What's all the uproar at quempsum all about?


Joined Jul 19, 2002
Jan 21, 2022
Just saw a little bit about something between two different organizations having a dispute. Don't know what the deal is about but thought it would be a fun topic to discuss. Yes, I could do a Google Search but I'm not. This is a message board for discussion about Gamecock sports as well as what is happening with our rivals.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2022
Just saw a little bit about something between two different organizations having a dispute. Don't know what the deal is about but thought it would be a fun topic to discuss. Yes, I could do a Google Search but I'm not. This is a message board for discussion about Gamecock sports as well as what is happening with our rivals.
Seems the quem is taking over🤣
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The Reel Ess

Joined Feb 3, 2005
Jan 31, 2022
Even worse, LBGTQ+ vs Christians. Can't call a drag queen a degenerate and get away with it in today's world. Ain't that qu**r!
It's funny what people think free speech is today. There's no hate speech. It's all speech, and it's protected.
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Joined Oct 11, 2001
Feb 1, 2022
The liberal playbook calls for 3 things. If you have a contrary opinion or oppose any of their political agendas, you are to be branded and portrayed as follows:

1) Intellectually inferior
2) Homophobe
3) Racist

Free speech only exists if you’re on their side of every radical social issue. Any opposition will result in (see #1-3) or being banned on social media.


Joined Jul 19, 2002
Jan 21, 2022
The liberal playbook calls for 3 things. If you have a contrary opinion or oppose any of their political agendas, you are to be branded and portrayed as follows:

1) Intellectually inferior
2) Homophobe
3) Racist

Free speech only exists if you’re on their side of every radical social issue. Any opposition will result in (see #1-3) or being banned on social media.
That is very sad but true.


Joined Dec 10, 2000 • Garnet Trust Supporter
Jan 22, 2022
RACIST is the Liberal MSM label, or go to if you don’t agree with them. Just watch the two biggest racists on TV. Joy Reid and Don Lemon. They refer to Conservatives as “racists” numerous times each evening. In a country where Asian men, are the highest wage earners, per capita, that’s clear evidence that we are a Systemic racist country.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2022
RACIST is the Liberal MSM label, or go to if you don’t agree with them. Just watch the two biggest racists on TV. Joy Reid and Don Lemon. They refer to Conservatives as “racists” numerous times each evening. In a country where Asian men, are the highest wage earners, per capita, that’s clear evidence that we are a Systemic racist country.
And how can a racist country have had a black president and a black vice president?
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Joined Jul 19, 2002
Jan 21, 2022
RACIST is the Liberal MSM label, or go to if you don’t agree with them. Just watch the two biggest racists on TV. Joy Reid and Don Lemon. They refer to Conservatives as “racists” numerous times each evening. In a country where Asian men, are the highest wage earners, per capita, that’s clear evidence that we are a Systemic racist country.
I did not know that about Asian men are the highest wage earners per capita in America. Interesting.
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Joined Dec 10, 2000 • Garnet Trust Supporter
Jan 22, 2022
I did not know that about Asian men are the highest wage earners per capita in America. Interesting.
You think CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, or ABC are going to relay this fact to viewers. They’re too busy labeling cops and conservatives racists. Unarmed Blacks accounted for about 12 deaths in 2019, I believe? Of those several WERE armed with vehicles, tried to physically disarm LEO, etc. Were a few unjustified? Absolutely they were! Are there bad apples among LEO? Absolutely there are. Do most Blacks favor defunding the police. Absolutely NOT.

Common sense = less police, more criminals
Common sense = no bail/low bail means more criminals on our streets awaiting CURRENT CHARGES
Common sense = voting out these liberal elitists living in gated and astronomically expensive communities, therefore untouched by crime correlated to their legislative policies and lapses in legal reforms


Joined Jul 19, 2002
Jan 21, 2022
So, everything is not as hunky and rosy at quempsum as tater fans would have us believe.

Jeremiah Bullfrog

New member
Feb 1, 2022
You think CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, or ABC are going to relay this fact to viewers. They’re too busy labeling cops and conservatives racists. Unarmed Blacks accounted for about 12 deaths in 2019, I believe? Of those several WERE armed with vehicles, tried to physically disarm LEO, etc. Were a few unjustified? Absolutely they were! Are there bad apples among LEO? Absolutely there are. Do most Blacks favor defunding the police. Absolutely NOT.
Well a lot Republicans I see and meet these days are racist. Not all. Not even most. But every super loud vocal one on social media I see tend to be. I mean I hear it all day at work from the same ones i see on social media. Racist Asian jokes, black jokes, demeaning comments about the women here. The "unwritten rules" about open management positions. HR does nothing because it's the upper management doing all this crap. And this isn't the exception. It is the rule. Every company I deal with and visit is the same.

