What made you come to SixPackSpeak.com?...

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Center Z

Sep 4, 2006
After I graduated, I needed something to keep me up to date with MSU news. Strange enough, I had heard of Gene's Page but I had never visited the site. So I bought a subscription to the Rivals MSU site back when Haralson was running the show. One day some dude mentioned "That six pack board is posting all the breaking news for free. Somebody needs to do something about that." I pm'ed the guy, got the URL, and cancelled my subscription.

Maroon Eagle

Well-known member
May 24, 2006
...and what I'd heard about SPS allowing people to voice opinions appealed to me because that's what I was accustomed to when I subscribed to the dawgnews listserv.

My experiences with Gene's Page have been pretty much negative for the most part. While I've not gotten to the point of losing my temper and getting myself banned (meaning I still have a Gene's Page account), I've probably made ten posts there in the past five years and rarely lurk their messageboard.1

I lurked for a few weeks here, found the site to be tolerable, and decided to post.

1Mostly because opinionated discussions weren't allowed (which I thought to be quite odd for a messageboard) & too many untolerable posters. I understand that the policy's been loosened up some, but it's too little, too late, as far as I'm concerned.


New member
Nov 20, 2007
I came over to read, therefore the nickname "avidreader." Then I thought I would chime in and give an opinion but that was not accepted too well. It turned into very personal attacks by a couple of the pack. So I mainly read it about once a week for a good laugh or two. Oh yeah, Genie banned me too, that piece of ****.

I have to say that I am the only member of this board who has a day named after him even though I do not permit my name to be used anymore. It's nice to be the man on that one day of the year. They liked me so much that they bestowed this honor on me. ha ha ha

If you come here you had better be thick skinned like me. Otherwise they will chew you up and spit you out.

and lastly, it pays to be handy with a camera.


Well-known member
Jun 4, 2007
Holy crap - next thing you know pj is going to make an appearance on this anniversary day.

Just know this, <redacted>, each year on the Friday before the Summer Solstice, I raise a glass in your honor.


New member
Aug 9, 2007
I guess it was 2004 and I had just joined a softball team comprised of you and a few of your 6 pack colleagues. You mentioned that you had State website I should check out so I did. I must say that your computer skills and web creativity are in direct contrast to your softball ability. You have done a great job here and I thoroughly enjoy it. My most regrettable post, however, was calling you out on the tennis court. Who swings a racket like that who swings a bat like that??


Feb 23, 2008
misssportstalk.com. I'd been posting on there in the senior college forum and was apparently a negative enough MSU fan to warrant a PM from some guy called DawgBear asking if I posted on sixpackspeak.com. I'd never heard of it before. That was around 2004 I guess. Still don't post much, obviously, but I read it pretty much every day.


Active member
Apr 8, 2003


Nov 15, 2005
...a rabid Ole Miss fan, of all places. I was an avid reader for a while, then Houston 2003 pushed me over the edge and I registered and started posting. From a friend's apartment in Houston. I think KentuckyDawg13 offered up some empathy after my initial rant.


New member
Aug 6, 2007
who frequents </a><a title="Wayne's Auburn Board" href="http://auburn.nu/board">Wayne's Auburn Board for the non-sports chatter and, there, I saw a link to the Six Pack in one of Mutt the Hoople's posts. I'd long before quit reading Gene's board because the level of sunshine pumping made sports content hopeless there, and their general inferiority complex leading to mandatory Rule 18 violations in every thread made it unreadable otherwise.


Well-known member
Aug 4, 2008
I came over because as a lurker on jeans every time someone posted something with some sense it would magically disappear. Then I read bits and pieces about the whole conspiracy that lead to the official sixpackspeak so I became an avid lurker here. Then the purges began so I decided to join and post a little.

The rumors provided enough for me to switch. I just love a good rumor. The Friday Fourplay, AOTD, C34's constant Stans-baiting, and the rumors provide plenty of sports related entertainment. None of which is allowed on jeans club. Plus I can't stand looking at that stupid 17 about as much as I can't stand reading the constant prayer requests, ringtone questions, and wondering of deleted posts. My life has been much better for the last eversohowmanyyears of not looking at his site.



New member
May 24, 2006
at the pasture about the new site and I googled "sixpackspeak". I'm sure the thread was deleted by the Shepard pretty quick.

I was a few weeks late to the party, but I've been here since the summer of 2003.


New member
Jan 23, 2007
it was 2003 on sheepland, and after 2 full seasons of excuses from the mullet and the Oregon love fest that was going on even after getting our *** handed to us, I knew something was wrong. Travis posted something to the effect of "if you're tired of drinking the kool-aid head over here" and linked SPS. I probably clicked the link 30 seconds before Gene deleted it. I read the first few threads here and realized it was more in line of how I felt about where our programs were headed.

