“Penn State launches website focused on free speech and free expression on campus”


Well-known member
Oct 19, 2021
Here they are protesting Charlie Kirk who is going to speak. I hope they hold true in allowing free speech.


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2021
If you recall - about a year ago Neeli formed committees to expand and concentrate on the presence of DEI+b within Penn State. Do not be fooled with this latest round of calling upon the documents of the USA as an important feature of education of the mass of students and/or others who might see the headline and not know the basics.

Yesterday I spoke with the EA to the Provost and learned the PSU Pres and the EVP and Provost make the underpinning of this venture a feature of DEI+b. Evidently those two of foreign birth and education feel this most important item is for everyone to 'feel' as part of something.
In their minds, speech is still to be realized within DEI.

If my memory serves me - in 1977, UMich admissions declared the incoming class was too much the same. Or as society called it - Affirmative Action by allowing 'underserved in some manner' to be placed above 'others'. The US Supremes recently declared this to be illegal.
Forgive me if you will - but to me Performance is still the key. No team would permit players to substitute for 'belonging.'
Therefore - DEI + b has no use in the educational excellence for any student, or sugarcoated as excuses - no matter how different they might be !
The University (and it's students/staff) certainly benefits from a more diverse student population. If all we're looking at is grades or test scores, we're likely not getting that type of a cross-section. So call it what you will (DEI, Affirmative Action, etc), but I'd hope that we're looking beyond simply "performance" in a potential entrant's high school transcript. Or do we really think that a kid from the Main Line that got a 1300 on the SAT after his private schooling and SAT prep courses is automatically a better candidate for admission that the kid that went to Strawberry Mansion and saw SAT questions for the first time the day he took the test and got an 1100? It's not always black and white (and I'm not just talking skin colors).
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Well-known member
Oct 19, 2021
They should be allowed to protest, he should be allowed to speak.
I’m sure it will be more than simple protesting. Hopefully I’m wrong and they don’t physical do anything or shout him down every second that he speaks. Students have the right to listen to all view points freely and equally.
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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
The University (and it's students/staff) certainly benefits from a more diverse student population. If all we're looking at is grades or test scores, we're likely not getting that type of a cross-section. So call it what you will (DEI, Affirmative Action, etc), but I'd hope that we're looking beyond simply "performance" in a potential entrant's high school transcript. Or do we really think that a kid from the Main Line that got a 1300 on the SAT after his private schooling and SAT prep courses is automatically a better candidate for admission that the kid that went to Strawberry Mansion and saw SAT questions for the first time the day he took the test and got an 1100? It's not always black and white (and I'm not just talking skin colors).
The primary number PSU admissions looks at is the zipcode.


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2021
Just read something this morning where his microphone and speakers were turned off because they didn't have permits for the use of them or something like that. I don't like this guy but do believe in freedom on speech and feel this is a ******** move by PSU. I am okay with counter protestors as well as long as it remains civilized and peaceful, but when you show up with helmets, masks over your face, and shields becomes a problem for me(not that they did that yesterday but just making a general statement)


Since this is the way the first amendment reads:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

There is no amendment that says PSU can't do what they want on their property.


Well-known member
Oct 7, 2021
Just read something this morning where his microphone and speakers were turned off because they didn't have permits for the use of them or something like that. I don't like this guy but do believe in freedom on speech and feel this is a ******** move by PSU. I am okay with counter protestors as well as long as it remains civilized and peaceful, but when you show up with helmets, masks over your face, and shields becomes a problem for me(not that they did that yesterday but just making a general statement)


Since this is the way the first amendment reads:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

There is no amendment that says PSU can't do what they want on their property.

Think someone @GrimReaper pointed out that schools that receive government funding are basically considered a government entity for first amendment purposes and cannot do ‘whatever they want’ when it comes to suppressing free speech. Might have interpreted that incorrectly.


Well-known member
Oct 7, 2021
Just read something this morning where his microphone and speakers were turned off because they didn't have permits for the use of them or something like that. I don't like this guy but do believe in freedom on speech and feel this is a ******** move by PSU. I am okay with counter protestors as well as long as it remains civilized and peaceful, but when you show up with helmets, masks over your face, and shields becomes a problem for me(not that they did that yesterday but just making a general statement)


Since this is the way the first amendment reads:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

There is no amendment that says PSU can't do what they want on their property.

More info here - didn’t have permit for speakers/mics it seems; only to distribute information….

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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
Think someone @GrimReaper pointed out that schools that receive government funding are basically considered a government entity for first amendment purposes and cannot do ‘whatever they want’ when it comes to suppressing free speech. Might have interpreted that incorrectly.
For clarification, Supreme Court has held that "public" universities are extensions of the government and freedom of speech requirements extend to them. Same is not true of private schools. Distinction is important since virtually all schools receive some form of government funding. Pretty sure PSU is considered "public."


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
For clarification, Supreme Court has held that "public" universities are extensions of the government and freedom of speech requirements extend to them. Same is not true of private schools. Distinction is important since virtually all schools receive some form of government funding. Pretty sure PSU is considered "public."

But,but, but…We Are!…STATE. RELATED. o_O ! *

* Please disregard for the purpose of state funding. In this instance, we are a pubic public university. Thank you.
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