Your point about mainstream news networks works in reverse as well. OAN,Newsmax, Fox, none of those are legit news organizations, but we got rid of those when the Republicans gutted the Fairness Doctrine. That's what led to both sides of the extremist news coin.
Common sense = less police, more criminals
Common sense = no bail/low bail means more criminals on our streets awaiting CURRENT CHARGES
Common sense = voting out these liberal elitists living in gated and astronomically expensive communities, therefore untouched by crime correlated to their legislative policies and lapses in legal reforms.
Most people agree with 1 and 2. Only the loud social media types disagree. On number 3 delete the word liberal and leave everything else and I agree. It isn't one side or the other its the rich (the real rich) versus the rest of us. George Carlin nailed it on this point. Rich make all the money pay none of the taxes and do none of the work. The "middle class" does all of the work, pays all of the taxes. The poor are there just to scare the so called middle class into going to work

Jeremiah Bullfrog

New member
Feb 1, 2022
And how can a racist country have had a black president and a black vice president?
Same way a company hires one black guy in a meaningless "supervisory" role and claims to be fair.
Or the same way people claim to not be racist because "I have a black friend."


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2022
Your point about mainstream news networks works in reverse as well. OAN,Newsmax, Fox, none of those are legit news organizations, but we got rid of those when the Republicans gutted the Fairness Doctrine. That's what led to both sides of the extremist news coin.

FoxNews isn't "extreme". Exactly the opposite. Every negative story about Trump that CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS ran, I also saw on FoxNews, except it wasn't stated as fact unless there was sufficient evidence. And almost everything was proven false.

CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS will completely hide or overwhelmingly discredit anything negative for the Dems. Hunter Biden laptop proved that. Most still won't address it. Remember all the uproar about Trump's mental fitness? You literally have aides hiding in Easter bunny suits stopping a President from talking because they are afraid of what might come out of his mouth. Nothing from those media outlet.

Jeremiah Bullfrog

New member
Feb 1, 2022
FoxNews isn't "extreme". Exactly the opposite. Every negative story about Trump that CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS ran, I also saw on FoxNews, except it wasn't stated as fact unless there was sufficient evidence. And almost everything was proven false.

CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS will completely hide or overwhelmingly discredit anything negative for the Dems. Hunter Biden laptop proved that. Most still won't address it. Remember all the uproar about Trump's mental fitness? You literally have aides hiding in Easter bunny suits stopping a President from talking because they are afraid of what might come out of his mouth. Nothing from those
Fox had to literally stop calling itself a new agency. Fox does the same thing you claim MSNBC, CNN etc do. Just skewed to your own bias so you don't protest.

I am not sure when CBS ever became left wing. They have always been just right of center my whole life.

Jeremiah Bullfrog

New member
Feb 1, 2022
I'd say the same about the loud vocal democrats on social media.
I have seen that. I would say the vocal minority on both sides is who we should all take issue with. They don't represent the vast majority of the population, but they seem to have a monopoly on the air time.
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Jeremiah Bullfrog

New member
Feb 1, 2022
I don't think so. What I think is disliked is the "in your face" attempt to have others agree with or condone the lifestyle. It's each persons choice how they live their life but I don't need to know and don't understand why it is necessary to

It's not that it is broadcast now. It is just people don't need to hide in the closet for fear of being ridiculed, threatened, or worse for living their life.

I am not offended when I see a gay couple nor when I see an interracial couple or any other coupling people do. People aren't forcing you to accept or condone it or join in. They just want to not be persecuted for being themselves.
You know life, liberty, pursuit of happiness and all.


Joined Dec 10, 2000 • Garnet Trust Supporter
Jan 22, 2022
Well a lot Republicans I see and meet these days are racist. Not all. Not even most. But every super loud vocal one on social media I see tend to be. I mean I hear it all day at work from the same ones i see on social media. Racist Asian jokes, black jokes, demeaning comments about the women here. The "unwritten rules" about open management positions. HR does nothing because it's the upper management doing all this crap. And this isn't the exception. It is the rule. Every company I deal with and visit is the same.

