissed off and had to respond to something</p>
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