Just my 2 cents, but the PK setup does have a pretty big team element to it. You have to find 5 guys on your team who can kick with exact power and precision, can handle the pressure, can handle the mental goading from the GK, etc. It's not like Argentina can let Messi kick all 5 times.
Not to mention, you also must have a world class GK who can stop the other 5 guys from making all 5 of their "easy" shots. So it's at least 6 on 6 if it doesn't go past the original 5 shots.
Those are all fair points. But when I say team aspect I mean the players working together to achieve an objective. Its a given that it takes a deep roster of talented players to win in any OT format. Its just one on one as it is now that seems contradictory to the normal flow of soccer. You turn it more like baseball where there is almost like a batting order, and every result is either a home run or a strikeout.
Imagine if baseball games were decided by a “pitch-off”, where a pitcher on each team throws one pitch to each of 5 hitters. There are no fielders except the catcher, and no baserunners. If its a ball, the hitter wins. If its a strike, the pitcher wins. If its hit and lands in fair territory, the hitter wins. Foul ball, pitcher wins. Simple as that for as many iterations as it takes. You take out the team on both sides….can’t record an out in the field, can’t advance baserunners with base hits, can’t sac bunt, can’t steal bases, can’t hit and run, no double plays, no sac flys, no home runs or even base hits, no nothing. Just a binary result each time involving only 2 of 50 players combined in those two dugouts. Doesn’t seem right, does it?