I haven't posted much over the years, but I've enjoyed the hell out of this board. Many thanks to everyone involved in the administrative positions. I hope you guys don't harbor any hate for me disappearing during the first SPS fantasy football league. Real life called plus I forgot my yahoo login.


Active member
Apr 8, 2003
if I had a gmail account back then, this never would have happen. All kudos go to Hotmail and their 2MB capacity inbox circa 2003.

I remember sending out PM's to Mutt, Indndawg, Arrow, and ESPN Dawg getting them over. I also remember the thread we called "Cowpower, it's time to come home." That's a guy that came full circle, he was a full on sheep in 2003.


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
Then one day they were ridiculing the Spirit so I went over there to see what the fuss was about. In a thread there I found out about SPS and realized I finally found a place where honest talk about MSU sports was not only appreciated, but also wouldn't get you banned. To you, sixpackspeak, I raise my Styrofoam coffee cup high and toast.


New member
Jan 23, 2007
and many other recruits, who anyone with sense would've known that they weren't worth a crap, my college rommates and i stopped paying for our GP membership. we were just fed up with all the ******** and hype. i still checked the message boards, but was banned at some point for some odd reason.

somewhere along the line soon thereafter, i found the sixpack. hallelujah.


New member
May 23, 2006
Well, let's see. Of course like many of you, I read Gene's Page for a while and my posts kept getting deleted. Googled MSU and SixPackSPeak.com showed up. I clicked on it and well..........I found out that some of you guys were a bit more pissed than me.

I first logged on as dawgfan75 or some stupid **** like that. I read and posted a few times for a couple of days and I came upon a thread where this ******* who said he was a coach (damn condom salesman) was bitching and whining about Stans and .......... you know the drill. Well, I thought that I was going to let his *** have it and actually used the "if you think you can coach them better......." and alot of the other crap that newbies tend to say. Well, as some of you bastards tore me a new *******, others jumped in and it turned into a long *** thread of namecalling, challenges to my manhood, calls for me to get mommy's tit out of my mouth etc. etc. Pretty much a nice ankle grabbing. I knew I was home. A few months later I changed to this handle and have been here (mainly listening) ever since.

This is by far the best damn college sports forum out there. Someday I'll probably get fired for accessing it too damn much. Oh and I just screwed up my dated posts. I had it where my first and last post were 3 years apart to the day (not that I actually would have known if I wasn't trying to fing out how long I've been coming to this site.) Since probably late 2005.


New member
Oct 7, 2008
a couple days before we played them last season. They were talking about how some message board was actually predicting them to win for once, so I clicked on the link. I noticed the posters here wanted Croom gone and that made me decide to read. Also a lot more baseball information is on here than GP.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
I was always looking for a place to read about MSU sports so I spent a lot of time on Genes Page cause it was the only place I knew of at the time. My brother was in Starkville stayin with me for the weekend and we were gonna check out the recruiting news on the Lake. Of course the sunshine pumpers were out in full force. I told my brother how tired I get of reading their ********. He moved me out of the way of the keyboard and typed in sixpackspeak.com and said this is where you need to be. I read for over a year and finally joined in 05. I still read almost every day, but as you can see from my post count I hardly ever post. I just come here to read about sports and be entertained.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
After being banned a couple times on Gene's Page, i found this place. I think it was actually a google search under 'MSU message boards that allow all views'.
Was a subscriber to the Blitz for a few years, and that place just got shittier and shittier in terms of message boards and news, so Gene's Page was the default message board.

Im pretty sure im working on my 6th handle over there, and ive managed to stay unbanned for 5 months now, knock on wood. I mainly go there to 17 with a select couple of posters who are too 17n dumb to actually even see another perspective...TheBigM being one.

This place is infinitely better, just for the fact that prayer requests, cell phone apps/ringtone requests, and Bulldog pups for sale threads arent allowed.
Ends up the discussion here is pretty damn good too!

Ive always wondered what the traffic here vs GP is. It seems like a lot of times there are more posts in a timeperiod over here than there...would be pretty funny if the banned board became the obviously more trafficed board.


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2004
....I have attended 105 consecutive football games, and it took me a good 30 seconds to remember whether or not we beat Vanderbilt last season. After a while they all run together.