Your point about mainstream news networks works in reverse as well. OAN,Newsmax, Fox, none of those are legit news organizations, but we got rid of those when the Republicans gutted the Fairness Doctrine. That's what led to both sides of the extremist news coin.

Most people agree with 1 and 2. Only the loud social media types disagree. On number 3 delete the word liberal and leave everything else and I agree. It isn't one side or the other its the rich (the real rich) versus the rest of us. George Carlin nailed it on this point. Rich make all the money pay none of the taxes and do none of the work. The "middle class" does all of the work, pays all of the taxes. The poor are there just to scare the so called middle class into going to work
Fair enough, but defund the police, BLM, and other ‘current’ fads are drastically very left wing. I’m in no way saying conservative news is the only news, there’s stupidity to go around. These agenda driven ‘channels’ have very little in trust and believability with most Americans. I’ll add this, Joy Reid and Don Lemon are two of the biggest racists on cable news. Been my experience that those that view everything thru race, are the biggest racists among us. You don’t agree with those two left wing nuts, they immediately and continually refer to detractors as “RACISTS”. Don’t believe me, watch either’s show, and count the times the term racist is thrown around like Halloween Candy...


Feb 1, 2022
It's not that it is broadcast now. It is just people don't need to hide in the closet for fear of being ridiculed, threatened, or worse for living their life.

I am not offended when I see a gay couple nor when I see an interracial couple or any other coupling people do. People aren't forcing you to accept or condone it or join in. They just want to not be persecuted for being themselves.
You know life, liberty, pursuit of happiness and all.
The point being "gay people", as you call them, can have that lifestyle and I would never know it, and in many cases I'm sure I don't, and they are not persecuted by anyone. No need to hide in a closet. When you have a parade promoting ANY lifestyle some people disagree with you should expect some protests. What is the point of a parade, other than broadcasting the lifestyle and seeking approval, if you just want to live your life and be left alone?
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Well-known member
Jan 18, 2022
Fox had to literally stop calling itself a new agency. Fox does the same thing you claim MSNBC, CNN etc do. Just skewed to your own bias so you don't protest.

I am not sure when CBS ever became left wing. They have always been just right of center my whole life.

No, they don't. Yes, they are biased right, but CNN\MSNBC\ABC\NBC\CBS are nothing more than a direct mouthpiece for Democrats. Fox covered news stories that were negative for Trump. CNN/MSNBC actively colluded with the Dem to smear Trump and Republicans, and the majority of the stories are rumors at best, outright lies at worst. The leaked DNC emails proved that.

And CBS right of center? lol. Yeah, Dan Rather was the original fake dossier leftist hack with all his lies about George W and his service in the Air National Guard. Claimed his documents bashing Bush's record had been authenticated, which was a lie. Tried to swing the election in 2004 with his lies. Same playbook with the Russian dossier from Hillary and the DNC, which every leftist news organization promoted as truth, with none of it verified.

Fox, on the other hand, told everyone about Hunter Biden laptop and said it was authenticated, and now we know they were right. Meanwhile, MSNBC/CNN/ABC/NBC and yes, your "right of center" CBS STILL completely ignore it. Those same folks ran with the unverified dossier nonstop.


Joined May 23, 2009
Jan 24, 2022
RACIST is the Liberal MSM label, or go to if you don’t agree with them. Just watch the two biggest racists on TV. Joy Reid and Don Lemon. They refer to Conservatives as “racists” numerous times each evening. In a country where Asian men, are the highest wage earners, per capita, that’s clear evidence that we are a Systemic racist country.
yep and what they accuse you of doing, you can bet they are doing exactly that

Jeremiah Bullfrog

New member
Feb 1, 2022
The point being "gay people", as you call them, can have that lifestyle and I would never know it, and in many cases I'm sure I don't, and they are not persecuted by anyone. No need to hide in a closet. When you have a parade promoting ANY lifestyle some people disagree with you should expect some protests. What is the point of a parade, other than broadcasting the lifestyle and seeking approval, if you just want to live your life and be left alone?
Should we also expect protests at Christmas parades by non Christians? What about when the local churches coming knocking. They are certainly broadcasting their lifestyle and pushing it on me when they show up at 8am every Saturday morning.

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