Active member
May 28, 2007
Jean sent me away about the time "it is coming" started at the pasture. I pretty much had become so disgusted with MSU athletics that I wasn't even checking the interweb for a while. About a year later a friend told me what it was and where to find it. I basically lurked and read for a while but the ability to be honest and call a turd a turd made it the best value in sports memberships out there.

rebel law

New member
Jun 4, 2007
and mainly ***** about how we both suck. It couldn't be done on Eggbowl, the spirit, or gene's page. Came here right when the board was started and after the first few months most of the eggbowl types were run off. Have really enjoyed it. Kind of odd but this is usually the first or second message board I check every morning.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
I used to post on Genespage some, and while I have not been banned, I have had several posts deleted. Notably one questioning the athletic training staff- nevermind that therapy is what I do for a living- and also one where people were talking about Jerrell Powe, and Gene came back with his recruits read these boards drivel. I then posted, if Powe can't read, how will he know what we are saying?

BUT what did it was after we lost the Mayor's Trophy where we lost 1-0 to Ole Miss and all Matt <17> Richardson had to do was lean into a pitch, and we tie the game with Rea up to bat. We also pissed away MANY opportunities to score and in all honesty should have won that game. Some Ole Miss fan posted Good Game guys! on GP, and I reamed his ***. Bear in mind I had just come home from a bar after watching us play "That's Baseball" losing for the FIFTH YEAR IN A ROW during the Polk II era at Smith-Wrigley. I was slightly agitated. Then vhdawg and megadawgmaniac posted something like "It's time to come home". I just made that last part up. I can't remember what they typed. I was pissed off. But you get the point.

I had some practice posting on a Sunday School MB- don't laugh, it had a sports forum. But then came over here, and luckily seemed to fit in OK. I made some rookie mistakes like- We need MSU caliber players- promptly responded to with "That's exactly the problem- we have MSU caliber players". I wasn't really nervous, as much as I was relieved that I could post something, and while not everyone may agree with what I type, at least I can speak my mind and not worry about censorship.

It has been kind of funny- sometimes I get introduced as Todd4State, which makes me feel like some kind of internet celebrity, kind of like a porn star. My Mom is proud.


New member
May 21, 2007
I came over here forever more................

The Swan advised me that he didn't like what I was saying about Polk and that I needed to cool down for a week.....He then said I could post again after a week time period.........I never went back and have yet to post there since.............I damn sure wasn't gonna beg that cock scratcher to allow me to post...........
Sep 15, 2004
I posted a story about how my mother ran down Dontae/y Walker one day to get the newspaper he almost walked out the building with. A simple mistake, he forgot to bring it back to the front desk. I laughed that my mom could run down Dontae/y.

"How dare you post about a student's private records!"
"We're going to find out who your mom is and get her fired!"

And with that, my posting on Sheep Central stopped.

I had no clue about IT or The 6. I just recall one day, VHDawg told me about this place. I checked it out, read for a while then signed up to respond to a thread.

After reading for a while, I was hooked. And 1939 posts later (semi-quality, not quantity), I'm still here. Even though DS did try to send me to the unemployment line once.

AA - was innocent


New member
Mar 9, 2009
After the Maine loss, I think the wool was removed from my eyes when it finally dawned on me I had been duped. I started to post on GP & assault the coaches offensive strategies, etc. I was met with threats of bannation & was on the edge many other times. Then, on into the '05 & '06 seasons, I would attend the games to laugh instead of cheer. My apathy was getting the best of me. Still, I lurked on Swanlake for a while.

Around the end of '06 season, a co-worker of mine continued to mention to me about SPS, but then we had the infamous "improved" season & Liberty Bowl win. During Mid '07 season, I started to lurk and laugh my *** off on here for a while, but never posted.

ENTER: LA Tech debacle - That night, KB21 took me over the edge on GP defending the (previous football coach & even the previous baseball coach)...I basically did an interweb tirade and after a few hours of dialogue, threats, verbal assaults from the sheep & Genne...was officially warned but banned the next day for life.

Few days after La Tech loss, I finally had the balls enough to make my first post on SPS about firing the (previous football coach). Of course, Shmuley shot me down...but the rest is history!</p>

Bulldog Backer

New member
Jul 22, 2007
...I was being dragged through the beer over here. I was curious, so came here, started reading stuff, and found the humor really funny. I liked the laughs, liked the information from students, and liked the lack of censorship.
Nov 16, 2005
by his wife for something I said. I don't even remember what it was anymore, but she took offense to it and banned me.

Back when I was more active on here and Genespage, I made a big impact on some persons life. They went as far as signing up under a very similar name posting all sorts of weird **** on Genespage as well as one an Ole Miss site AND on eggbowl.com. I guess at one point I had my very own stalker.
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